Power and Politics Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


An Open Letter to Mary Daly

Working with Words

A. Find the words from the text for these meanings. The first letters have been given for you.
a. r Reluctance unwillingness or disinclination to do something
b. r Repressive preventing the expression or awareness of thoughts or desires
c. m Mutilation the infliction of serious damage on something
d. g Ghettoized restricted to an isolated or segregated place, group, or situation
e. h Herstory! feminist history viewed from a female or specifically feminist perspective
f. g Genital relating to the human or animal reproductive organs
g. h Hysterectomies surgical operations to remove all or parts of the uterus 
h. p Paranoid obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful
i. e Eventration thrusting forward of abdominal organs through the abdominal wall  
B. Complete the chart.
C. Consult a dictionary and define these terms.
racism = the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another
lesbian = a gay woman
radical = advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social change; representing or supporting an extreme or progressive section of a political party
feminist = a person who supports feminism
patriarchy = a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line


Answer the following questions.
a. Why does Audre Lorde think that Mary got a sort of victory in the University of Boston?
Ans: Audre Lorde think that Mary got a sort of victory in the University of Boston because she glad so many women attending the speak out and empowering each other.
b. Why is Lorde thankful to Mary?
Ans: Lorde is thankful to Mary because Mary has provided Gyn/Ecology book to her which is full of import, useful, generative and stimulating.
c. What impression has the writer had about the way white women looked upon black women?
Ans: The writer has had a very bad impression about the way white women looked upon black women because the white women couldn’t hear black women’s words and they couldn’t keep up with the black women like the author’s lengthy and frustrating conversation.
d. Why did Mary not cast black women as goddesses in her book according to Lorde?
Ans: Mary didn’t cast black women as goddesses in her book according to Lorde because she had made a conscious decision to narrow her scope and to deal only with the ecology of western European women.
e. Why did Lorde think that she misused her words?
Ans: Lorde thought that she misused her words because Lorde was attempted by her to discredit in the name of color.  
f. For Lorde, how were women, especially from the black community, undervalued?
Ans: For Lorde, women especially from the black community were undervalued because they were isolated by the behavior of white women within the framework of the patriarchal Western European context.
g. How does Mary take white women as? Does Lorde agree with Mary’s view?
Ans: Mary takes white women as superiors than black women and consider black women as legitimate. 
Lorde doesn’t agree with Mary’s view because Lorde thought that Mary has shown that black women are inferior and white women are superior and has shown the supremacy of white feminism over black feminism.
h. What is Afrekete? How does it connect to this lesson?
Ans: Afrekete is the voice of black lesbian literacy tradition. It connects to this essay by black people should be respected like white women and be treated them equally and unite them.

Critical thinking

a. “The oppression of women knows no ethnic or racial boundaries.” Do you agree or not? Justify with your reasons.
Ans: “The oppression of women knows no ethnic or racial boundaries.” Yes, I agree with the statement. Women are being oppressed. They aren’t being treated well. Looking back to the history, women are discriminated by the society or people and aren’t given fair judgement or actions to them. They are discriminated on the basis of gender-based. In many societies or countries, many women are shown as inferior and not being treated well. In many developing countries, they are being backward in the name of culture, traditions and not let them to go ahead or forward. So there should be end of this gender discrimination.
b. Why is it important to question our beliefs and values? How are they set up in a person’s mind?
Ans: It is important to question our beliefs and values because beliefs and values are important not only on the facts but also on opinion. In the ancient time, the beliefs and values are also respected and used in the modern time. Like, women should not enter to the house during mensuration time which is belief in this modern time in some societies. Some beliefs and values are very useful and some of them may be useless or meaningless. So, the beliefs and values have made them quite one sided. They seem to be trapped in different sectors of beliefs and values.


A. Have you ever faced or witnessed cases of racial or sexual discrimination? Write a short account. 
Ans: Yes, I have faced or witnessed cases of racial or sexual discrimination. When I was 12 years old, I went to my maternal uncle house. On the way to the uncle house, I saw a family where family members are not listening towards the daughter-in-law. She was mistreated by them. The voice said by her was not being applicable and ignored. When I asked the family members, they told that she is a girl/woman. She doesn’t have sense in family matters or others. I felt so bad hearing that. Then I went near to women and talked to her and convince her that the thought of her family members are very old. Then she convinced and she went inside her house. This type of sexual discrimination is in our country. It should be demolished from our country.  
B. Write an article for a national daily on “The Status of Women in Nepali Society.”
The Status of Women in Nepali Society
The Kathmandu Post
Nepal is a beautiful country situated between the Himalayas and greenery environment. Since it is developing country, it is rich in history and culture. Many tourists come to visit for observing the beautiful places and scenarios. 
Though it is beautiful country, there is so much poverty and discrimination. There is also gender discrimination in some societies in Nepal.In some societies, women are listened and treated well like others but in some societies they are misbehave and not treated well. People doesn’t give priority to girl or women in term of education. According to them, knowledge can only gained by men not by women. 
People thought that women should not go to do work. They should sit at home and look after the house and family. They should do household work and be dependent to men. Here, women should be treated well and give awareness related to women empowerment. Education should be given to all. There should be equal judgement to all which makes the development smoothly.


B. Choose the correct alternative.
a. an old foreign car / a foreign old car
Ans: an old foreign car
b. a beautiful white dress / a white beautiful dress
Ans: a white beautiful dress
c. a nice tall young man / a tall nice young man
Ans: a nice tall young man
d. a big black wooden desk / a black wooden big desk
Ans: a big black wooden desk
e. a delicious Italian pizza / an Italian delicious pizza
Ans: a delicious Italian pizza
f. a huge brown bear / a brown huge bear
Ans: a huge brown bear
g. a purple cotton sleeping bag / a cotton purple sleeping bag
Ans: a purple cotton sleeping bag
h. a beautiful old Indian village / an old beautiful Indian village
Ans: an old beautiful Indian village
i. a cute little kitten / a little cute kitten
Ans: a cute little kitten 
j. an expensive antique / an antique expensive table
Ans: an antique expensive table
C. Put the adjectives in the following sentences in the correct order.
a. I bought (red/ a /comfortable/new) scooter.
Ans: I bought a comfortable new scooter.
b. She reached home and sat on (relaxing/old/her/wooden) chair.
Ans: She reached home and sat on her old relaxing wooden chair.
c. We ate (Chinese/delicious/some) food.
Ans: We ate some delicious Chinese food.
d. I need (golden/delicious/some/round) apples.
Ans: I need some delicious round golden apples.
e. We like to live in a (calm/unmediated/remote) place for some time.
Ans: We like to live in a calm unmediated remote place for some time.
f. She is wearing (silver/beautiful / a(n)/ old) ring.
Ans: She is wearing an old beautiful silver ring.
g. I am looking for (golden/stylish/a/Japanese) watch.
Ans: I am looking for a stylish Japanese golden watch.
h. She dropped (old/china/attractive/a(n)) cup and smashed it.
Ans: She dropped an old attractive China cup and smashed it.
i. He wants to marry (young/pretty/educated/a(n)/rustic) girl.
Ans: He wants to marry a pretty young educated rustic girl.
j. We stayed in a (luxurious/five star/new) hotel in Dubai.
Ans: We stayed in a new luxurious five-star hotel in Dubai. 

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