A Devoted Son Summary | Class 12


The story of “A Devoted Son” revolves around Dr. Rakesh, a young Indian man from a humble background who achieves remarkable success in his medical career. Initially celebrated for his achievements, Rakesh’s devotion to his family and traditional values becomes a central theme as the narrative unfolds.

Rakesh’s journey begins with his outstanding performance in national examinations, earning him a coveted spot in medical school in the United States. Despite his accomplishments abroad and numerous accolades, Rakesh remains deeply connected to his family and homeland. He returns home, marries according to his mother’s wishes, and dedicates himself to serving his community as a physician.

However, as time passes, tensions arise within the family, particularly between Rakesh and his father, Varma. Varma, once proud of his son’s accomplishments, begins to resent Rakesh’s authoritative approach to managing his health. A power struggle ensues as Rakesh, now a physician, imposes strict dietary restrictions on Varma, leading to resentment and despair on Varma’s part.

The once-admired son becomes a source of frustration and sadness for Varma, who longs for autonomy and resents Rakesh’s interference in his life. Despite Rakesh’s best intentions and medical expertise, Varma’s decline into depression and physical deterioration symbolizes the tragic consequences of unchecked devotion and the complexities of familial relationships.

In the end, “A Devoted Son” delves into the nuances of duty, sacrifice, and the often-painful dynamics that can arise within families, showcasing the challenges faced when traditional values clash with modern aspirations and professional expertise.

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