Music and Creation Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


A Life of Sound and Silence

Ways with words

A. Find the single words for the following definitions. The words are given in the jumbled letters at the end.
a. A person who hates or distrusts mankind misanthrope. imaseponrth
b. A sensation of noise, such as a ringing or roaring tinnitus stiniunt
c. An examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death autopsy osyaput
d. A musical composition or movement for five instruments or voices quintet itqneut
e. A severe life-threatening illness caused by a bacterium meningitis simetining
f. An object that directs one’s attention away from something else distraction nodsitstarc
g. The action or process of becoming impaired or inferior in quality, functioning, or condition deterioration nedotietraroi
h. Failing to perceive something impertinence ntpimepcirepe
i. A hearing disorder that makes it hard to deal with everyday sounds hyperacusis sihpyraesuc
j. A bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact syphilis pysslihi
B. Put the musical instruments into different categories as below.
wind intrumentsstringed instrumentspercussion instruments
conchdouble bassbell
C. Use a dictionary and find the definition of these genres of music.
rock music : a form of popular music that evolved from rock and roll and pop music during the mid and late 1960s
pop music : a type of music, usually played on electronic instruments, that is popular with many people because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes that are easy to remember
hip hop : a style of popular music of US black and Hispanic origin, featuring rap with an electronic backing
jazz : a type of music of black American origin which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, characterized by improvisation, syncopation, and usually a regular or forceful rhythm
folk music : music that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style
classic music : classic music generally refers to the formal musical tradition of the Western world, considered to be distinct from Western folk music or popular music
blues : melancholic music of black American folk origin, typically in a twelve-bar sequence
heavy metal : a type of highly amplified harsh-sounding rock music with a strong beat, characteristically using violent or fantastic imagery
Gospel music : the teaching or revelation of Christ
country music : a form of popular music originating in the rural southern US
grunge : a style of rock music characterized by a raucous guitar sound and lazy vocal delivery
breakbeat : a sample of a syncopated drumbeat, usually repeated to form a rhythm used as a basis for dance music, hip-hop, etc.
reggae : a style of popular music with a strongly accented subsidiary beat, originating in Jamaica
disco : a club or party at which people dance to recorded pop music
dubstep : a form of dance music, typically instrumental, characterized by a sparse, syncopated rhythm and a strong bassline


A. Put the following events in the life of Beethoven in chronological order.
1. Beethoven was born into a musical family in Bonn, Germany.
2. He learned to play the organ, piano, violin and viola.
3. He migrated to Vienna.
4. At the age of twenty-seven, he felt the deafness to high-pitched sound. 
5. His deafness got gradually worse: He could hear but not understand.
6. He lived a life in seclusion.
7. He even made suicidal attempts.
8. He died of hepatitis at the age of fifty-six.
B. State whether the following statements are True or False.
a. Beethoven became blind in a gradual process over two decades. False
b. He became a celebrity musician in his teenage. True
c. He did not disclose his hearing problem for a long time. True
d. He knew that he misunderstood the speakers and gave up his public performances. False
e. He tried to get his deafness treated until his death. False
f. Beethoven died in his early fifties. False
g. Doctors found the cause of his deafness after his death. False
C. Answer the following questions.
a. What does Hellen Keller think about deafness and blindness?
Ans: Hellen Keller thinks about deafness and blindness as blindness and deafness separate people from other things and people.
b. Why does the author compare Beethoven with Milton, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec?
Ans: The author compares Beethoven with Milton, Van Goph and Toulouse-Lautrec because they were also suffered from disabilities as Beethoven.
c. When and how did Beethoven notice him being deaf?
Ans: Beethoven noticed him being deaf when he was 27 years old when he lost his capacity to hear high-pitched noises.
d. What psychological effects did he have when he noticed that he was being deaf?
Ans: He suffered from depression, anxiety increases and decreasing in self-confidence at work when he noticed that he was being deaf.
e. How did he triumph over his suicidal thoughts?
Ans: He triumphed over his suicidal thoughts due to his passion and love with music and he used to follow strong principles and life’s ethics. He remembered reading that a man should not give up on life because he can do so many other wonderful things while still alive.
f. How did he accept his deafness?
Ans: He accepted his deafness thinking that he knows that no one can make him normal and save from deafness.
g. How was his deafness ironically good for the world?
Ans: His deafness ironically was good for the world by he can listen his inner or own thoughts and feelings and not getting distracted by the outer sounds.
h. When did Beethoven give up his musical performances forever?
Ans: Beethoven give up his musical performances forever in his mid-40s because he thought that it would give him a feel of embrassment.
i. What did Stephen von Breeuning comment on Beethoven’s reactions?
Ans: During a rehearsal for the Eroixa in 1804, Beethoven had problems in hearing the wind instruments and his friend commented him that he mistrusted his best friends. 
j. How did Beethoven express the conflict in his mind?
Ans: Beethoven expressed the conflict in his mind by mistrusting his best friends, thinking about suicide repeatedly and his withdrawal from social gathering.

