Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English



Scientific Research is a Token of
Humankind’s Survival

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions.
a. What does a scientist get instead of big money?
Ans: Instead of bid money and becoming rich, scientists gain freedom, companionship and self-reliance.
b. What was the problem that the nuclear powers had faced?
Ans: The nuclear powers had signed the agreement to stop the test of nuclear weapons. But, they had faced the problem that if anyone violated the agreement by secret underground testing of nuclear weapons, how would they detect that test.
c. In which area did Keilis Borok’s theoretical knowledge have a direct application?
Ans: Keilis Borok’s theoretical knowledge was directly applicable to human survival. Underground nuclear explosions caused earth tremors similar to those caused by earthquakes. The author would be able to tell the difference between the two types of tremors based on his knowledge.
d. What was the important decisison that the politicians took before Geneve Summit?
Ans: The leaders of the world’s most powerful nations agreed before the Geneva Summit to impose a moratorium on nuclear weapon tests. It was a decision that would have far-reaching consequences for the future of mankind. This has the potential to avert a nuclear war and rescue the human race.
e. What are the natural and man-made disasters as mentioned by the author?
Ans: The natural disasters as mentioned by the author are earthquakes, self-inflicted destruction of megacities, environmental catastrophes, economic and social crisis whereas a massive release of radioactivity from nuclear waste disposal, an outburst of mass violence, war, etc. are man-made disasters.

Reference to the Context

a. The professional addressed as ‘you’ in the sentence “If you are clever, why are you a poor”? refers to a   i. lawyer    ii. doctor    iii. scientists    iv. businessman. Justify your choice.
Ans: It refers to a scientist. Scientists are intelligent and brilliant because of their minds. Their earnings are lower than those of other professionals such as lawyers, doctors and businessmen. They do, however, enjoy their freedom, camaraderie, and independence. The author intends to demonstrate that, while scientists are very wise, their wisdom doesn’t generally help them generate wealth. As a result, scientists are generally wise but not wealthy.
b. The writer says, “I found myself in Geneva.” What does it express.
Ans: It’s an expression of the author’s astonishment. He was unexpectedly called to Geneva fot a nuclear weapons conference. Scientist Frank Press from the United States used his research to support his position while debating Moscow’s specialists.
c.  Are the following statements true? Why or why now? Discuss with your partner.
i. Money is more powerful than intellectual resources.
Ans: No, this statement isn’t right. Money is momentary whereas intellectual resources keep on providing fine results. There isn’t any guarantee of money. Money creates a lot of problems. But, intellectual resources can lead anyone towards success and perfection.
ii. Intellectual resources help the survival of mankind.
Ans: Yes, this statement is right. Intellectual resources are only hopes by the help of which mankind is secured. Due to intellectual resources, mankind has got relief from diseases, safety from terrorism, healthy life and entertainment.
iii. Basic research is a way of stalling disasters.
Ans: Yes, this statement is right. People in the world are living their life securely believing in scientific researches. Scientists keep on studying the ecological changes and alert mankind about possible dangers from disasters. Due to their research-based information, people are secured.
d. How does the essayist justify that scientific research is humankind’s survival?
Ans: The essayist’s theoretical knowledge of seismic waves has a direct application in the field of nuclear weapons. This resulted in the survival of entire mankind. Also, the scientists are able to ensure safety of human beings from any natural or man-made dangers. Basic scientific research helps our existence on earth by giving us new souces of energy and minerals, defense from terrorism and cure from cancer.
e. What can be the purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay?
Ans: The purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay can be the way to make all his readers clear about the main points which he wants to deliver. In his essay, the essayist keeps on using quotations of legends so that he can support his ideas.
f. Discuss and illustrate the writer’s stand that scientists are the most practical people in the world.
Ans: All new technologies and new brands of industry from defense to entertainment are the result of scientists’ research. Antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibers, the green revolution, and genetic forensic diagnosis, etc. are some of the contributions of scientists to the society. Only the scientific research can provide us new sources of energy and new minerals, efficient defense from terrorism, cure from cancer and new forms of transportation. Financial institutions headhunt the persons who are trained in theoretical physics, and those who are trained in frontiers of biological research become founders and directors in the pharmaceutical industry.

Reference beyond the text

a. Everyoone lives under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. Explain this statement.
Ans: Nuclear weapons pose a serious threat to the safety of the human race. For instance, people and animals were slaughtered, buildings were destroyed and poisonous substances were sprayed into the air that we breathe in 1945 as a result of the creation of new powers. Today, more upgraded weapons are being made in the greed of conquering the whole world. The upgraded Hydrogen Bomb differs from the A-Bomb in that it is several times more destructive than the former. This demonstrates that it has the capability to wipe out all life on the planet. It was decided that nuclear weapons research and testing would be halted by nuclear nations on paper. But due to blatant violations, countries like North Korea and Iran were expelled from the pact. It only goes to show that we’re all living in constant dread of being wiped out by nuclear bombs.
b. The essayist says ‘While ther is science, there is the hope of survival and wellbeing for all of us.’ Explain it.
Ans: The essayist says ‘While there is science, there is the hope of survival and wellbeing for all of us. According to the essayist, science is our indispensable guardian and caretaker because it is the only science that can ensure that we are moving with time safely.
For the survival of humankind, countries had signed the treaty of not tesing nuclear weapons secretly. But, science and its scientists ensured humankind’s survival. It is the only science that can differentiate between the tremors caused by nuclear explosions and natural earthquakes. It is the scienece that can give us new sources of energy, new mineral deposts, and efficient defence from terrorism. The hope of science for the survival of mankind has larger significance also. In the present scenario the safety of mankind is threatened by both natural and man-made disasters. Be it a tsunami, be it terrorism, money alone cannot tackle the problem. Scientific solutions are the only hope. Thus, the writer has umpteen reasons to conclude that science is the hope of survival.
c. Is science a blessing or a curse? Write an essay on it.

Science has made amazing discoveries in the areas of electricity, television, radio, and telephone. Electricity is the basis of giant machines. Television broadcasts live from any part of the globe. There have been people who have landed on the Moon. Many satellites are operating from Earth’s orbit. Computers can be found everywhere. The internet has made it possible to reach millions of learners. The internet has made it possible to speak computers for the blind. Industries are built on the division and production of large quantities of labor. Large ships carrying millions of tonnes of cargo traverse the vast oceans every day.
Science has made human life easier, but it has also presented more serious risks and challenges. The chances of an accident are increasing. New diseases are constantly emerging in an environment that has become increasingly polluted. Millions of people are now jobless because computers have replaced manual work. Man has found comfort, but not fulfillment, with the new services and facilities. Man is becoming lazy and extravagant and is a slave to technology. Science has increased man’s ability to handle difficult situations. The danger of more destructive wars has increased with the advent of new warfare technology. There is also the possibility that the entire world could be destroyed within seconds of the production of very destructive weapons.
Science cannot be blamed, however, for the evil nature of man. It is not the fault or technology of the creator if a sickle meant to cut grass is used to kill a man. It is up to the individual to decide whether science should be a blessing or a curse. Einstein did not expect that his atom bomb would be used to kill thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. We must use scientific innovation with wisdom and honesty. How we deal with the advances of science and technology will impact the future of humanity.

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