Civil Peace Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English



Civil Peace

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions.
a. Why did Jonathan think of himself as ‘extraordinary lucky’?
Ans: No, I don’t think there would be complete peace after the war. The effects of the war would remain for a long time. It takes a long time for a change.
b. What are the ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful?
Ans: The ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful were his head, his wife Maroa’s head and the heads of 3 out of their four children.
c. Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What does this tell you about the situation in Nigeria?
Ans: Jonathan mistrusted the officer who wanted to take his bicycle because of his certain lack of grip and firmness in his manner. He saved his bicycle giving two pounds to the officer. It reveals corruption and dishonesty prevailed in the Nigerian society as effect of the civil war.
d. What visitors might be at the door? Are Jonathan and his wife completely surprised? Explain.
Ans: The people who are knocking on their door are robbers. The thief demands 100 Pounds. Jonathan claims to be strapped for cash. He only has 20 pounds. The leader of thieves makes the decision to take the price in this case. Jonathan hands it over to him, and the thieves disperse. Jonathan and his wife had no idea what was going on at all. As a result, they’re anxious since they’ve never been up this late in the night before.
e. Why does no one in the neighbourhood respond when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door? Why do the thieves call for the police?
Ans: Yes, no one in the neighbourhood responds when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door because the neighbours were also feeling the same terror or fear as Jonathan’s family members. The thieves called for the police because they knew very well that no one will come to support Jonathan’s family.

Reference to the Context

a. What does Jonathan mean by his expression “Nothing puzzles God”? What does this expression reveal about his character? Explain by citing details from the story.
Ans: In the story “Civil Peace”, Jonathan uses the expression “Nothing puzzles God” whenever something miraculous happens with him. He uses this line when he gets his bicycle back in a fine condition out of the ground. Next, he uses it when he has finds his house still standing after the war. By “Nothing puzzles God” he means that anything can happen, but almighty God, being omnniscient, is not surprised and even puzzled by anything. He means to say that God knows everything. The last time he uses it is at the end of the story after his family is robbed of the ex-gratia.
This expression reveals that he is a quite optismistic person who has a keen belief in the almighty God. He feels too delighted to get miracles in his life. This expression also reveals that he is a good person who enjoys everything he has but never laments about his losses.
b. How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? Explain.
Ans: Jonathan makes himself free from agonizing about the experiences of the Civil War and its after-effects. He exhibits a happy tone even in the face of hard times. He becomes more willing to get rid of material and monetary things to preserve what he cares for most, his and his familt life. This willingness allows him to use his energy contructively in the present instead of having negative emotion for the past. His optimism remains unshakable throughout the story.
c. Read the extract and answer the questions below.
i. Who’s that speaker?
Ans: The speaker is Jonathan.
ii. Who speaks to the speaker?
Ans: The speaker speaks to himself.
iii. Who refers to “they”?
Ans: “They” refers to treasury officials.
d. Nigerian English has words like soja ‘soldier’ and katakata ‘confusion’, ‘trouble’ derived apparently from English words but transformed by native languages’ phonologies. What does the author’s use of dialect here add to the story?
Ans: I think that author’s use of dialect here add a unique image to differentiate the protagonist from the thieves outside his door. Their dialect is also used to create authentic Nigerian characters; the slang used in the second half reflects the English of Southeastern Nigeria.
e. Why do you think the thieves who come to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African accent than Jonathan does?
Ans: The verbal exchange contrasts English spoken by the thieves in a heavier African accent and the proper English spoken by Jonathan. The way thieves making fun of the family’s call for help only reinforces these differences. For example, the fammily cries out, “We are lost!” but in a heavier English accent, this becomes “we done loss-o!” Achebe makes use of English with an African accent for three reasons. The differences between speeches suggest that Jonathan is better educated than thieves. Also, the use of English accurately reflects the eastern Nigerian society. Lastly, the broken English is used to produce comedic effect.
f. The title of the story “Civil Peace” itself is ironic as there is little to differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. Do you think that the title of this story is appropriate, or would “Civil War” have been a better title? Explain.
Ans: Achebe ironically uses the term ‘civil peace’ to emphasise the brutality still prevalent in Nigeria after the war. The story’s title is paradoxial since after the end of the war, the region remained disorganized and troubled. Yes, a better title would have been “civil war” since the story is filled with turmoil, dread, suffering, and the battle.

Reference beyond the Text

a. How would you describe the civil peace in Nigeria?
Ans: The condition of the Civil peace in Nigeria wasn’t good. After the war, the time of the Civil peace was the time of the resettlement. There was nothing new for the people. People had to face various problems during that time. The government’s law during that time was good. There were many risks in people’s life. Theives used to loot and beat people without having any fear of law. Though the Civil peace prevailed there, there was Anarchy everywhere.
b. What kind of attitude towards life do you think you would have if your situation was similar to that of Jonathan’s?
Ans: I’d try to stay away from places where there’s alot of violence. I’d make every effort to retain faith in God for the sake of my family’s well-being by working hard. In fact, my outlook on life and family would be similar if my circumstances were the same as Jonathan’s.
c. Draw the character sketch of Jonathan Iwegbu.
Ans: Jonathan is a quite optimistic person who has keen faith in God. He always utters a line in the name of God saying that “Nothing puzzles God”. He becomes quite delighted to find miracles in his life. He never lives in disparity. He is a hard-working person who thinks positively for everyone. He loves his family members much. At the time of hardships, he tries to save his family first. During the time of Civil Peace, he works so hard to restore treasury, and in exchange, they gave him 20 pounds of legitimate currency. He even doesn’t lament over his loss at last.

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