Critical Thinking

a. Suicidal thoughts came in Beethoven’s mind several times but he did not commit suicide and kept on composing music. Write a monologue in about 150 words from Beethoven’s perspectives describing his suicidal thoughts and his will to live.
Ans: It was my bad and worst experience in my life ever. When I got to know that I have lost my hearing power, I was shocked and thinking what other people will treat me and how to face other people and society because I can’t hear them and very difficult to communicate with them. My friends began to doubt me. Then after, I thought I am useless. I was developing the suicidal thoughts but I also thought that life is priceless and should not be lose hope, then I divert my mind in composing music. I thought that suicide is not the right option to overcome this problem. 
I got to know that we should not lose hope before facing the problem. We should face it and make our problem inferior and our hope superior. Then, I used to motivate myself everyday. It helps to know the importance of my life. So i want to give suggestion to others to not feel hopeless and be motivated and move on in their life as it is before if the problem and troubles came to your life.
b. Was it divine inspiration or rigorous practice that made Beethoven one of the world’s greatest musicians? Give the reasons.
Ans: It was Beethoven practice and his passionate towards music which made him one of the world’s greatest musicians. He has got talents and his dedication towards his music leads to the successful and no.1 musician in the world. If he lose his hope when he got to know that he is deaf, then now he can’t be known by this title. He didn’t care about anyone and practice music and get success. During the Classical-Romantic transition, German composer Ludwig van Beethoven was the most renowned figure. 


Who is your favourite Nepali musician? Write his/her biography in about 300 words.
My favourite Nepali musician is Amrit lal Shrestha who was known as Nati kaji.
Amrit Lal Shrestha (25 December 1925 – 2 November 2003), who was known as Nati Kaji, was a Nepali singer and songwriter. Amrit lal Shrestha was a popular music director and singer of his time. He has composed beautiful nepali songs which are still be played which are evergreen. 
Natikaji was a nickname given to Amrit Lal Shrestha by his grandparents. He was born in 1925 at Pulchowk, Lalitpur. He lost his mother at the age of 5 and his father at the age of 10. His grandfather was the temple priest and after the death of his parents, his grandfather took care of him.
Kaji started his musical life at the age of 7 when he started playing the harmonium at the Gujeshwori Bhajan Mandali. His professional music career initiated when he joined Radio Nepal in 1950. During the 40 years of his service in Radio Nepal, he composed over 2000 songs of varied genres. He is credited for over 15 operas, such as Pijada ko Suga, Kunjani, Prithvi Narayan Shah ka Char Pakchhya. Marna Baru Garho Hunna, an evergreen song penned by Tirtha Raj Tuladhar, sung by Phatteman Rajbhandari remains one of his best compositions.
He had got many awards by composing beautiful and evergreen songs which are also popular in nowadays. The name of awards that he received was Gorkha Dakshin Bahu Pratham, Indra Rajya Laxmi Pragya Puraskar, Chinnalata Geet Puraskar and Bhupal Sangeet Puraskaramong.
Natikaji died on 2 November 2003. Although he is not here, but he always remains in all Nepalese heart.


B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
a. I was accompanied to the hospital by my friend.
b. I have great respect for my teachers.
c. The culprit was sentenced to death.
d. His arguments are not based on truth.
e. He has not contributed to the development of our nation.
f. He died of of Corona at the age of thirty-five.
g. The young generation of Nepali people don’t take interest by politics.
h. Our village was not infected by Corona.
i. Why do you sneer at me?
C. Fill in the blanks with for, since, until, by or in.
a. The classes will be over by 5 PM.
b. Karma Sherpa reached the top of Mt. Everest in 8 hours.
c. We had met after five years. So we kept on talking for three in the morning.
d. She has been living in America since she got married.
e. He has been playing video game for ten hours.
f. She practices the Sitar every day for five hours.
g. He lived in Jumla until he passed high school examinations.
h. There is no chance of dry weather even today. It has rained since last Saturday.
i. I can type 120 words in a minute.
j. We take an early breakfast. It’s generally ready by six in the morning.

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