Health and Exercise Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


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Ways with Words

A. Ten words in the bold face in the text correspond to the definitions below. Match the definitions with the corresponding words.
a. in spite of what has just been said or referred to
Ans: nevertheless
b. a strong desire or impulse 
Ans: urge
c. the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult
Ans: determination
d. to attract attention to or emphasize something important
Ans: highlight
e. arguing about things that are not important
Ans: bickering
f. not having things or conditions that are usually considered necessary
Ans: deprivation
g. continue to exist 
Ans: persist
h. soft loose flesh on a person’s body
Ans: flab
i. to improve or increase something
Ans: boost
j. a limiting condition on something
Ans: restriction
Now, make sentences of your own using the same words in bold type.
determination = The key to her success was her absolute determination.
Trim = Trim this video to upload on YouTube.
Adiposity = Regular exercise can reduce adiposity.
Highlight = Students should highlight the important topics.
Bulge = His stomach bulged after the huge meal.
Nevertheless = Nevertheless, we are far from our target level.
Boosts = Boost on Facebook is better than a newspaper ad.
Persist = The bad weather will persist for the next two days.
Flab = Regular workouts reduce flab.
Bickering = I wish they will stop bickering.
Restriction = There is the restriction to take photos.
Urge = I would urge them to stay in School.
B. The words ‘restriction’ and ‘awareness’ are nouns with the suffixes ‘-ion’ and ‘-ness’. Make a list of as many words  as you can which end in ‘-ion’ and ‘-ness’.


A. Write whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given.
a. During the holidays people eat and drink more than usual.   True
b. Getting too little exercise and eating too much is the reason why people put on weight.   True
c. David Allison’s research involved studying rats under laboratory conditions.  False
d. You may need to go shopping for clothes if you come down with a cold.  True
e. Adenovirus-36 (AD-36) decreases the percentage of fat in the fat cells.  False
f. Vaccination against infections could be used in the future to prevent obesity.  True
g. People under severe stress can experience breathing difficulties.   Not given
h. A study indicates that mice that have never been on a diet choose fatty food, when given a choice between high-calorie or low-calorie food products.  False
i. Rajita Sinha has been studying the connection between brain activity and behaviour.  False
j. Specific hormones regulate our appetite.  True
B. Answer the following questions.
a. In what sense are the holidays a time of excess? When can a person gain weight?
Ans: The holidays are the time of excess. The people eat and drink more than usual in the holidays. A person can gain weight when he/she overeats and under exercises.
b. According to David Allison, which factor contributes to excess obesity?
Ans: According to David Allison, the factors that contribute to excess obesity are:
  • Long time spent in light or dark environments
  • Common cold viruses
  • Antibody
  • Genetic modifications
c. What, according to Dhurandhar, can be the way of preventing fatness?
Ans: According to Dhurandhar, vaccination against infections can be the way of preventing fatness.
d. What is the relationship between chill and obesity? How can saying ‘om’ help reduce fatness?
Ans:  Chill (cold) helps burn calories, then decreases obesity.
Saying ‘Om’ helps reduce fatness by taking control over the urges and stress-related eating of high-calorie food.
e. Why is it necessary to be careful while buying plastic packaged fatty food?
Ans: It is necessary to be careful while buying plastic packaged fatty foods because they contain endocrine disrupt-er chemicals that  can leach into food and drinks and cause the expansion of waistlines.
f. Why does Nelson suggest avoiding blue wavelengths of light at night?
Ans: Nelson suggests avoiding blue wavelengths of light at night because these are  known to be especially disruptive to the circadian system.
g. How does breathing polluted air affect one’s fatness?
Ans: Breathing polluted air affects one’s fatness. It can cause extra fat to accumulate around one’s stomach. It disrupts the body’s ability to burn energy.
h. What is the link between sleep and weight?
Ans: Sleep deprivation reduces the secretion of leptin. Leptin increases levels of ghrelin. Ghrelin  stimulates appetite and a person eats more. So, less sleep means more time to eat that boosts weight.

