Two Little Soldiers Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English



Two Little Soldiers

Understanding the Text

Answer these questions.
a. Why do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside?
Ans: There is no other place that makes them feel like home for these two soldiers. So every Sunday, they spend their free time outside of the barracks in the countryside. 
b. Why does the girl become the topic of conversatin for these soldiers?
Ans: The girl becomes the topic of conversation for these soldiers because both of them are thoroughly attracted to her. 
c. Why does deception enter into their friendship?
Ans: Deception enters into their friendship because Luc starts actively courting her, unbeknownst to Jean.
d. Do you think that Luc is a betrayer of friendship?
Ans: I think Luc is a betrayer of friendship. If he wasn’t a betrayer, he would inform his friend Jean while ging out from the barrack to meet the girl on the working days like Tuesday and Friday.
e. What is the cause of suicide of Jean? Do you think that it was the only release of his love?
Ans: Jean not only has lost the girl that he loves, but he has also lost friendship which he had values greatly. This makes him kill himself. He could express his feelings with others or talk to Luc and the girl, rather than committing suicide.

Reference to the Context

a. What is the central theme of the story?
Ans: The central theme of the story is love-friendship incompatibility. The plot revolves on a triangle romance that ends in an unexpected way. Transformation, unhappiness, struggle, betrayal and jealously all go hand in hand in this story.
b. “What are you doing here? Are you watching the grass grow?”
i. Who is the speaker?
Ans: The speaker is the milkmaid.
ii. What does the word “here” indicate?
Ans: The word “here” indicates the place of Bezons where the soldiers are sitting. 
iii. Who does “you” refer to?
Ans: “You” refers to both of the soldiers.
c. “He leaned–he–he was leaning–so far over–that his head carried him away–and–he–fell–he fell—-“
i. Who is the speaker?
Ans: Luc is the speaker.
ii. Why is the speaker speaking with interruption?
Ans: The speaker is speaking with interruption because he is in pain and scared of the death of Jean.
iii. What does he mean when he says “he–fell–he fell—“?
Ans: He means that Jean fell into the river.
d. Two Little Soldiers can be viewed as a series of dramatic scenes. Describe the story as a tragedy.
Ans: This short story “Two Little Soldiers” is a bizarre dramatic triangular love story which has been ended with a tragic incident. Here in this story, we find jealously, betrayal, romantic love with change, discontent as well as mental conflict. The milkmaid has created enmity between two friends. She has become the main cause of Jean’s fall down. We find both friends’ intimacy and their enjoyment during their weekends. But, after the entry of milkmaid in their life, deception starts playing its role. We find deceptive acts of Luc Le Ganidec. Due to these immortal as well as deceptive acts of both lovers, Jean suffers a lot. When he gets realization about their affair, he becomes so sad both physically and mentally. He wants to cry being desperate. He feels himself a fool. The deception of both lovers makes him heartbroken. He finds them quite indifferent towards him. He doesn’t reveal his painful feelings to them. He feels better commit suicide than to stay with betrayers. The tragic death of Jean at the end of the story surprises the readers too.
e. What is the setting and style of the story?
Ans: ‘Two Little Soldiers’ takes place in France’s rural town of Courbevoie. A mental and emotional war is ongoing despite the absence of an external war. In this story, the author employs a highly realistic writing style. Because  he had spent much of his life in the military, he had a strong interest in love and relationships.
f. How would you describe the conflict between the friends?
Ans: In the story the conflict arises when the girl kisses Luc passionately without paying attention to Jean without even noticing that he is there. Jean is upset and heartbroken. At this point, Jean discovers the reason why Luc seeks leave and borrows money from Jean but offers no explanation for his behavior. Luc and the girl go to attend to the cow and disappear into the woods for a long time. When they return, the lovers kiss again, and the girl doesn’t offer him any milk that day. Eventually, the conflict between friendship and love leads to death of Jean. Luc remains in anguish as his good friend dies.

Reference beyond the Text

a. Is it god to have conflict between friendship and love? Is it morally good that a person and his best friend can love the same person?
Ans: No, it is not good to have a conflict between friendship and love because these are the relationships which are very essential for an individual. True friends and loved ones always care for each other. They shed light on your qualities, both positive and bad, and improve self-esteem via laughter and good times, friends help relieve tension and hardship. They will help you move forward.
As long as your love and intension are pure towards the person, it is not morally bad for two-person having the same feelings for the third one. Knowingly or unknowingly, this type of condition may arise in a person’s life. Although it is not bad, possibilities are high for the problems to arise in the near future. So, the only solution is to talk with each other and solve the problem by controlling your emotions.
b. How would you describe the triangular love? 
Ans: Triangular love, as the name implies, occurs when three individuals fall in love with one another or two at one at the same moment. In such a love triangle, one person’s dishonesty generates problems for the other two people. Such love can be described using the characteristics like friendship, ardent ove, unhappiness, betrayal and jealously.

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