Career Opportunities Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII


Presenting Yourself

Working with Words

A. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box below.
a. You must learn about 2000 Kanji to develop competence in spoken Japanese language.
b. I can type both English and Nepali but not as fast as professional typists.
c. When she was in class eight, she got the opportunity to participate in a national painting competition.
d. The Prime Minister gave a long list of his achievements.
e. He spent many years in jail before reaching the position of a minister.
f. About fifty workers were made reductant because of the financial crisis in the factory.
g. He is affiliated to the World Bank as a senior consultant.
h. They registered my application after making verification of my documents.
i. I requested my teacher to be my referee in my CV.
j. To make our country self-sustained in food production is an imperative need at present.
B. Define the following employment-related terms and use them in the sentences of your own.
volunteeringwork for an organization without being paidI will volunteer my children for helping the church sale.
on the job traininglearning or being trained in particular workspaceOn the job training will bring out experience.
career opportunitya particular job that may be a steppingstone to loftier ambitionsI hope this will allow me to showcase how vocational training can lead to successful employment and career opportunities.
skill developmentthe method of detecting skill gaps and improving these skillsIt is not the kind of stability by which men seek opportunities of developing skill and enterprise.
apprenticeshipthe position of an apprenticeHe had served his apprenticeship as a social worker.
career counsellingprocess that help to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational and life decisionsSome 65 percent of respondents provided career counselling services irrespective of any redundancy situation
credentialsa qualification, achievement, quality or aspect of a person’s background, especially when used to indicate their suitability for somethingIt will verify the credentials of any service people who come by.
human capitalskills, knowledge and experience possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or countryIt is investment in human capital that will provide economic stimulus.
internshipthe position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualificationThe college student is looking for internship opportunities that will provide experience in the legal field.
soft skillspersonal attributes that enable someone’s to interact effectively and harmoniously with other peopleVeterans should be values for their soft skills more than their hard technical skills.
minimum wagethe minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given periodGovernment increased the minimum wage for garden workers by one thousand percent.
recruitmentthe action of enlisting new people in the armed forcesIncreased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.
role modela person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.She was a great role model and indeed a great mentor to me.
aptituteinclination, tendency an aptitude for hard workHer early years she showed great aptitude for study, an ardent and enthusiastic spirit and unquestionable talent.
assessmentthe action of assessing someone or somethingIt’s a difficult problem that required careful assessment.
C. Based on their pronunciation, divide the following words into two groups so that vowel sounds rhyme with here and hare.
deer chair


Answer the following questions.
a. What does a CV mean and why is it important in one’s career?
Ans: A CV is a short document that gives you a chance to show a prospective employer the best of what you’ve got. It is important in one’s career because it sells your skills, experience and shows them you’re the right person for the job and makes a good impression which is important in today’s competitive job market.
b. Does the same CV work for all job opportunities? Why or why not?
Ans: Although the same CV may be used for different jobs, it is preferable to make minor adjustments to the CV based on the job description and language used in the job ad in order to showcase your most relevant skills and credentials.
c. What are the different areas where CV can help you?
Ans: We use CV in different areas to introduce ourselves and show our skills, knowledge, etc. We use our CV for the job application, promotion and academic application and many more.
d. What do you mean by ‘staying CV’ and ‘leaving CV’? Which one would you develop for yourself as a freshman?
Ans: A ‘staying CV’ includes a lot of work on committees and administration, as well as experiences and a solid academic record. A ‘leaving CV’ will showcase your research accomplishments while also demonstrating your overall competence and willingness to perform the full range of academic obligations. As a freshman, I would create a ‘leaving CV’ for myself.
e. How can you draft a good CV?
Ans: We can draft a good CV by making short and sweet sentences, avoiding images, having a strong headings & lots of white space, keeping the tone formal and enhance the quality of CV. 
f. What is the difference between academic CV and non-academic CV?
Ans: Academic CV is like a peer-reviewed timeline of our work history, whereas non-academic CV is a persuasive marketing document meant to showcase our biggest professional achievements. Academic CV is lengthy than of non-academic CV. 

