Critical Thinking Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


What Is the Soul?

Ways with Words

A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below.
3. emergence or origination  =  emanation
5. impossible to achieve or overcome  =  insuperable
7. appropriate or suitable  =  apt
8. force back  =  repel
10. up to now  =  hitherto
1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt  =  indubitable
2. never done or known before  =  unprecedented
4. obviously or clearly  =  evidently
6. moved with a violent, irregular action  =  agitated
9. conservative  =  orthodox
B. Find the words from the text that mean the following. The first letter is given.
a. misleading or illusionary (d…………)
Ans: deceptive
b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined (c………….)
Ans: crude
c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead (u………)
Ans: unicorn
d. never dying or decaying ( i……….)
Ans: immortal
e. come to an end; stop (c………..)
Ans: cease
f. to activate or put into motion (a…………)
Ans: actuate


Answer these questions.
a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul?
Ans: The body is in time and space, but the soul is in time only.
b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind?
Ans: The psychologists believe that there is no existence of mind.
c. How can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity?
Ans: A mental activity can be reduced to a physical activity when a modern materialist finds himself in a curious position with a certain degree of his success.
d. How are mind and body related?
Ans: Mind and body are related as they are merely convenient ways of organizing events.
e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person’s death?
Ans: The most essential characteristic of mind is memory. No, memory doesn’t survive a person’s death. Memory is clearly connected with a certain king of brain structure and since this structure decays at death memory also must cease.
f. How is our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun?
Ans: Our power on the earth’s surface is entirely dependent upon the sun as it warms our seas, regulates our wealth patterns and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.


Now, rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.
a. I/live in a flat when I was a child.
Ans: I used to live in a flat when I was a child.
b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it.
Ans: She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.
c. He/go to fishing in the summer?
Ans: Did he use to go fishing in the summer?
d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school.
Ans: My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.
e. He/play football every weekend?
Ans: Did he use to play football every weekend?
f. My grandfather/speak five languages.
Ans: My grandfather used to speak five languages.
g. I/not hate school from the beginning.
Ans: I didn’t use to hate school from the beginning.
h. You/live in Kathmandu?
Ans: Did you use to live in Kathmandu?
i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.
Ans: He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.
j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.
Ans: She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

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