Migration and Diaspora Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


Dediasporization: Homeland and Hostland

Ways with word

A. Find the words from the text that have the following meanings. The first letter of the word has been given.
a. s sojourner a person who resides temporarily in a place
b. t transnational existing in or involving different countries
c. r remittance a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift
d. a assimilation the process of allowing somebody to become a part of a country or community
e. m misnomer a name or a word that is not appropriate or accurate
f. c confer to give somebody an award or a particular honor or right
g. d dormant not active or growing now but able to become active
h. p persecution the act of treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way
C. Write the number of syllables and mark the stressed syllable of the following words.
certificate = cer-tif-u-cate = 4 syllables
holiday = hol-i-day = 3 syllables
zoology = zo-‘ol-o-gy = 4 syllables
photographic = foh-tə-græf-ik = 4 syllables
geography = ge-‘og-ra-phy = 4 syllables
curiosity = cu-ri-‘os-i-ty = 5 syllables
mechanically = me-‘chan-ic-a-li = 5 syllables
characteristics = karəkə’risdik = 5 syllables
examination = ex-am-i-‘na-tion = 5 syallables
negotiation = ne-go-ti-‘a-tion = 5 syllables
paraphrase = ‘par-a-phase = 3 syllables
paradoxically = pærə ‘dpksikli = 6 syllables
territoriality = terat(ə)ri’æləti = 7 syllables


A. Match the first halves of the sentences (a-g) with their second halves (i-vii). Write the number in the box. One has been done as an example.

a.The term assimilation has been usediii
b.It is essential to study the process of diasporizationv
c.The definition of dediasporizationvii
d.The dediasporization process for migrants who have not given up their native citizenshipvi
e.Some countries grant full citizenship to the returneesiv
f.it is surprising thati
g.the role of a state in dediasporizationii
B. Answer the following questions.
a. According to the author, what are the three aspects of migration?
Ans: According to the author, the three aspects of migration are as follows:
    • The forward motion
    • Migrants themselves
    • The backward motion
b. Which aspect of migration is neglected by the researchers?
Ans: Multifaceted nature of the dediasporization process is neglected by the researchers.
c. What is ‘dediasporization’?
Ans: Dediasporization a process in which a diasporic subject, returning to the sent country, re inscribes themselves in the transnational circuit of a transnational country and acquires homeland citizenship.
d. Why is the role of the state important in dediasporization?
Ans: The role of the state is important in dediasporization because the state is responsible when someone leaves from their home country and influence them to come back to their country with implementing the strict rules, regulations and some obligations. 
e. How is Chinese diaspora in the Caribbean different from other?
Ans: Chinese diaspora in the Caribbean is different from other because the local people of that place think them as outsiders in spite of living them over a century.
f. Why is it difficult to regain citizenship after returning to the homeland? 
Ans: It is difficult to regain citizenship after returning to the homeland because it come over the decision made by the state regarding to the validity of citizenship to citizens. Some nations allow their people to relinquish their citizenship but the process may be difficult.
g. What do the German fell towards the returnees from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan?
Ans: The German feel isolated or alienated towards the returnees from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
h. How are the returnees’ activities in Israel different from that of other countries?
Ans: The returnees’ activities in Israel are different from that of other countries by mentioning full citizenship from their political parties and push them for the rights of other Israeli citizens.
i. What is the role of the individual in dediasporization?
Ans: The role of the individual in dediasporization is to integrate with people and culture and maintain citizens and assist in the nation development.

Critical Thinking

a. Many Nepali people are living in foreign countries now and they are known as Non-Residential Nepalis (NRNs). The NRNs are asking for dual citizenship rights. Do you think the Government of Nepal should address their demands?
Ans: Many Nepali people are living in foreign countries now and they are known as Non-Residential Nepali (NRNs). The NRNs are asking for dual citizenship rights. According to the constitution of Nepal, one citizens who left the country can’t have dual citizenship. They left the nation in the sake of job, security, bright future, etc. They should left one nation’s citizenship to get citizenship of another nation. 
One’s shouldn’t get two citizenship at a time. They should left their citizenship for staying in another nation. In spite of their patriotism, love and loyalty to the nation, they are not allowed to get dual citizenship. Giving dual citizenship is against to the constitution of Nepal. If they want to get Nepali citizenship, they should leave other nation and live in their own country and settle here. Nepalese government should give better opportunities for people to not to go in other nation in the sake of job, security and many more.
b. The NRNs celebrate festivals like Teej, Dashain, Lhosar, Id and Holi in foreign countries. What do these celebrations signify?
Ans: The NRNs celebrate festivals like Teej, Dashain, Lhosar, Id and Holi foreign countries. Every NRNs have love, patriotism and loyalty to their country or motherland. Although they live far from their country, they respect their cultures, traditions and festivals. They follow and celebrate own festivals and en light our traditions and cultures in whole world. Though they live in foreign countries, they always be Nepalese wherever they go. 


