Human Rights Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


“I am Sorry”- The Hardest Three Words to Say

Working with Words

A. Pair the following words as opposites.
despair :  hope
kind :  cruel
fresh :  stale
strange :  familiar
normal :  eccentric
fierce :  gentle
selfish :  generous
corrupt :  honest 
B. By adding a suitable suffix to each word in the table, form another word as in the examples below.
Examples: willing – willingness; heart – hearty; strength – strengthen

into nouninto adjectiveintro verb
open- minded = open-mindednesspain = painlessless = lessen
accommodate = accomodationdiffer = differentsure = assured
rehearse = rehearsalbehave = behaviorreal = realize
angry = angerremark = remarkableglory = glorified
transgress = transgressionindifference = indifferentpower = powered
mix = mixturethought = thoughtfulprison = prisoned


A. Write True or False  after each statement. Give a reason for your answer.
a. The author says his father was an ideal person in the family. False because his father was an alcoholic
b. The author wanted to forgive his father but he did not get an opportunity. False because he had many stress.
c. It’s worth forgiving a person if he/she realized his/her mistakes. True
d. South Africa had dual type dual type of education system in the 1960s. True
e. The author lived in a joint family. False because he lived in small family.
f. The author regretted for not getting a chance to talk to his father. True
g. According to the author, all our glories and splendours are short-lived. True
B. Answer the following questions.
a. How does the author remember his family environment when he was a small boy?
Ans: The author remembers his family environment when he was small boy because his father used to abuse his mother by both verbally and physically and being drunk.
b. Why does the author blame system more than his father?
Ans: His father had experienced many problems, stresses, and traumas due to the system. So, the author blames system more than his father.
c. How does the principle of forgiveness work?
Ans: Simply, forgiving others means helping ourselves. The principle of forgiveness works as accepting the pain as your own. 
d. How does the author interpret the noises, squalls and tantrums of his children?
Ans: The author intercepts the noises, squalls and tantrums of his children as the ways of test of patience, loyalty,resolve etc for parents. 
e. Why did the author decide to educate his children in Swaziland?
Ans: The author decided to educate his children in Swaziland because there is Bantu Education system i.e. giving inferior education for black children and they don’t want their children to learn these things like inferior and superior.
f. How does the author define human life?
Ans: The author describes human life as a great mixture of goodness, beauty, indifference, love, cruelty, and so on.
g. According to the author, is it heredity or environment that shapes a man’s character? Explain.
Ans: According to the author, no one is born with cruelty, love, full of violence or many more. All are changed and think what they have learnt from others and environment. Environment makes people thinking such activities.
h. Why is forgiveness important in our life?
Ans: Forgiveness is important in our life because we are not born with full of accuracy. We do some mistakes which lead to some destruction. To reduce it, to feel ease our pain and to reduce our stress, we should develop the feeling of forgiveness.

Critical Thinking

a. Desmond Tutu once said, “Forgiving is not forgetting; it’s actually remembering– remembering and not using your right to hit back. It’s a second chance for a new beginning.” Does this quotation apply to this text? Analyze.
Ans: Yes, this quotation apply to this text. This is the famous quote said by Desmond Tutu. Forgiving is not forgetting; it’s actually remembering– remembering and not using your right to hit back. It’s a second chance for a new beginning.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean to forgiving others. It’s meaning is to forgiving ourselves. We used the word “forgiveness” to reduce stress, relief from pain and many more. It is a purely psychological process. It always helps us in mending a damaged relationship. It provide mental peace and feels happy. We remember the period of time and the event occurred in the past by the concept of forgiveness. Forgiveness means the mistakes that are committed is the last time and don’t reoccur it in the coming future. The mistakes and hurt given by others should not be bit back to others. We should be calm that leads to positive behavior. Like, here, the author was very desperate remembering his past events i.e. his father used to abuse his mother and he wanted to hit back but later on he forgives his father and stay calm.
b. The author interprets ‘I am sorry’ as three hardest words to say. How does it apply to your life?
Ans: The author interprets ‘I am sorry’ as three hardest words to say because in today’s world, everyone makes mistakes and faults but don’t commit the truth and forgive it. There is less number of people who apologize their meaning. There is rarely who accept the feelings of others. The apology itself is very much important as forgiving. Everybody thinks that saying sorry or accepting the truth is the symbol of being inferior and nobody wants to be inferior and wants to be superior. So, there are rare people who accepts their mistakes and apologize their faults.


