Importance of Travelling | Essay

Travelling has been an inseperable part of modern life. While some people travel for breaking the monotony of life others travel for business and education. In my opinion, travelling is important for pleasure, educative value and enhancement of one’s perspective.
Travelling allows one to disconnect from regular busy schedule and gives relaxations. Modern people are involved in the rat race most of the time without having time to ponder and wonder about the world and its beauty. As a result, they tend to forget tha value of human life. However, if they take break from this busy schedule, they have opportunities to relax and reflect about their life. Visiting different places and people rejuvenates their mind allowing them to work with full zeal again. In addition, travelling encourages people to embrace change and overcome new challenges.
Another importance of travelling is its educative value. Students are more privileged from travelling in the sense that they can practically observe and experience places and people that they study in their textbook. For instance, students, on the one hand, are benefited with the knowledge of history and geography, and, on the other hand, they come to know about social life, business, agriculture and culture of different people around the world.
Travelling, it can be argued, unquestionably, enhances one’s knowledge about the people and the places around the globe and thereby enhances one’s perspective to appreciate things. While travelling, you come across with new people and know the way of their lives. As you experience people with different customs, culture and religion, you start appreciating individual differences, too. As a result, it enhances a sense of fraternity in the world.
To conclude, travelling is remarkably beneficial to us. On the one hand, it regenerates our energy spoiled by hectic lifestyle, and, on the other hand, it enhances our knowledge and perspective about the people and the places around the world.

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