A. The following words and phrases are used in interpreting data of different types of charts and diagrams. Study the words/phrases and put them in the right column.
Upward TrendDownward TrendStable Trend
peakdipno change
level updownremain
increase reducesteady
plungethe same level
B. Interpret data in the following charts and graphs using appropriate words and phrases. Make comparisons when required.
a. Nepali Student Migration
The above bar-diagram is showing the number of Nepali students migrations every year. At the first in 2009/10, the number of student who migrated were 26,948. After that in 2010/11, the number of students that migrated was lower than previous year i.e. 11,912. Then in 2011/12, the number of migrated students were again lower than last year i.e. 10,258. There was declination of number of students who migrated from 2009 to 2012. But after 2012 i.e. 2012/2013, the number of students who migrated reached to 16,499 which was in increasing phase. Then it was also increased in year 2013/14 as 28,126.
In 2014/15, there was slightly increased in number as 30,696. Then in 2015/16, the number increased rapidly and reached to 37,037. Again in year 2016/17, the number was increasing i.e. 50,659. It was also increasing in 2017/18 as it reached 58,758 and in 2018/19, it had reached to 63,259. According to the data given, the lowest number and highest number of student who migrated were in 2011/12 and 2018/19 respectively. There is the huge number of students who migrated and it’s increasing year by year. So, government and people should address this problem and get the fine solution for this problem.
b. Reasons for internal migration
The above mentioned pie-chart is showing the reasons for internal migration. There are many reasons for the internal migration which is shown in pie-chart. According to the chart, 54% are migrated due to marriage. The most cause of internal migration is marriage (from the data above).
The second cause of internal migration is for getting easier lifestyle. Some of them migrated to search better lifestyle and make the life convenient like going to city areas from rural areas or vice versa. The lowest cause of migration is family reason. According to the chart, there are more people who migrated from one place to another for different reasons. These problems should be solved otherwise it makes big problem in near future.
c. Trend of death of migrant workers
The above mentioned line graph shows the trend of death of migrant workers. There are many workers who migrant in search of better opportunities. According to the graph,  in year 2008/09, the number of migrant people who died is 77. Again, in year 2009/10 the number increased and reached to 419. There was also increasing in number of death migrant people i.e. 566. It was also continued in year 2011/12 and reached to 648. In year 2012/13, the number was reached to 722. Then after in 2013/14, there were 877 migrated workers who died by several reasons.
The number of death migrant workers were increasing year by year. As in 2014/15 the number reached to highest and in peak i.e. 1006. After that year, the number was decreasing for some years. In year 2015/16, the number decreased and reached to 816. Again it get decreased in 2016/17 to 756. Again in year 2017/18 the number increased and reached to 821. According to data, the highest and lowest number of death of migrant workers were 1006 and 77 in 2014/15 and 2008/09 respectively. There were several reasons of the death of the people but government should perform strong actions to solve this problem because it’s the health of workers and the health of citizens should be given in high priority by the government.


B. Now, complete the sentences with used to or would.
a. My sister used to have short hair when she was young.
b. We used to have lunch in the same school café when I was in middle school.
c. My father used to play badminton before he had backbone problem.
d. When I was very young, I didn’t use to (not) like milk.
e. She would call me after class for a chat.
f. My mother didn’t use to (not) wear glasses when she was at the university.
g. When I was a child, we used to live in a village.
h. On Sundays, My mother would wake up and go to the temple.
i. How many friends would have in class ten?
j. My father would always read me bedtime stories before bed.

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