History and Culture Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


Qin Dynasty

Ways with words

A. Match the words with their meanings.
  1. brevity   —   v. lasting only for a short time
  2. conquest   —   vii. victory over a place or people by use of military force
  3. resemblance   —   i. the state of being alike
  4. barbarian   —   i. a member of an uncivilized group of people or culture
  5. ally   —   x. one state united to another by a treaty or a league for a military purpose
  6. nobility   —   iii. state of being noble in character, quality or rank
  7. ruthlessness   —   ix. the character of having no pity or compassion
  8. decimation   —   viii. the killing or destruction of a large number of a population
  9. harsh   —   vi. cruel
  10. elixir   —   iv. the liquid that is believed to cure all ills 
B. Find the following words in the text and use them in sentences of your own.
Invasion = I left France after the Russian invasion in 1968.
disregard = Nowadays, teenagers disregard their parents.
Paramount = Patriotism must be for the paramount of nation.
Populace = He had the support of large section of the local populace.
revolt = Teenagers often revolt against parental discipline.
assassination = Kennedy’s assassination took place in November 22, 1963.
serfdom = Serfdom was abolished in Russia in 1861.
D. Consult a dictionary and prepare a list of ten homographs.
Bankcorner of the riverfinancial institution
Bearlarge furry animaltolerate
Canbe able tofood container
Barlength of solid materialplace of drinking
Capitalwealthseat of government
Compactsmall and efficientlyagreement
Datetime of the eventsmall oval fruit
Bookpublished workreserve place
Addressphysical locationmake a speech
Accentmanner of pronunciationmark above the letter


A. Complete the table with the correct information from the text.
Qin Dynasty Period221-206 BCE
Zhou Dynasty Period1046-256 BCE
Warring States Period426-221 BCE
Unification of China by Qin221 BCE
First Emperor of Qin DynastyQi Shi Huangdi
Death of Shi Huangdi210 BCE
Liu Bang Period247 BCE-195 BCE
B. Answer these questions.
a. Why is the Zhou Age called a feudal age?
Ans: The Zhou Age is called a feudal age because the Zhou government bore a strong resemblance to some of the forms of feudalism in medieval Europe.
b. What is the location advantage of the Qin?
Ans: The territory of the Qin State is in favorable location. It is in modern Shaanxi Province. It is well guarded from the east by mountains and valleys. It has easy access to the North China plain through the Yellow River passes. It is safe. So, no major battle ever took place in the Qin’s heartland. 
c. What contributed to the success in the warfare as described in the text?
Ans: The location of the state, the size of the army and expert use of the chariot contributed to their success in warfare.
d. Why did the Qin invite the foreign advisor, Shang Yang?
Ans: The Qin invited the foreign advisor Shang Yang to suggest to them the idea of state policy. Shang Yang was foreign policy expert person.
e. What were the key features of the Qin political system?
Ans: fear and control were the key features of the Qin political system.
f. How were the people treated during the Qin Period?
Ans: During the Qin period, those who contributed the most to the state were highly rewarded while those who live were considered of no consequence were sent to work as slaves on Shi Huangdi’s building projects such as the Great Wall of China, the Grand Canal and the roads.  
g. Why did Shi Huangdi stop educating ordinary people?
Ans: Shi Huangdi stopped educating to ordinary people because he believed that uneducated people were easier to control.
h. What did the Qin achieve by the legalism in practice?
Ans: The Qin achieved the efficiency and strength of the state. Qin achieved a superior army, a disciplined bureaucracy, an obedient population and the unquestioned authority of central government by the legalism in practice.
i. Why did Shi Huangdi never sleep in the same room for two consecutive nights?
Ans: Shi Huangdi never slept in the same room for two consecutive nights because of the constant fear of assassination.
j. What are the everlasting marks of the Qin Dynasty?
Ans: Shi Huangdi never slept in the same room for two consecutive nights because of constant fear of assassination.   

Critical Thinking

 a. The Great Wall and the Taj Mahal are the creation of the autocratic rulers. Present your view for or against this statement.
Ans: In an autocracy, power remains in the hands of a single person. The autocratic political system has the feature of fear and control. Historically, autocracies have been represented by absolute monarchs and military dictators. Autocratic leaders usually make choices which rely on their ideas and judgments. They hardly accept any advice from followers. 
The Great Wall of China got built by Qin Shi Huang. He was autocrat. The Taj Mahal got built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaj. Shah Jahan was also an autocrat. According to historian 300,000 soldiers and 500,000 common people (slaves) were involved in constructing the original Great Wall under Emperor Qin, but this number was in millions. Many soldiers and slaves were killed and buried under the Great Wall itself. 1,000 elephants and more than 20,000 workers fro India, Persia, Europe and the Ottoman Empire were brought in to build the Taj Mahal. Many laborers were killed and buried. 
Both the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal were built under the ruling power of the autocrat. Unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled laborers along with talented artisans were used to build them. They were being built to be immortal, gaining popularity and dedication to their loved ones.
b. How do you describe the pros and cons of feudalism?
Ans: Feudalism was a combination of the legal, economic, military and cultural customs. It is also known as the feudal system. It was popular in Medieval Europe between the 9th to 15th centuries. The feudal system had the provision of social and economic security to the lower class members of the society. The landlords could not deprive the vassals’ land. Vassals were dependent landholders in feudal society. The landlords had to care for them during their disability. The system helped people to develop the qualities like loyalty, bravery, generosity, humility and courtesy. Associations between lords and vassals were based on a high respect for truth and promised word. The vassals showed every possible courtesy to the lords and served them with loyalty and humility. In return, the landlords revealed love and kindness to the vassals.
Pros of feudalism
  • Feudalism saved vassals from foreign invaders.
  • Landlords were able to save the vassals from the tyranny of the King.
  • Slavery could not flourish in Europe due to feudalism.
  • Soldiers showed their bravery. They saved vassals from autocrat landlords.
  • They also showed honor to women.
  • The relationship between the landlords and vassals were cordial. They fulfilled the need of each other.
Cons of feudalism
  • Feudalist divided the society into two classes i.e. feudal class and farmers.
  • There were regular wars among the landlord. Vassals had to favor the landlord. It discourages nationalism.
  •   Due to feudalism, political unity was lost. So, the sovereign state could not crate in Europe.
  • Feudalism made a deplorable condition of vassals. They could not earn their livelihood from a small area of land.


B. Complete the texts below using the correct past forms of the verbs from the bracket.
  1. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan. However, their culture disappeared (disappear) by the time Europeans first arrived (arrive) in the New World.
  2. When I turned (turn) on the radio yesterday, I heard (hear) a song that was popular when I was (be) at the basic level of my study. It took (take) me back to some old memories.
  3. I was looking for a job. I applied (apply) for a job last week. Fortunately, I got (get) it and now I am a job holder
C. Choose the correct words from the list and complete the sentences with the correct verb form.
teachwriteseeget upthrowcost
  1. Newton saw an apple falling from the tree.
  2. Ramesh Bikal wrote many popular stories.
  3. My jacket is expensive. It costs me Rs. 5,000.
  4. She got early in the morning yesterday.
  5. When I was small, my father taught me at home.
  6. Why did you throw the cap away?

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