Hobbies Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


On Walking

Working with Words

A. Find the words from the text which have the following meanings.
a. a wave-like motion  =  undulation
b. to make or do something again exactly in the same way  =  replicated
c. decayed, deteriorated or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse  =  dilapidated
d. a bright, smooth surface  =  sheen
e. the feeling of having no energy and enthusiasm  =  listlessness
f. a state of noise, commotion and confusion  =  cacophonous
g. being alone, often by choice  =  solitude
h. to regard with respect, often tinged with awe  =  revere
i. said in a way that is nor direct, so that the real meaning is not immediately clear  =  obliquely
B. Find the meaning of the following words from a dictionary.
Sophisticated  =  highly develop and complex
Conscious  =  alert, awake
Blistering  =  very strong
Proximity  =  nearness or closeness
Invisible  =  unable to be seen


Answer the following questions.
a. What is the author’s favourite hobby? Why does she like it so much?
Ans: The author’s favorite hobby is walking. Because of the movement, the rhythm, the instability of the senses, and the body that initiates it, she is very fond of and enjoys a lot of physical sensations while walking.
b. What sorts of roads did the writer prefer to walk on when she was very young?
Ans: She would prefer to walk on long unpaved and uneven roads or paths, like the paths to her mamaghar or paths like in Kathmandu years ago, when she was very young.
c. How did walking give the author and her classmates a sense of freedom?
Ans: Walking in the long route to the home from school by missing school bus leads them to escape from their regimented routine and fell a sense of freedom.
d. In what ways were the roads in Kathmandu different from the ones in Sydney?
Ans: The roads in Kathmandu were cacophonous streets whereas Sydney roads and streets were far quieter and organized.
e. How did walking help the author in the new country?
Ans: Walking helped the author in many ways such as navigating new country, escaping from all kinds of pressure and re-energized for her life.
f. What were the treasures of Petersham, where the writer lived with her family?
Ans: A tiny park which was a minute down the Parramatta road, another park with a huge rock at one end, a buffer zone, etc. were the treasures of Petersham where the writer lived with her family.
g. What things became her permanent friends with whom she could share her feelings?
Ans: The gift of nature such as trees, sky, water, air, earth, etc. were here permanent friends with whom she could share her feelings.
h. Why did she feel that she had travelled to ‘a desert, to emptiness’ as she went to the United States?
Ans: She felt that she had travelled to ‘a desert, to emptiness’ as she went to the United States because all were running to live comfort life and making money and she felt loneliness.
i. Why did the author eventually feel that the strange city was known to her?
Ans: The author eventually feel that the strange city was known to her because the essence of the nature she felt in the strange city was same to the one she found in her hometown.
j. How did walking make her feel at home with different places she visited?
Ans: Walking made her feel thankfulness to all the streets she walked on because they gave shape to her feet, her body and her being.
Critical Thinking
a. Do you believe that walking helps us understand ourselves? Give reasons in support of your opinion.
Ans: Yes, I believe that walking helps us understand ourselves because walking helps to stimulate our body and improves our immunity power. It is the important physical activity for our health. It reduces stress and makes us self aware. While walking, we interact with our inner self, we evaluate ourselves, our works and our behavior. Walking on a regular basis also promotes new connections between brain cells, staves off the usual withering of brain tissue that comes with age. It lets us to think creatively and positively. It also helps us to observe what happens in our inner through and emotions which responds to the sights, sounds and sensation of our outer world. While walking, there will be more circulation of blood and oxygen not just to the muscles but to all the organs of the body.
b. Think of one of your hobbies. How does this hobby relate to your psyche and self?
Ans: Everyone in this world has their own hobbies. Some of their hobbies are singing, learning, doing extra-curriculum activities etc. Among them my hobby is to travel new places and exploring new places. I want to travel new places and know about their culture, traditions, etc. I want to explore all the cultures around the world. This lets me to know about different things about the places of the world. In my opinion, the most beautiful thing is nature which is also known as gift of god. I want to beautify the nature. I want to tell all the people that nature should be conserved and protected. I travel many places and learn about the nature and explore it. By travelling all around the places, we feel relaxed and stress-free. We will be energized and refreshed. We can observe and learn many ideas and people around the world. Hence, it will help to improve my lifestyle and feel refreshed.
c. Many people turn their hobbies into careers. Is it good to turn one’s hobby into a career?
Ans: Yes, it is good to turn one’s hobby into a career. Before choosing the career, there should be passion and interest and that interest and passion is known as hobbies. If someone wants to use computer and interest in computer in the early age, then involving in IT sector in future by profession is the better option because he/she has interest towards it and become the successful in that field. We will be emotional attached towards that work which is our hobby. He/she can pursue a career that they are also passionate about. We will be successful person in the future by choosing our hobby into career. There must be the perfect blend of hobbies and experience with hard dedication.


