Every Morning I Wake Summary | Class 12


The poem “Every Morning I Wake” from Under the Milk Wood is a heartfelt prayer by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas to the majestic God, pleading for mercy on behalf of the common people living under the Milk Wood.

The speaker of the poem, representing humanity, acknowledges the vastness and power of God, expressing devotion and seeking blessings for all creatures. The prayer is not just for personal benefit but for the well-being of everyone, recognizing God’s immortality and omnipotence.

As mortal beings, the speaker understands the inevitability of death but finds solace in God’s blessings that make life beautiful. The uncertainty of waking up each morning prompts the speaker to seek God’s protection throughout the night, acknowledging that only God truly knows our essence and bestows judgment and gifts accordingly.

Dylan Thomas’s poetic style shines through with the structured quatrains and AABB CCDD rhyme scheme, highlighting the speaker’s reverence and plea for divine mercy, protection, judgment, and the gift of another day. The poem encapsulates the eternal human longing for God’s grace and the profound belief in His benevolence.

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