Time | Essay

Time is one of the world’s deepest mysteries. No one can say exactly what it is. Yet, the ability to measure time makes our way of life possible. Most human activities invilve groups of people acting together in the same place at the same time. People could not do this if they did not measure time in the same way.
One way of thinking about time is to imagine a world without time. This timeless world would be at a standstill. But if some kind of change took place, that timeless world would be different “now” than it was “before”. The period -no matter how brief-between “before” and “now” indicates tha time must have passed. Thus, tiem and change are related because the passing of time depends on changes taking place. In the real world, changes never stop happening. Some changes seem to haooen only once, like the falling of a particular lead. Other changes happen over and over again, like the breaking of waves against the shore. 
Any change that takes place again and again stands out from other changes. The rising and setting of the sun are examples of such change. The first people to keep time probably counted such natural repeating events and used them to keep track of events that did not repeat. Later, people made clocks to imitate the regularity of natural events. When people began to count repeating events, they began to measure time.   

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