Sharing Tradition Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English



Sharing Tradition

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions.
a. According to LaPena, what is the importance of oral tradition? To what extent do you agree with his opinions and why?
Ans: Oral radition, according LaPena, is important because it allows us to pass on our cultural and ethical beliefs from one generation to the next. It is hard to overlook the importance of cultural and traditional values in people’s everyday lives. Since, tradition and culture musy be passed on from one generation to the next in order to benfit the people and their way of life, I wholeheartedly agree with his opinions.
b. Who preserve and pass on the oral tradition?
Ans: An oral tradition is an art from where information related to culture and values are transmitted from generation to generation through oral means. Both the elders and young people play a vital role in preserving and passing on the oral tradition. Firstly, the task of preserving and passing on oral tradition is done by elders. Next, young people get this task. This task keeps on moving from generation to generation. The most important aspect is that both elders and young people must be responsible for this task of preserving and passing on oral tradition.
c. What is the danger of not passing on information from generation to generation?
Ans: Our cultural and traditional values decline if information is not passes on from generation to generation.
d. What is the difference between oral tradition and literary tradition?
Ans: An oral tradition is one in which cultural and moral values are transmitted down from generation to generation by means of oral transmission. At any moment, it is possible to amend or chage oral tradition errors. It is difficult to repair flaws in this literary tradition as it includes the written and printed traditions.
e. How does LaPena establish a relationship between art and oral tradition?
Ans: The oral tradition has an impact on how an artist visualizes the stories, the characters, the designs, and color for art, the atmosphere, and other information in his creation.

Reference to the Context

a. LaPena states that oral tradition helps to maintain the values of a culture. If you believe that the oral tradition is important, how would you maintain it? 
Ans: The oral tradition helps to maintain the values of a culture. To maintain the oral tradition, every individual in a society can play a significant role. Our elders should be listened more. Interviews with them can be done. Audio copies of the narrations, folktales, epics, etc. can be prepared for public use. Young people can be taught the importance of the oral tradition. 
b. “Not everyone is capable of fulfilling the roles of the elders”. Explain this statement with reference to the essay.
Ans: Not everyone is capable of fulfilling the roles of the elders. Elders are the basis of our tradition. Our culture and values are preserved and maintained by the elders initially. Their roles to maintain and preserve our culture and values of tradition are outstanding. They keep oon preserving and maintaining our culture and values of tradition through oral means from generation to generation. Due to their vital roles, they become able to acquire ideal positions in their life. Their duties and obligations related to their cultural and traditional values as religions, ceremonies, dance, etc. reflect their lifestyle and the knowledge of their tradition which affect many individuals in the community. After the death of the elders, this niche is quite hard to fill up.
c. What is the controlling idea or thesis of this essay?
Ans: The controlling idea or thesis of the essay is that oral tradition is extremely essential in helping preserve the ideals of culture. It helps individuals make sense of the world and is used to educate children and adults about key elements of their culture. The greatest method to preserve the oral tradition is to listen to elders, since oral tradition is the message that is passed verbally from one generation to another.
d. How do topic sentences guide the reader through the essay? What would be lost without them?
Ans: Topic sentences guide readers to provide them with various ideas regarding the importance of word of mouth sharing traditionally. Topic sentencs reder to the sentences that appeared initially in each paragraph. The values of the tradition and how to maintain and preserve them. These themes support word of mouth and how to preserve the culture and values of tradition. These topics will lose a lot in the essay as follows:
    1. Correct conceptions of the tradition of sharing
    2. Controlling idea of the essay
    3. Oral tradition and its importance
    4. The role of the elderly and youth
    5. Problems in the preservation and conservation of oral traditions
    6. Solutions for maintaining oral tradition
e. What are the four major problems developed by LaPena with regard to maintaining the oral tradition. How are they used to structure the essay?
Ans: The four major problems developed by LaPena with regard to maintaining the oral tradition are:
    1. Not everyone is capable of fluffing the roles of the elders.
    2. New technologies create the separation between generations.
    3. Modern society isn’t interested in learning the way how oral tradition functions.
    4. As oral tradition accommodates corrections, it is harder to validate it.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write a paragraph or two explaining your attitude toward the oral tradition of passing along information.
Ans: I think oral tradition is one of the effective pratices for all the people of this world to maintain and preserve the culture and values f tradition. The practice of oral tradition is very important for all. Through oral tradition, we are able to preserve and maintain our cultural and traditional values. With the help of oral tradition, we can secure our cultural and traditional identity. Oral tradition as an art from where both the elders and young people perform their vital roles in maintaining and preserving the culture and values of tradition through passing authentic information from generation to generation.
b. Our culture is our identity. Write a few paragraphs explaining how you intend to preserve your culture, values and norms.
Ans: Our culture is an important part of who we are. Because of our traditions, culture, and beliefs, we have the ability to make positive changes in our lives. We are culturally intertwined with our ancestors. To select the correct routes, ideas, and actions in life, we need to learn from these components. Our whole way of life is shaped by our upbringing establishing a group dedicated to preserving cultural heritage.
I would try to conserve the culture via educating others about my culture and the principles. To keep the traditions of my culture alive, I plan to use different forms of public communications to raise awareness of cultural and traditional events. In the same way, I’ll educate people about the significance of our culture and the standards that go aloong with it. Our way of life is profoundly influenced by our upbringing, religious convictions, and cultural attitudes. Conservation of my cultural identity and safeguarding all of my culture’s customs and festivities will be easier it I follow these steps. 

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