A Respectable Woman Summary | Class 12


The short story “A Respectable Woman” by Kate Chopin centers on Mrs. Baroda’s inner conflict as she grapples with her unexpected attraction to her husband’s friend, Gouvernail. Initially resistant to Gouvernail’s presence at their plantation, Mrs. Baroda had hoped for a period of relaxation and quality time with her husband, Gaston Baroda.

Despite never having met Gouvernail before, Mrs. Baroda harbors a negative mental image of him as a tall, slender, and cynical individual. However, when she actually meets him, she finds him to be quite different—charming, unassuming, and not at all as she had imagined. This discrepancy adds to her confusion about her feelings towards him.

As Mrs. Baroda spends more time with Gouvernail, she begins to discover aspects of his personality that intrigue her, despite not aligning with the positive characteristics Gaston had described. Gouvernail’s quiet demeanor and lack of effort to impress her contrast with her initial expectations, making her question her own perceptions.

The turning point comes when Gouvernail presents her with a scarf on Gaston’s behalf and engages in conversation with her, revealing a softer and more introspective side. Mrs. Baroda is drawn to his voice and the glimpses of vulnerability he shares, igniting conflicting emotions within her.

Unable to fully comprehend her attraction to Gouvernail, Mrs. Baroda grapples with her desires and ultimately decides to leave for the city temporarily, seeking clarity away from the plantation. Upon her return, she finds that Gouvernail has left, but Gaston expresses his desire for Gouvernail to return the following summer.

In a surprising turn of events, Mrs. Baroda changes her mind and resolves to treat Gouvernail with greater hospitality, acknowledging that her previous aversion was unwarranted. The story ends with a sense of resolution and Mrs. Baroda’s newfound acceptance of her emotions and her role as a respectable woman in society.

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