On Libraries Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


On Libraries

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?
Ans: The author could be found in the little lab along with the Oak-Paneled library which is made by his father when he was late for lunch or dinner.
b. What are his first memories?
Ans: His first memories are the books and library in which he learned to read.
c. Why did he dislike school?
Ans: He disliked school because he had to obey his teachers during the school hour and there are many obligations and instructions. He wanted to study alone by himself his own desire.
d. What did he feel about at the library?
Ans: He felt free to read and learn at the library where there are no obligations and instructions. He felt the freedom to enjoy the quiet and peaceful environment and learn different new things and can do whatever he wanted. It felt free to look at thousands of books.
e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?
Ans: He was so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry because his study of interest was science from childhood. He must want to explore space and get knowledge about it and to get a wide range of knowledge on astronomy and chemistry, he focuses on that subject.
f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?
Ans: He became so fascinated by Hook because he was greatly admired in the early nineteenth century for his wit and his genius for theatrical and musical improvisation. He was said to have composed more than 500 operas on the spot.
g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.
Ans: The Queen’s College is a constituent college of the University of Oxford, England. The library building which is situated in that college was so magnificent and is designed by Christopher Wren, a great architect in the form of a palace. There were underground rooms which have a number of bookshelves and heating pipes attached to walls and corners.
h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?
Ans: The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because they had electronic devices where they can access computerized books.
i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?
Ans: He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because he saw the shelves almost empty which used to be full and most of the books had been thrown away in the past several years.

Reference to the context

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences.
Ans: The author says “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener”. He wanted to study alone without any obligations or instructions from the teacher. He used to study by choosing the books from the library To be a good student/pupil, one should have a good relationship with the teacher in the school but he didn’t listen to his teacher and didn’t follow them. He likes to learn actively in the library of his own choice. He wanted to be free from the classes and get knowledge from the library. He didn’t pay attention to the information conveyed by his teachers or instructors. He used to enjoy self-learning rather than being watched by others.
b. A proverb says, “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.
Ans: The author was fond of exploring the different books and libraries and was excited to learn new things. He used to learn by himself during school hours in the library. The environment of the library is peaceful and pleasant which makes readers learn different things. Reading books offers a bookish person as much pleasure as anything else. So, the author used to go to the library to learn new things rather than sitting in the classroom and being observed by his teachers. He also had an oak-paneled library inside his house where he stayed for a long time and learned many books. His family members were also fond of reading books and he was grown up in that environment. So, he loved to go to libraries and explore new things. Hence, the proverb “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library” applies in this essay.
c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library?
Ans: A library is a place where any age group people come to learn different knowledge. It has a collection of books, studies, or learning materials that can be accessed easily by anyone. Since many technologies and types of equipment are being introduced in today’s time and the way of learning has also changed. So, the library should need to change according to today’s environment. There are several other services that I would like to see added to the library. In today’s time, many people know how to use the internet and are familiar with modern technologies. So, there should be an internet facility in the library. As different age group people have different mindsets to learn and the library should provide separate rooms according to the age groups and each room have subjects or books of their interest. If a person loves to learn through videos, then DVDs or TVs should be provided to them. The audio materials should also be kept in the library for blind people which makes them explore new things easily and comfortably.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students.
Ans: The library is the place where people come to explore new things and learn different knowledge. It is the collection of books or study materials where anyone can access it. Libraries have been a cornerstone of education and knowledge dissemination for centuries. It provides both physical and digital access for learning new things. It is run by the government, schools, universities, or institutions to broaden their mind. These institutions are not only storehouses of books but also offer a plethora of resources and services that benefit students in numerous ways. This is very helpful and the best place to acquire knowledge for students.
A library plays a vital role in student life because it is the only place for students where they learn thousands of books and knowledge for their studies and in life too. It provides access to an extensive collection of books, journals, periodicals, and multimedia resources. These resources cover various subjects and disciplines, enabling students to deepen their understanding of academic topics beyond what is covered in their regular course materials. The research of projects and assignments will be easier and more efficient. It provides a quiet and peaceful environment to study and focus on the subjects. There are no distractions that don’t affect the study of students. it also improves the reading habits of students.  Engaging with a library encourages students to become lifelong learners, continuously seeking knowledge and self-improvement even after their formal education is complete. It also offers extra research techniques and critical thinking which help to broaden their mind. The use of the internet and technologies develops online learning skills.
Libraries are invaluable assets for students, offering a wealth of resources and services that contribute to their academic success and personal growth. From enhancing research capabilities to fostering a love for reading and promoting lifelong learning, libraries play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges of the world.
b. Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples.
Ans: Yes, I have a public library in my locality which is run by the people of my community. Here, in this library, anyone from any place can come here and study in the library. The main objective of making the library was to make everyone educated and decrease the illiteracy rate of our place and country. So, most of the people in my locality are educated. Many people come here in free time and learn new things. It contains different subjects i.e. history, novels, and stories where any age group can learn and explore it.
There is also the facility of internet. All the people of our community know how to use electronic gadgets or devices i.e. laptops, mobile phones, etc., and discovers information on different topics. Many people come to the library to read the daily newspaper too. They enjoy a lot in reading newspapers in a silent and peaceful environment. There are study course books for different levels. So, many students come here to read books. They can borrow the desired books and bring them to their home to study and should be given back before the given time otherwise they will be punished. There is also an E-library facility where people mainly students can access the audio and video materials of the books. All the things and requirements of the library are fulfilled by the people of my community. They raise money from each people and make the developments in the library. Each people of my community fond of reading and learning.

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