Science and Technology Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


Taking my Son to College, Where Technology has Replaced Serendipity

Ways with words

A. Match the words with their correct definitions.
a. freshman  =  a first-year student at a university, college or high school
b. naive  =  having a lack of experience or knowledge
c. obliviously  =  without conscious awareness
d. brag  =  says something in a boastful manner
e. disposal  =  action of throwing away something
f. dorm  =  dormitory, student residence hall or building
g. suitemate  =  someone who shares your bathroom living room kitchen
h. incalculable  =  not able to be calculated or estimated
B. Replace the bold words in (a–h) selecting synonyms from the box.
a. Her story is unbelievable in the literal sense of the word.
Ans: Her story is incredible in the literal sense of the word.
b. We often read the novels of the reputed writers in the world.
Ans: We often read the novels of the potential writers in the world.
c. The Facebook users are scattered but connected to each other through the Internet.
Ans: The Facebook users are fragmented but connected to each other through the Internet.
d. Sometimes unexpected events happen in our life.
Ans: Sometimes unanticipated events happen in our life.
e. He paused, examining the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes.
Ans: He paused, scrutinizing the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes.
f. I am sorry to say your handwriting is unreadable.
Ans: I am sorry to say your handwriting is indecipherable.
g. He is matured. He can direct his own journey to make his career better.
Ans: He is matured. He can navigated his own journey to make his career better.
h. Gita’s heart swelled with pleasure, translating her confidence into power.
Ans: Gita’s heart swelled with delight, translating her confidence into power.

C. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word given in brackets.
a. Does television affect children? 
b. Does television have an effect on children? 
c. Could you lend me your book, please? 
d. Can I borrow your pen? 
e. Prices seem to rise every year. 
f. You can raise your hand if you want to ask a question.
g. What did he say to you?
h. I can’t speak Hindi. 
i. I will talk to you on the phone. 
j. I think that’s a very sensible idea. 
k. My teeth are very sensitive to cold. 
l. Our principal is a popular person. 
m. I couldn’t understand the principle of gravity. 
n. All friends, expect Nabina, came to the party. 
o. Will you accept my request? 
p. They were making too much noise
q. All she could hear was the sound of the waves. 
r. Did you give him any advise for his career? 
s. My parents advice me to be a teacher. 


Answer these questions.
a. Why did the author feel that she was lucky to be so naïve of her freshman year at college?
Ans: The author felt that was fortunate to be so innocent of her first year at school on the grounds that the very obliviousness explored her to the way of abundance and statues. The absence of information and experience urged her to get the joy of finding the world.
b. Why did she say that she went to college in the Stone Age?
Ans: She said that she attended a college in the stone age, since she contrasts her school year and her child’s school year she tracked down an immense distinction. During her time, there wasn’t such incredible improvement in term of science and innovation as they are currently. Present day understudy know about science and innovation, they have contrast current gadgets and progressed application on cell phone.
c. What kinds of technological tools can Hayden use at his college life unlike
at his mother’s time?
Ans: Hayeden utilizes current advancements in nearly all that he does, larges and little. He utilizes cell phone will Yale explicit application, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
d. How has the internet and social sites affected the lifestyle of the youths?
Ans: Web has made the adolescence ward in nearly everything either huge or little. It has made the existence of the adolescent simpler neglecting to encounter battle and hard work. With no exertion they can plan project work contingent upon web search tool hampering the extension of the skyline of thinking and innovativeness. Social destinations have offered them chances to be associated with various individuals however they are divided on the grounds that they know earth other practically. They don’t meet them in genuine. Because of web and social locales the young have miss the real joy of the finding of a genuine world.
e. What things about college life will Hayden really miss unlike his mother?
Ans: Hayden will miss the make thinking capacity and the pleasure of finding a genuine dissimilar to his mom.
f. The writer says, “I worry that students today are more connected and more
fragmented”. Isn’t this paradoxical? How?
Ans: The line “I worry that student today are more connected and more fragmented” is paradoxical. The nature of a paradoxical sentence is, it is unreasonable in surface level however in profound level, there is line a philosophical importance. There is no fracture in association except for the above line implies youth are associated with one another basically through friendly destination. Yet, in genuine world there are far to one another. They don’t have individual to individual connection so they are divided. There is no openness to one another to acquire life’s critical minutes.