Critical Thinking

a. What do you do you to keep yourself fit? What food do you avoid and why?
Ans: Everyone desires to live a healthy life. But they hardly put in any efforts to make it happen due to their busy time table. In my part, I believe in saying ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’. I strictly follow healthy habits to be physically and mentally fit. I walk around two kilometers during the day and I play badminton on holiday. Early to bed and early to rise have also played a vital role in my sound health.
I eat healthy foods that include nutrition, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which is required by my body. Generally, I avoid junk foods and cold drinks. If there is no other option, I eat little junk foods. Junk foods contain fats, sugar, white flour and Ajinomoto. Junk foods are tasty but they harm our digestion system. More consumption of junk food increases obesity, heart diseases and blood pressure.
b. Healthy citizens are the greatest asset of a country. What can a state do to keep her citizen healthy?
Ans: Healthy citizens make a healthy nation. The best profitable investment a nation can make is to invest in the health of its citizens. Our ability to grow as a country is strongly linked to our health. Having an educated and skilled workforce is not adequate. Physical and mental well-being are essential for the productivity. When a people are sick,  the consequences extend beyond the well-being of the nation affecting families and communities. 
A state can do the following to keep citizen healthy:
  • Adequate local public health infrastructures should  be assured.
  • The state should provide  quality and nutritious food for its citizens.
  • It is necessary to the prevention of the spread of communicable diseases.
  • There should be the provision of easy health services.
  • Health centers and hospitals should be established inn remote parts of a country.


a. Yoga can be good to stay physically and mentally healthy. Do you practice any yoga? Write an essay on the benefits of yoga.
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is an an ancient form of practice that developed thousands of years ago in Hindu society. It has been practiced continuously since then. It includes a variety of exercises to help a person stay healthy. Yoga helps to get rid of various types of diseases and disabilities.
Nowadays, stress is a  common practice, which has a shocking effect on the body and mind. The main benefit  of practicing yoga is that it helps in reducing stress. Stress causes people to have severe problems such as pain while sleeping, neck pain, backache, headache, rapid treatment, palms sweating, unhappiness, anger, sleeplessness and inability to concentrate. Yoga focuses on our natural tendency towards health and self-healing. Yoga bases on exercises, meditation, breathing exercises and yoga aasans which strengthen various muscles and reduces stress. Some of the benefits of yoga are as follows:
  • It improves muscle flexibility.
  • It heals body postures and alignment.
  • It provides better digestive system.
  • It treats asthma.
  • It cures diabetes.
  • It  helps in skin glow.
Yoga is a very useful practice that is very easy to do and it also helps to get rid of some serious health problems, which are common in today’s lifestyles.
b. How can a person be mentally healthy? Provide about ten tips to a person to stay mentally fresh and healthy.
Ans: To be healthy, it is very important to have a healthy mind. If we are mentally fit, we can easily solve the  problems of life. Nowadays, it is common to be stressed in a runaway lifestyle. In such a situation, keeping oneself mentally fit is also a challenge. We can face problems in life only due to our healthy minds. Apart from this,  a healthy mind is also needed to reach the stage of progress.
Some of the tips to keep the mind healthy are as follows: 
  • We should keep learning new.
  • We should take care of the body.
  • We should spend time with people.
  • We should help others.
  • We should keep stress away.
  • We should keep calm.
  • We should set goals for future.
  • We should seek help when needed.
  • We should believe in yourself.
  • We should avoid loan and credit cards.


B. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verbs from the brackets.
a. Everyone has problems in their life. Countries also have problems, and so does the world. One of the greatest problems is the growing population. The population in some countries is  huge.
b. A number of my friends love riding bicycles, but neither my brother nor my sister owns a cycle. At 4 o’clock, either my mother or father is  coming to pick me up in a car.
c. The pair of shoes on the floor is mine. The shoes were made in China. The three thousand rupees I spent on them was worth it.
C. Are the following sentences correct? If not, correct them.
a. Every one of the workers receive the same benefits.
Ans: Every one of the workers receives the same benefits.
b. There is two gerbils in my bathroom.
Ans: There are two gerbils in my bathroom.
c. Both of my friends live in Kathmandu.
Ans: Both of my friends live in Kathmandu.
d.  Scissors is used to have our hair cut.
Ans: Scissors are used to have our hair.
e. You and your friends are welcome to join us.
Ans:  You and your friends are welcome to join us.
f.  Are the news on at five or six?
Ans: Is the news on at five or six?
g. The man with all his children live in the city.
Ans: The  man will all his children lives in the city.
h. Mathematics are Prem’s favorite subject, while Economics is Alina’s favorite subject.
Ans: Mathematics is Prem’s favorite subject, while Economics is Alina’s favorite.

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