Home Life and Family Relationship Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


The Tattered Blanket

Ways with words

A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the box.
irratationhuddled upawkwardlyfutilegratingmumblingfeebly
a. All my efforts to convince her for the tour were futile.
b. The lost traveller huddled up under a shelter made of branches and leaves.
c. Her rude behaviour was the main cause of irritation for him.
d. She moved awkwardly in the room, thinking that I was watching.
e. She is mumbling something, but I can’t hear her.
f. When I met my sister after a long time, she talked to me in a feebly voice.
B. Tick (√) the correct words that are similar in meaning to the underlined words.
a. Rupa studied Science reluctantly due to her father’s pressure.
Ans: unwillingly
b. She moved her fingers exasperatedly through her hair.
Ans: annoyingly 
c. My grandmother is over eighty. She lifted her hands feebly.
Ans: weakly
d. She is wearing a tattered shawl.
Ans: torn
e. I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet in this expensive city.
Ans: earn just enough money
D. Syllable
c. Consult an English dictionary and find the number of syllables in the following words. Underline and pronounce them.
burybur-ybur/y2 syllables
developmentde-vel-op-mentde/vel/op/ment4 syllables
syllabicsyl-lab-icsyl/la/ic3 syllables
vowelvow-elvow/el2 syllables
education ed-u-ca-tioned/u/ca/tion4 syllables
disciplinedis-ci-plinedis/ci/pline3 syllables
examinationex-am-i-na-tionex/am/i/na/tion5 syllables
childrenchil-drenchil/dren2 syllables
separatelysep-a-rate-lysep/a/rate/ly4 syllables
pronunciationpro-nun-cia-tionpro/nun/cia/tion5 syllables


Answer the following questions.
a. Why didn’t the mother recognize her son Gopi?
Ans: The mother didn’t recognize her son Gopi because she was eighty-three years old and lost her memory.
b. Why is the sister living with her mother?
Ans: The sister is living with her mother because she is a widow and there is nobody to take care of her mother.
c. What is the sister’s attitude towards her brother?
Ans: Her attitude is critical for her brother because of her brother’s behavior isn’t good.
d. Does the son love his mother very much? How do you know that? 
Ans: Yes, he does. He shows his love by bending down and bringing his face close to her wrinkled cheeks.
e. What does the mother actually need: a blanket or the warmth of her son’s love?
Ans: The mother actually needs the warmth of her son’s love. Here, the blanket symbolized love and care.
f. What does the phrase the ‘tattered blanket’ mean? Is it only the blanket that is tattered?
Ans: The phrase ‘the tattered blanket’ means hurt the feelings of the mother. No, there is a tattered of relation viz weaken family relation.
g. The son says, ‘Amma can’t remember who I am’. Do you think that he remembered his mother? Why didn’t he answer when his sister asked, ‘Do you remember your Amma?’
Ans: No, I don’t think so. He didn’t answer her question because during a year Gopi didn’t write any letter for his mother.

Critical Thinking

a. What can be the expectations of the parents from their offspring at the old age?
Ans: Everybody becomes both physically and mentally weak in old age. At a young age, parents invest more than 50% of their income to look after their children. Father does everything that he can do for his family. Mother works 24 hours for her family. So, it is common to expect to care and daring from their offspring at old age. Most old-age parents are unhappy with their children and complain about caring. In childhood, all children go to their parents and demand their need. But when they become young and earn money, they live far from their parents. Most children don’t care about their parents when they fall in love with someone. On the other hand, when the children do the job far from their parent slowly they enjoy in their life. After getting married, children forget their parents and they take care only of their family.
Today’s living cost is very high. Most of the children of the middle and lower-middle class can’t fulfill their living standards with their income. And, they don’t care about their parents. On the other hand, those who belong to a rich family, also don’t care about their parents. The parents basically expect love, affection and care from their children. Healthy food, a comfortable bed and regular health check-ups are needed by old-age parents. Besides these, parents want their children to listen to and talk to them. Elderly people love to share their life experiences with their children for their betterment. But most of the children neglect their parents. If you don’t take care of your parents, your children also won’t take care for you. It is the life cycle. Grandparents are the best friends for grandchildren. Grandchildren can learn a lot of knowledge from grandparents. Therefore, we must take care of our parents so as to our children learn from us.
b. Some children who live in a distance tend to be indifferent to the feelings of their parents. Why do you think they are like that? Discuss. 
Ans: There are different reasons to live in a distance from parents. It may be for study, job, business and so on. For achieving their goal, they have to invest more time and efforts. When children live in a distance, they gradually keep away relation from their parents. Finally, it creates a gap or distance between parents and their children. In todays through cut competition, money and success are more important than the parents’ feelings. They do hard work for earning and saving but not making the parents happy.
Some children begin a new life with their family far from their parents. Their wife and children become more important than their old-age parents. That is why the have no time to call them and visit their parents.
c. A mother’s love is everlasting and indispensable. Justify.
Ans: Mother’s love for her child is everlasting and indispensable. It is a universal truth that no one can take care for children like a mother. Mother’s love is unconditional, selfless and everlasting. A mother’s love for her child undoubtedly can’t be compared with anything. A child finds his mother as a best friend, mentor, teacher and caretaker. She plays with her child along with extra care and nourishment. She never tries to fulfill all possible demands of her child without thinking of her. A mothers’ love is important for her child for teaching moral and cultural values.
Mother is the emotional foundation of the family. She takes care, support and respect , everyone’s feeling in a family. A member of a family can share almost any secret with his/her mother. This is because the mother has a huge level of faith in her family. When a mother becomes old and cannot work, in that condition, the mother becomes a little selfish. Because she had invested her entire life for her children. Therefore, we must take care of our mother at her old-age.


B. Complete the following sentences with however, although or in spite of.
a. In spite of the fact that he is an octogenarian; he still leads an active life.
b. I still enjoyed the week although the weather was bad.
c. He has passed MA. However, he hasn’t got a job.
d. Although I had a headache, I enjoyed the movie.
e. Ramila didn’t get the job in spite of the fact that she had all the necessary qualifications.
f. In spite of the fact that he had no money, he bought the car anyway.
g. We can go to the park for lunch. Although, the weather report says it’s going to rain.
h. However I speak English well, my first language is actually Maithili.
C. Combine the following sentences using the words given in brackets.
a. He was annoyed. He didn’t say anything. (although)
Ans: Although he was annoyed, he didn’t say anything.
b. Playing the stock market is exciting. It can be risky. (however)
Ans: Playing the stock market is exciting, however, it can be risky.
c. He works slowly. He never makes a mistake. (even though)
Ans: Even though, he works slowly, he never makes a mistake.
d. It was raining. We still went to the park. (in spite of)
Ans: In spite of rain, we still went to the park.
e. Hark bought the watch. It was expensive. (despite)
Ans: Despite being expensive, Hark bought the watch.
f. He is very poor. He wears expensive clothes. (but)
Ans: He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.
D. Rewrite the following sentences using (a) although and (b) in spite of.
a. He had very little time, but he offered to help us.
Ans: He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.
b. She is very poor, but she still wears expensive clothes.
Ans: He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.
c. He’s a millionaire, but he lives in a very small flat.
Ans: He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.
d. They have a lot of money, but they are still not happy.
Ans: He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.
e. The traffic was heavy, but we got there in time.
Ans: He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.

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