Refund Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English




Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. Why does Wasserkopf demand a refund of his tuition fees from the school?
Ans: Wasserkopf demands a refund of his tuition fees from the school because he believes the education he received in the school failed to provide him with any capability.
b. Why does Wasserkopf consider himself good for nothing?
Ans: Wasserkopf consider himself good for nothing because he has failed numerous times in his life when it comes to finding work. He has been rejected numerous times in his life. He is completely bankrupt. He considers himself to be worthless and useless.
c. What did the teachers decide to do when Wasserkopf asked for a refund?
Ans: The professors decided to take a re-examination of him and pass him in all subjects even if he gives wrong answers. They came to the conclusion that they should collaboratively work with each other in defending the refund demand of Wasserkopf.
d. Why did Wasserkopf give ridiculous answers? Why did the teachers accept these answers?
Ans: He gave ridiculous answers because his objective was to fail the exam. The teachers accept his answers to ensure that passes the exam.
e. How does the Mathematics Master describe Wasserkopf’s character?
Ans: The Mathematical Master describes him as a cunning, manipulative and tricky guy who will go to great lengths to reclaim his refund.
f. How did the teachers outwit Wasserkopf?
Ans: Teachers outwitted Wasserkopf by using their brains properly. Wasserkopf did everything he could to fail his oral exam by giving absurd answers. However, the teachers proved his incorrect answers for various reasons. Wasserkopf was surprised to find his answers correct. He received a pass in every subject. His request for a refund was denied. Finally, he was expelled from school.
g. What is the final judgement on Wasserkopf’s demand of refund?
Ans: The principal presents the final result of the examination. He has passed with distinction in every subject, and has again shown that he is entitled to the certificate the school awarded him on his graduation. No money is refunded but the servant seizes him and sends him out.

Reference to the text

a. Read the extract from the play given below and answer the questions that follow:
i. Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to?
Ans: Wasserkopf is the speaker. He’s speaking to the principal of his former school.
ii. Why does the speaker say these words?
Ans: The speaker expresses his dissatisfaction with his former school’s academic results, which he earned eighteen years ago, by saying these words.
iii.Where is the speaker at this moment?
Ans: The speaker is in the Principal’s office at this moment.
b. Read the extract dialogue given below and answer the questions that follow:
i. What is to be the response to ‘How do you do’?
Ans: ‘I am Fine’ is to be the response to ‘How do you do’.
ii. Is Wasserkopf’s response polite enough to the staff?
Ans: No, Wasserkopf;s response to the staff isn’t polite enough. He uses derogatory language against them.
iii. How does Wasserkopf rebuke the staff?
Ans: Wasserkopf rebukes the staff, calling them ‘loafers’ and asking, ‘Who the hell are you?’
iv. What does the Principal mean by ‘How dare you’?
Ans: The Principal is referring to Wasserkopf’s dare to make abusive remarks about masters when he says ‘How dare you?’
c. Explain the following line of the play:
Ans: Wasserkoph goes back to the school in which he studied. He meets the Principal and insists that his tuition fees should be refunded. The Principal is taken aback and asks the reason for this strange claim. He replies that he had learnt nothing in the school. He is fired from the job and is in financial crisis. This is the result of the education he received in the school.
d. What is the theme of the play?
Ans: The play ‘Refund’ is full of comedy and satire which covers the theme of uselessness of theoretical knowledge. The writer criticises the present educational system, which doesn’t prepare students for a career. It also shows teachers’ ability to manage the problem without compromising their school’s image.
e. Sketch the character of Wasserkopf.
Ans: Wasserkopf is the main character in the play. He is forty years old. He is an eccentric person. He is fired from the job and still remains unemployed. Wherever he goes people comment on his disability that he is fit for nothing. He believes that he hasn’t learnt anything in his school, so the school has to refund his tuition fees.

Reference beyond the text

a. The play is a satire on the present day education system. Do you think that our education system doesn’t prepare students for life? Discuss.
Ans: Yes, I believe that out educational system doesn’t adequately prepare students for life. The current educational system is disconnected from the concept of practical life. It has nothing to do with a practical way of life. It has diverted people’s attention away from creativity and rendered them impractical. In today’s world, there are many educated people with high certificate values who have no knowledge of anything. They don’t even have the ability to guide others. As a result, the current educational system is producing ineffective workers in a variety of industries.
b. Our education system focuses on memorization rather than creative thinking. Do you think the knowledge imparted by education may not have practical relevance in one’s day-to-day life? Who do you blame for this?
Ans: I feel our educational system is accountable for the knowledge obtained in school which cannot be utilized in real life. Education and associated information are distant from creative thinking in today’s educational system. The courses are constructed in such a way that they have no practical use in everyday life.
Students are searching for an easier method of remembering than using their creative thinking. This is the consequence of the present educational system, which has resulted in the passivation of thousands of people’s brains. Students seem to be working hard to improve their credentials in a number of different ways. They concentrate only on getting good grades and obtaining certificates without using their own creativity.
c. Most of the students want to learn just for examination rather than knowledge. Do you think that certificate will help them in their future career?
Ans: No, I don’t believe that the certificate will benefit students in their future careers. At the moment, the majority of students are on the wrong track. Their preparation for the exam has a time limit. They are seen a lot more frequently before two or three months of their examination. They are far from the concept of knowledge, but they believe in quick fixes to pass their exams. The method they’ve chosen to pass their exam isn’t good for their future. Because certificates never reveal true knowledge or talent, they will undoubtedly face a lack of authentic knowledge in the future. Most students nowadays obtain certificates through dubious means as well.

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