Corona Says Summary | Class 11


In “Corona Says,” Nepalese Poet Vishnu Singh Rai gives voice to the coronavirus itself, addressing humanity directly with a stark realism that cuts through the chaos of the pandemic. Refusing to shoulder the blame, the virus points fingers at human actions for its spread, emphasizing that it was humans who transported it across borders.

Humans, in their hubris, consider themselves the pinnacle of creation, viewing all other species as subordinate. But the virus highlights the interconnectedness of all life on Earth, reminding us that we are but one part of a delicate ecosystem.

As the world ground to a halt during lockdowns, nature reclaimed its space, offering a glimpse of a cleaner, clearer future. The pandemic, the virus suggests, serves as a warning against our unsustainable ways, urging us to recognize our shared responsibility for the planet.

The poem ends with a dire warning: if humanity fails to heed the lessons of this crisis, disaster looms on the horizon. Without a change in our attitudes and behaviors, we risk not only future pandemics but also regression to a primitive existence, reminiscent of our ancient ancestors.

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