History Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


After the World Trade Centre

Working with Words

A. Match the words with their definitions/meanings.
a. passion       iv. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate
b. surveillance       viii. continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity in order to gather information
c. integrity       x. the state of being whole, entire or undiminished
d. avuncular       i. like an uncle
e. livelihood      ix. a means of supporting one’s existence
f. fascination       ii. powerful attraction
g. innovation       vi. an idea, practice or object that is perceived as new
h. panorama       v. an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive are in all directions
i. resilience       iii. the power or ability of a material to return to its original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed or stretched
j. evacuation       vii. the removal of people or things from an endangered area
B. Define the following professionals. One has been done for you.
architect : An architect is a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction.
civil engineer : Civil engineer is an engineer who designs and maintains roads, bridges, dams etc.
mechanical engineer : Mechanical engineer is an engineer who deals with the designs, constructions and use of machines.
aerospace engineer : Aerospace engineer is an engineer who deals with the design, development, testing and production of aircraft.
automobile engineer : Automobile engineer is an engineer who designs, fabricate and test vehicles or vehicle components.
electronic engineer : Electronic engineer is an engineer who deals with the design, fabrication and operations of circuits, electronic devices etc.
electrical engineer : Electrical engineer is an engineer who deals with the practical application of the theory of electricity to the construction of power supplies, machinery etc.
computer engineer : Computer engineer is an engineer who integrates several field of computer science and electronic engineer.
food engineer : Food engineer is an engineer who deals with storage, processing and distribution of food materials and their bio-products.
chemical engineer : Chemical engineer is an engineer who deals with the study of operation and design of chemical plants as well as methods of improving it.
biomedical engineer : Biomedical engineer is an engineer who deals with the practices and technologies to the fields of medicine and biology especially in solving problems and improving care.
C. With the help of your teacher or a dictionary, pronounce these words. What vowel sounds do they contain? Make a list of them.


Answer the following questions.
a. Where were Frank and Nicole employed?
Ans: Frank and Nicole were employed in the World Trade Center as architect.
b. How does the author describe Frank’s attachment to the twin towers?
Ans: The author describes Frank’s attachment in the Twin Towers as both a source of livelihood nd passion.
c. How did the two families become intimate with each other?
Ans: The two families became intimate with each other due to their children.
d. What, according to Nicole, did Frank think of the towers?
Ans: According to Nicole, Frank thought was very positive towards towers as he though that it is a biggest human achievement and innovation.
e. Why did Frank want to help the people in the tower after the attack?
Ans: Frank wanted to help the people n the tower after the attack because very few people were known about the importance and strength of the tower.
f. Why did Frank not follow Nicole’s request even after knowing that the building was on fire?
Ans: Frank did not follow Nicole’s request even after knowing that the building was on fire because he wants to help the people who were injured in building without hurting himself.
g. Who did Frank call from the building after the attack?
Ans: Frank called his sister, Nina, from the building after the attack. 
h. How did Nicole feel after the collapse of the first tower?
Ans: After the collapse of the first tower, Nicole felt that it is the beginning of nuclear war.
i. Were Frank’s children serious as soon as they heard the news of their missing father? Why?
Ans: Frank’s children weren’t serious as soon as they heard the news of their missing father because they were busy playing the games.

Critical Thinking

a. Many innocent people lose their lives in ruthless attacks every year. What do you think the governments should do to protect their people from such attacks and make the world a safer place to live? Discuss with your friends.
Ans: In this today’s century, there are many wars which hampers the world and people. Many innocent people are victims and get hampered by these wars and attacks. In the today’s world, terrorism has taken its place everywhere. Terrorism in the world is at its height. Such type of activities are increasing day and day. So, to reduce it and protect the people from such attacks and to make the world a safer place to live, government should implement following things:
    1. Government should make strict and effective regulations to reduce and remove terrorism.
    2. There should be global security of the country.
    3. Awareness campaign should be conducted against those attacks.
    4. It should ensure Armed forced all over the country.
    5. Security should be given to the first priority.
b. Revenge and violence are the integral parts of the history and civilization. They can’t be ignored, only managed. Do you agree or no with this statement? Present your logic.
Ans: Yes, revenge and violence are the integral parts of the history and civilization. They can’t be ignored, only be managed. 
Revenge and violence can’t be separated from each other. In revenge, hurting someone in return for hurting someone. It leads to the violence and in result it gets damaged and injured. We all know about World War I and II. It’s a best example of it. There is attack between the countries to conquer the land in world war I. Taking it as revenge, world war II was also began. It has changed the history and civilization of the people. Like that, there are many attacks and wars that changed the history.
Revenge and violence can be managed but can’t be ignored. It can be managed by developing the feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood and by starting awareness about how they are important with each other. It can also be managed by spreading the importance of peace and harmony.


A. Write a description of an event that you have recently witnessed.
Ans: On the 14th June, 2022, at 6o’ clock at evening, me and my sister were going to evening walk. When we reached to the nearby buspark, we saw a bus collided with a truck and gets damaged. 20 people who were travelling through bus gets injured and 5 people with bus driver died on the accident spot and truck driver was  highly injured and they were taken to near hospital immediately. Both vehicles gets heavily damaged. After some time, police arrived and started their investigation. After that, we came back to home.


B. Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.
a. The relationship between the two boys has changed significantly over the past few years.
b. In Nepal, many girls get married at early age.
c. I’m not in the mood for such silly games.
d. There were no security personnel on duty at that time.
e. The new smartphone is similar to the one I brought a few years ago.
f. My dad insisted on taking the later train.
g. People with ambition always try to achieve their goals, no matter what happens.
h. Mr Jenkins has been disabled all his life as a result of a childhood illness.
i. We brought the TV because it was on sale.
j. She has no understanding of how computers really work.
k. I gave him my new T-shirt in exchange for a few cigarettes.
l. The company is run by two people who hardly ever meet.
m. All the celebrations and parties were called off because of the tragic accident.
n. There was a great need of volunteers at the site of the crash.
C. Complete the following text with correct prepositions.
What are we seeing here? One very real possibility is that these are the educational consequences of the differences in parenting styles that we talked about in Chris Langan chapter. Think back to Alex Williams, the nine-year-old whom Annette Lareau studied. His parents believe in concerted cultivation. He gets taken to museums and gets enrolled in special programs and goes to summer camp, where he takes classes. When he’s bored at home, there are plenty of books to read, and his parents see it as their responsibility to keep him actively engaged in the world for him. It’s hard to see how Alex would get better at reading and math in the summer.

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