Critical Thinking

a. CV may not represent a person’s skills and abilities accurately because one’s confidence cannot be rendered in a paper. What do you think employers should do to find the best people for the job?
Ans: A CV may not represent a person’s skills and abilities accurately because one’s confidence cannot be rendered in a paper. CV just shows the qualification, knowledge and skill in just a paper not practical. So, in my opinion we should do some practicals too to identify the best people for the job.
All the skills and knowledge can’t be known from CV or paper. I can be known by practicals and efficiency. We should also check the knowledge and skills. Apart from that, we should also know their efficiency and effort for the given work and tasks. We should know how much effort and diligent he/she is in the job and work.  First of all, we need to search a people having great knowledge and skills. Then we should search attractions towards the work from the chosen people. We should see whether they are capable of doing that job or not. We should be well-known about this, then only we should hire someone for the particular job. If a person is not fulfilling the above qualities, then not the recommend those people.
Hence, we should choose the people having these qualities rather than focusing only on CV. 
b. If the employers provide job opportunities by assessing one’s CV, how can fresh graduates compete with the experienced competitors?
Ans: Getting ahead of the competition for your ideal job means standing out from the crowd and making a positive first impression on prospective employers by showing your talents and skills.
CV plays an important role in the process of recruitment in any organization, company and institution. When the vacancy is announced for any post. many candidates apply for the same job along with their CVs. In the recruitment process, candidates get marks based on work experience and educational qualification. Such a tradition is creating the least potential for fresh graduates. Both fresh and experienced candidates compete for the same job and the experienced candidates surely have the maximum chance of getting the opportunity. For fresh graduates, to get jobs, any organization or office should provide opportunities for volunteer work. It’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to create an experience.


A. Study the following advertisement. Write an application for one of the positions. Prepare your CV too that suits the job.
To the Manager,
MM Construction Pvt. Ltd
Subject : Application for the Post of Civil Engineer
Dear Sir, 
With reference to your advertisement in THE PIONEER on 2nd July inviting application for the post of a civil engineer under your authority, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. My qualifications and experience are given below.
I passed my civil engineering examination from the School of Engineering (KUSOE), Kathmandu University in the first division and also got degree of B.Sc. Physics. I have an excellent academic career and have won many schlorship and awards during my school and college life.
I ‘m energetic and qualified guy of 30 years old. In the matter of language, I’m quite fluent in both English and Nepali languages. I have even give years of working experience as a site supervisor in A.S. Company of Kathmandu. If I get the chance to work as a site supervisor in your company, I won’t let you a chance to complain. I will try my best for the development of this company.
Looking forward to your kind response.
Yours Sincerely
Ram Kumar
Curriculum Vitae
Name : Ram Kumar
Date of Birth : March 18th, 1990
Father’s name : Suraj Kumar
Mother’s name : Riya Kumar
Birth Place : Shailung, Dolakha, Nepal
Religion : Hindu
Nationality : Nepali
Marital Status : Single
Height : 5 feet 10 inches
Present Address : Kathmandu, Nepal
Email :
Mobile number : 98XXXXXXXX
Languages : Native language Nepali and English are spoken and written fluently. 
Special Area of Interest : Reading books, Singing, listening to music and travelling
Academic Qualification
2010 to 2013 : Bachelor Level from Kathmandu University in first division
2009 : +2 passed from Shailung Ma. Vi. in distinction in HSEB Board
2007 : S.L.C. from ABM School with distinction in S.L.C Board
Work Experience : Six years experience in A.S. Company in Koteshwor, Kathmandu.


B. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs.
a. If you sell your stocks now, you won’t get much money for them. (not/get)
b. A lot of people would  lose their jobs if the factory closed down. (close down)
c. Our country won’t have to export wheat if it rains in November and February. (rain)
d. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life. (found)
e. If he had been wearing a helmet, he could have been seriously injured. (be)
f. Unless you follow the instructions, you will not pass the exams. (not/pass)
g. I don’t mind walking home as long as the weather is fine. (be)
h. The bank will sanction you the loan provided you deposit a collateral. (deposit)
i. What would you have been doing if you had not got this job? (you/do)
j. If you had the choice, where would you have lived? (you/live) 
C. Change the following sentences into ‘if sentences’ as in the example.
a. The driver was talking on the phone so the accident happened.
Ans: If the driver hadn’t been talking on the phone, the accident wouldn’t have happened.
b. There is no one at home because all the lights are off.
Ans: If there was someone at home, all the lights wouldn’t be off.
c. He must be an educated person because he has subscribed ‘The Kathmandu Post’.
Ans: If he was an educated person, he would have subscribed ‘The Kathmandu Post’.
d. His head was not injured in the accident because he had put the helmet on.
Ans: If he hadn’t put the helmet on, his head would have been injured in the accident.
e. I am sure he passed the exam because he gave a heavy treat to his friends.
Ans: If he hadn’t given a heavy treat to his friends, I am sure he wouldn’t have passed the exam.
f. You didn’t take any breakfast so you are hungry now.
Ans: If you had taken some breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now.
g. I am sure he is a doctor because he is wearing the white gown.
Ans: If he was not wearing the white gown, I am sure he wouldn’t be a doctor.
h. She is very rich so she drives a Mercedes.
Ans: If she wasn’t very rich, she wouldn’t be driving a Mercedes.
i. I didn’t know it was only half a kilometer from my house, so I booked a ride.
Ans: If I had known it was only a half kilometer from my house, I wouldn’t have booked a ride.
j. He has hidden something in his mind, so he does not look fresh.
Ans: If he hadn’t hidden anything in his mind, he would look fresh.

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