Humour and Satire Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


A Few Kind Words for Superstition

Ways with Words

A. Match the following:
a. transcendental  =  spiritual, non-physical or mystical

b. deplore  =  to feel or express strong disapproval of (something)

c. absolve  =  set free from blame, guilt, or responsibility; release

d. juju  =  a charm or fetish used by some West African people

e. crude  =  natural state

f. chronicle  =   a written record of historical events

B. Find the contextual meanings of the following words from the text and then use them in sentences of your own.

condemnto express disapprovalHe has publicly condemned the deal.
terrora feeling of extreme fearPeople fled from the explosion in terror.
unbiddenwithout being asked, invitedShe walked into the room unbidden.
persistto continue to existConsult your doctor if the symptoms persist.
devouthaving or showing strong religious feelingOne of my friends is a devout Muslim.
banishto make somebody/ something go awayThe sight of food banished all other thoughts from my mind.
creeda system of principles or religious beliefsWe welcome people of all races, colors and creeds.
hastento make something happen more quicklyThe treatment she received may have hastened her death.
soberserious and sensibleWe need to make a calm, sober assessment of the situation.
scomto feel or show what you think someobody/ something is stupid and you don’t respect them or itMy sister scorned my view ad old-fashioned.
yearninga strong and emotional desireThey had a deep yearning for their homeland.
aloofnot friendly/ disinterested in other peopleShe stayed aloof while the argument went on around her.
swarthyhaving dark skinMy friend is skinny, with a swarthy complexion.
humblerhaving or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.He served at the pleasure of a humbler master.


Answer these questions.
a. According to the author, what are the four types of superstition?
Ans: According to the author, the four types of superstition are Vain Observances, Divination, Idolatry and Improper Worship of the True God.
b. Which language is the word ‘superstition’ derived from? What does it mean?
Ans: The word ‘superstition’ is derived from the Latin supersisto which means to stand in terror of the Deity.
c. How do psychologists understand superstition?
Ans: Psychologists understand superstition as a compulsion that neurosis doesn’t banish.
d. How does superstition differ from religion? 
Ans: Superstition is a belief in the magical and supernatural powers that are mostly based on myths or pseudo confusing expectations, whereas religion is an integrated system of beliefs in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief.
e. What is the belief of some people in the Middle Europe about sneezing?
Ans: Some people of Middle Europe believe that when a man sneezes, his soul, for that moment, is absent from his body and they hasten to bless him, lest the soul will be seized by the Devil.
 f. In the author’s view, why are people so fascinated about superstition?
Ans: In the author’s view, people are so fascinated about superstition because it in general is linked to people’s desire to know their fate, and to have some hand in deciding it.

Critical Thinking

 a. What is the key takeaway of this essay? Do you think that this essay is satirical? Why?
Ans: The essay aims to change the usual view that superstition is only harbored by the uneducated and irrational people and introduce a different perspective towards superstition. Every individual no matter how logical or rational, carries superstitions, and that is a normal and natural trait although this is not indicated directly. The essayist doesn’t make any precise or obvious points about what the essay will be about except that it will revolve around superstition.
The essayist believes that many superstitions are so widespread and so old that must have been risen from a depth of human mind that is indifferent to any race or creed. For him, superstition is associated with a human interest to know his fate and to have its role in deciding it.
The essay is satirical. It makes fun of learned and educated people who have nothing to do with superstition, but believe in it. The essayist uses several examples associated with superstition, from his personal life at the University he lives in, his surroundings and religious studies. These illogical happenings in the essay strongly ridicule the scientific and modern human civilization. Throwing salt over the left shoulder after spilling it or avoiding walking under a ladder resolving a matter related to university affiars by consulting the I Ching, placing jujus, lucky coins and other bringers of luck on the desks of the candidates in an examination hall, etc. are some of the superstitious activities rational persons believe in.
b. Can education bring change in the belief of superstition? Present your arguments to support your answer.
Ans: Education can bring change in the belief of superstition. It improves cognition and the ability of reasoning. Educated people are less likely to be superstitious and can make others aware of the evil practice. At least educated people send the sick to the hospital, rather then to call witch doctors to cast out demons in order to cure the sick. Education provides on understanding of the diseases, the cause and the cure of the diseases.
Superstitious befall when someone fears the unknown. Once the unknown becomes familiar, there is not superstitious any longer. If a person to know about the actual truth behind various meaningless things, their fear from the mind will be abolished.
It is true that the paranormal things are deep rooted in people’s mind. The reason behind this is the impact of society where they grow and cultural practices they involve in. It is difficult to eradicate them but not impossible. Only educated people can make it possible.


a. Write an essay on superstitions that exists in your community in about 250 words.
In the 21st century, there are many people who believe in superstitions. 86.3% of the world’s population is educated but they believe in superstitions.
Causes of superstitions
There are many reasons for superstition. Every person has some problem in life. These problems are unemployment, business loss, fights for assets. When people trapped in these bad situations, they want to get rid of. Most of the married women are the victims of superstition in the country. Most of the married women want at least one baby boy in the family. 
Some superstitions exist in our community
When cat is crossing the path, we shouldn’t cross. We should not broom at night. We shouldn’t cut the nail at night. Blow on fingers if they touch one’s neck. Don’t leave the home on particular day. Itching on foot’s sole means journey. Poor, old age and single women is witch. Flicking of left eye is inauspicious.
It is surprising that in such superstitions, illiterate as well as educated people fall into it. Except health and financial problems, other problems can be solved by taking and discussing. In crux, people should solve problems by sharing with family.


B. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or present continuous.
a. Nisha speaks English very well.
b. Hurry up! We are waiting for you.
c. Excuse me! Do you speak English?
d. She is having a shower in bathroom.
e. How often do you read a newspaper?
f. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you speak more slowly?
g. You can turn off the radio. I am not listening to it.
h. I usually get up at 5 o’clock every morning.
i. Look! The river is flowing very fast.
j. Amrita doesn’t seem very happy at the moment.
C. Are the underlined verbs in the correct form? Correct them where
a. Water boils at 100° C.
Ans: Water boils at 100° C.
b. The water boils. Can you turn it off?
Ans: The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?
c. I must go now. It gets late.
Ans: I must go now. It is getting late.
d. This sauce’s tasting really good.
Ans: This sauce tastes really good.
e. I’m thinking this is your key.
Ans: I think this is your key.
f. Are you believing in God?
Ans: Do you believe in God?
g. I usually go to school on foot.
Ans: I usually go to school on foot.
h. Look! That man tries to open the door of her car.
Ans: Look! That man is trying to open the door of her car.
i. The moon is going round the earth.
Ans: The moon goes round the earth.
j. I‘m getting hungry. Let’s go and eat.
Ans: I’m getting hungry. Let’s go and eat. 

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