Critical Thinking

a. Do you think that advancements of technology can hinder the exposure students receive in school, and block them from gaining some of life’s most memorable moments? Give reasons in support of your answer
Ans: In this day and age web is quite possibly the most affecting headways of innovation. It has brought an upheaval is the universe of correspondence. It has become a vital piece of human existence. Thinking about an existence without web is even difficult to think. Anyway it has a few downsides. One of them is, it prevents the openness understudies get in school and denies them of getting life’s essential minutes. I totally concur with this assertion in light of the fact that first and foremost it stops them to realize what difficulty and battle is besides it debilitates them to utilize their inventive workforce of brain in investigation and getting things done and thirdly it stops them to explore this present reality just as the take pleasure in it. 
An existence without battle and difficulty is definitely not a total life. Understudy life is an ideal opportunity to hare an encounter of bade. Understudies need to make a solid effort to pass the evaluation and they need to do distinctive undertaking attempts to extend the skyline of their insight totally concur with this assertion in light of the fact that right off the bat it stops them to realize what difficulty and battle is, also it weakens them to utilize their innovative personnel of brain in investigation and getting things done, and thirdly it stops them to explore this present reality just as the have a great time it. An existence without battle and difficulty is certifiably not a total life. Understudy life is an ideal opportunity to have an encounter of battle. Understudies need to strive to pass the evaluation and they need to do diverse undertaking attempts to extend the skyline of their insight situated, all things considered, however they complete the venture works dependent on web. They miss the paramount snapshots of planning project papers by contemplating an assortment of reference books. They can’t be inventive, on the grounds that they simply reorder data from the web. There is no filament in light of the fact that their imaginative potential is obstructed. They are associated with one another through friendly locales. They share their sentiments and experience through writings and pictures. There are no critical snapshots of companionship like in eye to eye discussion. 
b. Kline’s essay focuses on the contrast between her son’s freshman college experience and her own, but she also establishes what they have in common. Explain.
Ans: The article named “Taking my child to College, Where Technology has Replaced Serendipity” composed by Christina Baker Kline is about the differentiation between her school insight and her child’s experience Irk the article additionally incorporates the basic things among her and her child. She discusses the experience of green bean school year in a similar college.
c. Has internet aided to broadening or narrowing the critical thinking capacity of youths or readers? How?
Ans: The information shows that there is 4.54 billion individuals use web on the planet and it isn’t astounding that 10.78 million individual’s use web in Nepal. This implies countless individuals relying upon web innovation obscuring their reasoning limit. The greater pan of individuals is interested to it expecting that it could make their lives simpler. From regular work to exceptionally extreme region like clinical, designing use web. A few groups contend that it is widening imaginative and basic considering capacity adolescents and perusers. Clearly there are a few benefits of web yet we should see the quantity of individuals relying upon web to take care of any straightforward issue. In nu view, it is narrowing the basic considering limit adolescents or perusers. It is restricting imaginative abilities of adolescents since they are absolutely subject to web for each issue. Rather than understanding books and suspecting inventively, when they discover some difficult they attempt to discover arrangements on web. For instance when an educator gives home tasks to his her understudies, they pull out their telephone or jump on their PC and attempt to discover arrangement through Google search and duplicate potential answers. 


A. Fill in the gaps with suitable articles where necessary.
a. Is he working as …… university professor?
b. My younger sister watches …… television a lot.
c. A: What did you get for your birthday?
B: I got …… lot of good presents.
d. I’m going to …… Dominican Republic for my winter vacation.
e. I have to go to …… bank today to deposit some money.
f. Durga was injured in the accident and was taken to …… nearest hospital.
g. Every parent should visit …… school to meet the teachers.
h. Who is …… woman in this photograph?
i. There is …… piano in the corner of the room.
j. A: Do you think he is lying?
B: No, he’s the kind of …… guy that always tells the truth.
B. Put a/an or the in the spaces.
Bob Collins has recently become …… minister in the new government, being appointed Minister for Industry. Mr. Collins has had a varied career. He was …… professional footballer in the 1960s, some people considering him to be …… most skillful player of his generation. After a serious injury, he became …… manager of …… oldest pub in Edinburgh. Five years later, he was offered the position of …… executive director of Arcon, one of …… biggest supermarket chains in the country. He became …… Member of Parliament in 1990.

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