The author talks about dual education system based on race in South Africa in the second half of the twentieth century. We also have private schools and public schools in Nepal. What should be done to make education equal to all citizens of Nepal? Write a couple of paragraphs expressing your views.
Ans:There are two types of school which are practicing in our country, Nepal and they are private and public schools. There was the Bantu Education System in South Africa where children get the unequal education and knowledge which leads the children in the wrong path. There is no such education system in Nepal. Here, education is given to every children equally and they are being treated equally. 
Everyone has right to get equal education and knowledge. In Nepal, private schooling is better than public education because the quality education is better in private than public. Quality of public schooling is being degrading because there is lack of proper supervision and monitoring. Some of the public schools have also started to teaching through English Medium as well. Every teachers should be given proper and well training. There should be better infrastructures and environment for getting students a quality education. There should be high observation and monitoring for the better quality education that should be given to students. 


A. Join the following pairs of sentences using when and while.
a. Bibha Kumari was doing her homework. The doorbell rang.
Ans: Bibha Kumari was doing her homework when the doorbell rang.
The doorbell rang while Bibha Kumari was doing her homework.

b. I heard the telephone ring. I picked it up.
Ans: When I heard the telephone ring, I picked it up.

c. Dil Maya found a thousand rupee note. She was washing her pants.
Ans: Dil Maya was washing when she found a thousand rupee note.
Dil Maya found a thousand rupee note while she was washing her pants.

d. Tenjing gave his measurements to the dressmaker. He was visiting the
market yesterday.
Ans: Tenjing was visiting the market yesterday when he gave his measurement to the dressmaker.
Tenjing gave his measurement to the dressmaker while he was visiting the market yesterday.

e. I was at the butcher’s shop. I met Harikala.
Ans: I was at the butcher’s shop when I met Harikala.
I met Harikala while I was at the butcher’s shop.

f. The sales agent was dealing with the customer. A thief stole the jewels.
Ans: The sales agent was dealing with the customer when a thief stole the jewels.
A thief stole the jewels while the sales agent was dealing with the customer.
g. My small brother was sleeping. I played chess with my father.
Ans: My small brother was sleeping when I played chess with my father.
I played chess with my father while my small brother was sleeping.

h. The old lady fell down. She was climbing up the stairs.
Ans: The old lady was climbing up the stairs when she fell down.
The old lady fell down while she was climbing up the stairs.

i. The leader was giving a speech loudly. He lost his voice.
Ans: The leader was giving a speech loudly when he lost his voice.
The leader lost his voice while he was giving a speech loudly.
j. Kanchan broke her backbone. She was lifting up the load.
Ans: Kanchan broke her backbone when she was lifting up the load.
While Kanchan was lifting up the load, she broke her backbone.
B. Now, fill in the blanks with one of the connectives from the box.

sobecauseassincedue toowing tobecause of
a. We didn’t go for a morning walk today as it was raining.
b. I wanted to go home early because I was not feeling well.
c. My brother stayed at home because of his illness.
d. I was late in the class because of traffic jam.
e. He didn’t like dogs as he was not happy when his wife brought a
puppy home.
f. He was not included in the team due to his knee injury.
g. As I was tired, I went to bed early.
h. He was very unhappy because he lost one million rupees in share market.
i. We cancelled our trip to Rara Lake due to the bad weather.
j. These two lines intersect with each other. because they are not parallel

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