God Sees the Truth but Waits Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 11 English



God Sees the Truth but Waits

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. What bad habits did Aksionov have before his marriage?
Ans: Before his marriage he used to drink and was riotous when he had too much.
b. What can be the meaning of his wife’s dream?
Ans: Aksionov’s wife’s dream is a foreshadowing of his tragic destiny. 
c. Why did Aksionov think of killing himself?
Ans: Aksionov thought of killing himself because he remembered all those harsh situations which he had faced in his life without committing any crime. He remembered his torture, the people around him while he was in chains, the convicts, twenty-six years of imprisonment, his premature old age, etc. All these painful thoughts made him so wretched that he was ready to kill himself.
d. Why did Makar disclose that he had killed the merchant?
Ans: Makar disclosed the culprit of the merchant’s murder, saying he did it because he was embarrassed of himself and he wanted to make Aksionov free from the prison. He was so embarrassed and confessed to his wrongdoing as a result of Aksionov’s good deed to him. In his heart, he felt sorry for Aksionov.
e. Why doesn’t Aksionov wish to return to his family at the end of the story?
Ans: Aksionov doesn’t wish to return to his family at the end of the story because he believes that his wife was dead and his children have forgotten him. 

Reference to the context

a. “Well, old man”, repeated the Governor, “tell me the truth: who has been digging under the wall?”
i. Who is that old man?
Ans: Aksionov is that old man.
ii. Which truth is the speaker asking about?
Ans: The speaker is asking about the reality of tunnel digging.
iii. Which wall does the speaker mean?
Ans: This refers to the barricade around the jail.
b. Describe Aksionov’s character.
Ans: Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov was a young wealthy merchant in the town of Vladimir in Russia. He had two shops and a house. He was a handsome man with fair-curly hair. He was full of fun and very fond of singing. He used to drink much before marriage but later on, he changed himself and became a good man. He had virtuous qualities such as faith, forgiveness, freedom and acceptance. He was accused of murdering a fellow merchant and robbing him. He suffered a lot in prison and spent his twenty-six years waiting for God’s judgement. He was also mentally strong because he was able to endure many unfortunate events, such losing his home and his business. Finally, he displayed a strong religious devotion by growing closer to God during difficult times. He was a truthful man, holding his peace till the end but circumstances changed his fate and he died in prison at last.
c. What is the theme of the story?
Ans: Forgiveness and faith are two major themes expressed throughout the story. The fact that Aksionov has spent 26 years in jail for a crime, though he didn’t commit crime, doesn’t stop him from believing in god. In addition, the story revolves on guilt, forgiveness, faith, conflict and acceptance as key themes. Aksionov’s forgiveness to Makar Semyonich may be found here. There is no better kind of vengeance than forgiveness, as shown in this story.
d. Which symbols are used in the story and what do they indicate?
Ans: The story offers several symbols for its artistic expression that supersedes flat writing. Aksionov’s house and two shops represent his family and material possessions. The prison itself is a symbol of Aksionov’s suffering and final spiritual transformation. His gray hair emerges as a clear symbol of his suffering, highlighting not only his aging but also his physical decay resulting from punishment. His grey hair suggests how the stress of his wrongful imprisonment prematurely ages him. The blood stained knife unpredictably found in Aksionov’s bag works as the crucial piece of evidence required to convict him. The knife symbolizes Aksionov’s lack of control over his fate. The book ‘The Lives of the Saints’ Aksionov buys represents his religious devotion.

Reference beyond the text

a. What role does religion play in Aksionov’s life? How does he undergo a spiritual transformation in the story?
Ans: Religion plays a very vital role in Aksionov’s life. He has spent his whole life in Siberian prison expecting for the right judgement of God. After being suspected by his wife, he gives up all his hopes and tells himself that God only knows the truth. For twenty-sex years as a convict in Siberia, he grows older. In prison, Aksionov works hard and learns to make boots. He earns a little money with which he buys the book ‘The Lives of the Saints’. He devotes his life in the name of religion being much faithful on God. He starts reading and singing this book in the prison’s church on Sundays. He realizes about various aspects of life, fate in connection with the religion. The prison authorities even like him for his meekness. His fellow-prisoners respect him and call him “Grandfather” or “The Saint”. He knows about fate, spirituality, God’s devotion, righteous path, acceptance, forgiveness, etc. He keeps on showing his truthfulness. He meets the real murderer of the merchant but remains silent. He even saves the convict from the governor. He gets self-realization and forgives Makar at the end. Aksionovc realizes that forgiveness is the path to peace. He obtains peace at last and dies. In this way, we find him and his life-transforming from materialism to spiritualism only because of religion.
b. What does the story tell us about the existence of unfair system of justice?
Ans: The primary character of this story has been the victim of an unfair system of justice. An innocent man is unjustly imprisonment and sentenced to 26 years in jail in this tale, despite the fact that he committed no crime and was merely accused of murder based on circumstantial evidence. A lot happens to him along the way but he eventually comes to terms with his situation and dies quietly. In fact, we learn about an unjust judicial system through the story’s primary protagonist’s own experience.

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  1. Is time management really a science or just an art form? Can it truly be mastered or is it a constant struggle for everyone?

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