The Oval Portrait Summary | Class 11


In Oscar Wilde’s “The Selfish Giant,” a narrative unfolds in a quaint village where children once delighted in the lush beauty of a garden belonging to a Giant. The Giant, returning from an extended absence, selfishly secludes this slice of paradise with towering walls and a foreboding warning to all trespassers. The garden, vibrant and teeming with life, falls prey to an endless winter, a reflection of the Giant’s icy heart.

One day, a linnet’s melodious song leads the Giant to discover that the children have found a secret way back into the garden, their laughter and joy coaxing the dormant space back to life. Amidst this revival, the Giant notices a small boy, tears in his eyes, unable to partake in the merriment with his peers. This scene touches something deep within the Giant, melting away the frost encasing his heart. He assists the boy, tears down the walls, and extends a warm invitation to the children to play in the garden indefinitely.

As time marches on, the aging Giant encounters the boy once again under a remarkable tree that signals an invitation to an ethereal garden. The Giant’s journey concludes beneath this tree, surrounded by a garden flourishing with love and pardon. Wilde’s story serves as a powerful allegory on the transformative power of kindness and the potential for redemption in every heart, leaving behind a legacy of unbridled joy and open-hearted welcome.

About the author


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