A Day Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


A Day

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. How does the poet describe the morning sun in the first stanza?
Ans: The poet describes the morning sun which represents the happiness and the stripe of ribbons in the sky which makes bright and visible and brings the hope, joy and glow in the first stanza.
b. What does the line ‘The news like squirrels ran’ mean?
Ans: The line ‘The news like squirrels ran’ means the rising of the sun and its rays spread as fast as the squirrels run. The news of the arrival of the sun is compared with the news of the squirrels ran.
c. What do you understand by the line ‘The hills untied their bonnets’?
Ans: The line ‘The hills untied their bonnets’ used in the poem which says that the hills will be free from the darkness and bonnets after the  rays of the sun hits in its surface and glow like the sunshine with green environment and removing its bonnets.
d. Is the speaker watching the morning sun? Why? Why not?
Ans: No, the speaker is not watching the morning sun because here she describes about the sunrise and sunset which doesn’t occur at the same time. She is discussing about the possible events that can be took place.
e. How does the sun set?
Ans: The speaker is unknown to the sunset. She is watching the sunset but doesn’t know where the sun goes after it sets. The colors of purple and yellow show that the sun is setting, but because she doesn’t know much about sunsets, she has no idea what happens next.

Reference to the context

a. What, according to the speaker, is a day?
Ans: According to the speaker, a day is a journey or life which brings hopes, joy and happiness. Here, sunrise of sun means the birth and the sunset means the death. Here speaker means a day is started with the sunset and over with the sunset and between these it shows the beauty of the life.
b. What purpose does the hyphen in the first line serve in the poem?
Ans: The hyphen in the first line is used for break or pause in the poem in an innovative way. The purpose behind using the hyphen in the poem is to present the speaker’s deep emotions regarding sunrise being innocent. It is also used to give a sudden emphasis.
c. What makes this poem lyrical and sonorous? Discuss.
Ans: This poem is both lyrical and sonorous. This poem is lyrical because the speaker presented the personal feelings and emotions by using the pronoun “I” in the poem which indicates the poetic persona. This poem is sonorous because the poem is full of sound and described each and every event musically with the melodious tone.
d. Who are the target audience of the speaker? Why?
Ans: In the realm of poetry, the audience is the people for whom a writer creates their poems. In this particular poem, the world is seen through the eyes of an innocent child, revealing its beauty, miracles, and a touch of mystery. The speaker describes the sunrise, emphasizing their intention to share its story. The target audience could be children who missed witnessing this breathtaking sunrise because they woke up late. However, when we think about it philosophically, the poem speaks to all of humanity. The sunrise represents the beginning of life, and the activities of the day symbolize our life journey. The setting sun signifies the end, symbolizing death. So, the poem is meant for a wide range of people, from children to adults, resonating with our innate sense of wonder and curiosity.
e. The poem seems to describe a day for children. How would the adult people respond to this poem? Discuss this poem with your parents/guardians and write the answer based on their responses.
Ans: The poem seems to describe a day for children which simply means a day from sunrise to the sunset and describes the happenings in the day. But for the adult, the explanation of this poem in the different way. Here, the sunrise means the birth of the life and sunset means the death of the life. Between the birth and death, there is the excitement of the life which runs like the run of squirrel. There is the beautiful life between the beginning of life and ending of life.

Reference beyond the text

a. Observe your surroundings of one fine morning and write a poem based on your own experience.
Ans: A poem based on my experience of my surrounding is below:
Golden morning’s embrace,
Nature’s symphony takes place,
Sun ascends, birds take flight,
Flowers bloom, colors ignite,
Whispering leaves, gentle breeze,
Life awakens with such ease,
In this beauty, my spirit soars,
Morning’s magic, my heart adores.
b. Write a personal essay on A Day in the School
A Day in the School
As the morning sun peeks over the horizon, a new day in school begins. The hallways echo with the laughter and chatter of students, eager to embark on their educational journey. Each day in school is a unique blend of learning, discovery, and camaraderie, shaping young minds and fostering personal growth.
The beautiful moment of my school was the first day of the school. I was very much excited for my first day of my school. The beautiful sun rise and the beautiful ray of the sun strikes in my room which makes me wake up and have my breakfast. After that, I pack my back with the delicious and tasty snacks prepared by my mother. Then  I move to School by School Bus.
After reaching to the School, teachers and seniors welcomed us and sit in the assembly line. The prayer starts with some prayers and ends with the National Anthem. After the prayer is over, the speech of Vice-Principal and Coordinator of the School was took place. Some necessary announcements were also given by the teachers and we went to the respective classes. There were many friends in my classroom. As it was my first day of the School, I was little bit scared. I had made many friends in the first day. The duration of the each period was 40 minutes and every teachers were friendly and taught us nicely.
There was the small welcome programme for us by our seniors. So after the snacks break, we reached to hall for the programme. Our snacks break was after 4th period. After reaching in the hall, Principal, Vice-Principal, Teachers and Seniors welcomed us and praised us for our behaviour. The programme was short and motivated as our teachers and seniors motivated us for our better future and tell us the importance of the study. After finishing the programme, our school was over and went to our home.
After reaching to home, I give the detailed information about the day to my Mother and she also feels very good after listening my story. When my father arrived in evening, I again tell the story about my day with very much excitation. Then we had our dinner. As it was my first day, there was no any assignments and there was not any works that need to be done. So, I went to bed to sleep.
Therefore, the first day of school is the memorable day of my life. The first day of school sets the tone for the adventure that lies ahead. I was very happy as I made many friends and new experience of my new school.

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