Highlighting the advantages of walking, Henry David Thoreau says, “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Write an essay on the advantages of morning walk.
Ans: To be healthy, few people care about their diet more than work. In this modern world, most people are rushing, worrying about their work without caring about their health. Due to this, people suffer from mental tension, poor health, and psychological disorder too. There are different ways to get rid of it and to restore healthy and sound life.
Morning walk is one of the ways to be healthy. Even doctors suggest people do exercise when people are suffering from diabetes; pressure etc., morning walk brings an extra level of energy to motivate you to have positive mindsets. The best time to start it is 5 am. Everything is quiet and fresh. The most important thing is you should not eat anything when you start to walk—the best place to start is in the open space like ground, park, etc. I used to go with my father when I was a child. He has diabetes. To control, he used to run do exercise. Till now, we are doing it consistently. Doing in an open space like the ground has a lot of fresh air and greenery. Do it where nature is very close. Walking in the fresh air makes our body and mind fresh. Rising sun scenery makes it more attractive and pleasing to do exercise. The body gets proper shape, and blood circulates faster, which makes our organs respond quickly. Sleeping puts our organs at rest. And the response will be slow. The laziness and tiredness can be removed through the morning walk. It opens our minds and refreshes our bodies. It is the lightest exercise and can be done by any group age of people.


B. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
a. I want someone to love me.
Ans: I want to be loved.
b. Someone broke into our house while we were on holiday.
Ans: Our house was broken into while we were on holiday.
c. I don’t like people staring at me.
Ans: I don’t like being stared at.
d. Is it true that someone stole your car?
Ans: Is it true that your car was stolen?
e. The cat enjoys someone tickling him.
Ans: The cat enjoys enjoys being tickled.
f. Would Swostika open the window?
Ans: Would the window be opened by Swostika?
g. Did they confess the crime?
Ans: Was the crime confessed by them?
h. He thinks that someone is teaching Jennie.
Ans: He thinks that Jennie is being taught.
i. Sabina hates people laughing at her.
Ans: Sabina hates being laughed at.
C. Complete the following sentences as in the example.
a. English people think that the number thirteen is unlucky.
The number thirteen is thought to be unlucky by English people.
b. What are you wearing for the wedding?
Actually, I am having a suit made. They will give it tomorrow.
c. The carpet in our drawing room is very dirty.
It needs to be cleaned.
d. There are rumours that the factory at the corner is manufacturing bombs.
The factory at the corner is rumoured to be manufacturing bombs.
e. Some people believe that Silajit from Jumla cures all indigestion problems.
Silajit from Jumla is believed to cure all digestion problems.
f. People claim that Changu Narayan temple is the oldest temple in Nepal.
Changu Narayan temple is claimed to be the oldest temple in Nepal.
g. A : Your car is making a terrible noise.
B : Thank you. I am not a mechanic and I will have my car repaired soon.
h. The police suspect that the criminal left the country.
The criminal is suspected to have left the country.
i. A : Where are you going?
B : I am going to the stationery to get my documents photocopied.
j. People allege that the corrupt leader has embezzled millions of rupees.
The leader is alleged to have embezzled millions of rupees.

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