What is Poverty? Summary | Class 11


The essay “What is Poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker paints a vivid picture of the harsh realities of living in poverty, drawing from her own experiences and struggles. Parker’s narrative delves deep into the depths of poverty, highlighting its destructive impact on individuals and families.

Parker begins by defining poverty as a lack, encompassing not just material needs like food and shelter, but also hope, dignity, and opportunities for a better life. She compares poverty to a corrosive acid that eats away at one’s pride, health, and future, leaving behind a trail of despair and helplessness.

Throughout the essay, Parker shares poignant anecdotes from her life, revealing the daily challenges she faces. From being unable to afford basic necessities like clean clothes and healthcare to the heartbreaking decisions she has to make regarding her children’s well-being, she portrays a grim reality that many endure silently.

One of the most striking aspects of Parker’s narrative is her emphasis on the dehumanizing effects of poverty. She describes the shame, humiliation, and despair that come with being poor, as well as the lack of support and assistance from society, government programs, and even family members.

Despite her hardships, Parker’s essay is not a plea for sympathy but a call for understanding. She wants readers to grasp the true meaning of poverty, beyond the stereotypes and superficial portrayals often seen in media. Her words resonate as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for compassion, empathy, and meaningful solutions to address the pervasive issue of poverty in our society.

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