Travel and Tourism Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XI


Discovering West Nepal – The Wild Frontier

Ways with Words

A. Find the words from the text which mean the following.
a. became fuller and softer by shaking
Ans: fluffed
b. sound mental health
Ans: sanity
c. consisting of or easily breaking into small pieces
Ans: crumbly
d. neither very hot nor very cold
Ans: temperate
e. land that does not have enough water to support the growth of plants
Ans: region
f. only slightly warm
Ans: lukeworm
B. Find the meanings of the following words in an English dictionary, write their word classes and use them in your own sentences.
hazycovered by a hazeIt was a very lazy day.
frontiera line or border separating two countriesThe border between the United States and Canada is the world’s longest frontier.
lushcovered in healthy grass and plantsAll of the islands have beautiful beaches and lush scenery.
flipflopsopen shoesDress is great paired with flipflops.
altitudethe height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground levelThe plane made a dive to a lower altitude.
fatalcausing deathHis illness is fatal in almost all cases.
magnificentextremely beautiful, elaborate or impressionThe magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant.
C. Make a list of the Nepali words used in the text and write their English equivalents.
  1. bidhesi  =  foreigner
  2. raksi  =  alcohol
  3. mathi and tala  =  up and down
  4. bahini  =  younger sister
  5. pani  =  water


Answer these questions.
a. How did the author feel when she saw a colourful rooster in the western Himalayas?
Ans: She felt amused when she saw a colorful rooster in the western Himalayas. 
b. How does she describe the houses on the trails of western Nepal?
Ans: There were stoned houses under a rock over a river. They looked too crumble to live in but people were comfortable with them.
c. What does she mean when she says “I walked towards a village 15 kilometres further as the crow flies?”
Ans: When she said that she had walked towards a village 15 kilometers further as he crow flies she means the distance se had to cover was measured between two places.
d. Describe the village Thankur in brief.
Ans: Thankur had only two houses. She saw three lophophoruses there. The evening surprised her as the stars were twinkling brillaintly.  
e. What happened when she reached Jumla and how was she relieved?
Ans: When she reached Jumla she was ill with an unknown virus and a bad tummy. She as relieved after having medicine and pani puri.
f. How does the author describe the bucket water in Khali Lagna?
Ans: The water surface on the bucket was frozen. When she cracked it, she felt satisfied as the water underneath was surprisingly lukeworm.
g. How was Rara Lake on the day she reached there?
Ans: The water in Rara Lake was glistening in its dark blue glory when she reached there.


B. Complete these sentences using the verbs given in the brackets.
a. Letters are delivered by the postman every day. 
b. This bag was found in the bus yesterday. 
c. The gate is locked at 7:00 pm every evening. 
d. I was invited to the party last week.
e. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.
f. Muna Madan was written by Devkota. 
g. How much money was stolen in the robbery? 
h. Do you know cheese is made from milk?
i. I was born in Kathmandu, but was grown in Dhangadhi. 
C. Change the following sentences into passive.
a. I didn’t fix the problem.
Ans: The problem wasn’t fixed by me.
b. Police protect the town.
Ans: The town is protected by police.
c. John’s mother raised him in a small town.
Ans: He was raised in a small town by John’s mother.
d. Someone painted the building last year.
Ans: The building was painted (by someone) last year.
e. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.
Ans: Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. 
f. Some students study grammar on the Internet.
Ans: Grammar is studied by some students on the Internet.
g. Someone had broken the window by 3:00 p.m.
Ans: The window had been broken (by someone) by 3:00 p.m.
h. A strange man was watching us.
Ans: We are being watched by a strange man.
i. Tokyo will hold the Olympics in 2020.
Ans: The Olympics will be held by Tokyo in 2020.
j. We are working on the report right now.
Ans: The report is being worked by us right now.
k. My manager has told him to arrive earlier.
Ans: He has been told to arrive earlier by manager.
l. They could not have made the mistake.
Ans: The mistake couldn’t have been made by them.
m. I hope they are going to hire me soon.
Ans: I hope I am going to be hired soon by them.
n. I don’t like people staring at me.
Ans: I don’t like being stared at me.
o. She likes people waving at her.
Ans: She likes being waved at her.
p. Who told you the story?
Ans: By whom were you told the story?
q. Is he repairing the bicycle?
Ans: Is the bicycle being repaired by him?

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