Family Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English

CategoriesLanguage Development-XII



Working with Words

A. Find words from the text and solve the puzzle. Clues are given below. 
1. the custom having more than one wife at the same time = Polygamy
5. to find acceptable way of dealing with opposite ideas, needs, etc. = Solution
6. the process at which towns, streets, etc. are built where there was once countryside = Urbanization
7. the process in which somebody learns to behave in an acceptable way in their society = Socialization
1. rules or controlled by men = Patriarchal
2. the act of taking over a position = Domination
3. done in a way without caring if people are shocked = Blatant
4. single-parent = Lone Parent
B. Find the meanings of the following family-related words and use them in your own sentences.
1. nuclear family = Families with two parents and one or more children are referred to as nuclear families
Peter belongs to a nuclear family owning a large plot of land.
2. monogamy = the custom of being married to only one person at a particular time
Forbidding monogamy and insisting that all men have numerous women, Ram quit the religious cult in protest.
3. sibling-in-law = The spouse of one’s sibling or the sibling of one’s spouse is referred to as one’s sibling-in-law.
My sibling-in-law agrees to give me a roof in her house.
4. milk kinship = the kinship arising from adaptation or fostering
She is not my biological mother but yet we have a milk kinship because she had breastfed me when I was an infant.
5. matrilineal = system in which ancestry is traceable via maternal rather then paternal lines
John often tells us that his life is controlled by matrilineal forces because he lives with her wife and four daughters.
6. nepotism = using power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your family or relatives
There’s no doubt about it, Shyam is a fool, still his father hired him with nepotism.
7. maternity = state or feeling of being mother, motherhood
She is not a woman with an interest in maternity
C. Make at least five words using the prefixes given. Consult a dictionary to learn how they change the meaning of root words.
Pre-  = prefix , present , prepare , preface , pre-teen
semi-  =  semiannual , semicircle , semiformal , semidesert, semiliquid
sub-  =  subshell , sub-see , subordinate , subeditor , submarine
mis-  =  misshaped , mismatch , mistrust , misspelt , misspell
mono-  =  monogamy , monograph , monolingual , monolingual , monogram
un-  =  unnatural , unable , uneducated , unaware , unnecessary
in-  =  invent , infant , indeed, insane, invisible
inter-  =  interaction , interlink , interface , interconnect , interbreed


A. The headings of the first five paragraphs of the above text are given below. Write paragraph number next to them.
a. Patriarchal family = 3rd Paragraph
b. Functions of the family = 2nd Paragraph
c. Modern model of family = 5th Paragraph
d. Effects of industrialization on family structure = 4th Paragraph
e. Defining family = 1st Paragraph
B. Answer the following questions.
a. What type of family is thought to be the oldest form of the family?
Ans: A nuclear family is thought to be the oldest form of the family.
b. How does a family provide security to its members?
Ans: A family provides security to its members through the warmth, love and companionship.
c. What were the features of medieval European families?
Ans: The features of Medieval European family is that:
    • It was male-dominated and extended
    • Polygamy was not practiced.
d. What caused the dissolution of extended families in the West?
Ans: Industrialization and urbanization caused the dissolution of extended families in the West.
e. What caused occurred in gender role in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution?
Ans: Originally, the industrial revolution led to the domestication of women, as men went to occupations in other sectors, and women were expected to care for the children. Similarly, family responsibilities that were previously believed to be entirely male or female were changed into shared responsibilities. Also, as divorce rates rose, so did the number of one-parent families.
f. What is family law?
Ans: Family law is the legal relationships among family members as well as the relationships between families and society at large.
g. How is modern marriage defined?
Ans: Simply modern marriages are defined as such marriage where the husband and wife share responsibilities. The couples are regarded as equal partners and women have a role in decision-making for the family.
h. What do special family courts try to do?
Ans: Special family courts try to deal more fairly with sensitive issues such as custody of children.
i. What does the legislation on child labor and child abuse declare?
Ans: The legislation on child labor and child abuse declares that ‘No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or employed in any hazardous employment”. It further asserts on child interest-based behaviors to be done and of free education and health care. 
j. What is common among most legal systems regarding property?
Ans: Division of property left by a decreased family member is common among most legal systems regarding property.

Critical Thinking

a. What changes have started to occur in Nepali families in recent days? What impacts will they bring on the society? Discuss.
Ans: Most Nepalese families are strongly male dominated and joint. Females are often perceived as the care giver and commonly dependent on their husbands. However, in recent days, some remarkable changes have started to occur in Nepalese families. The family role once considered patriarchal have broken down. Patriarchal rule has begun to give way to greater equality between the sexes. Caring for the home and children once expected to be the duty of the female is now a shared activity.
As the family role is shared, women are not only limited to the family affair. They hold the vital position in the government and non-government offices. Their economic contribution to the family is really admired. They are also the significant part of the development activities, taking place in their community. 
b. We see many elderly people in the elderly homes these days in Nepal. Some of them are abandoned while others live there willingly. Do you think Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture? Give reasons.
Ans: Majority of people in today’s society have lost their souls, promised to earn money to themselves. Our desire for owning and enjoying material things creates this scenario. We weren’t as old, the elders were respected, adored in a common family structure, were the apple of the eye. Now it’s all nuclear, family, arms, theory of the single child. Happiness is the main motivation, as it we’re going to live forever. Everything else is thrown away. This is the cause of the sad condition of senior’s families’ ideals and the culprits are western culture and materialistic.
In Nepali society, after greed, study reasons and industrialization is also the cause of sorry state of our elderly people. People are busy at their work and jobs, have no time to take care for their old parents. That is why even parents do not will to stay with their offspring with the fear of being neglected. Nepali people are not actually deviating from their traditional culture, but the time and busy work schedules and desire of having a very small or nuclear family is the main cause of such state of older people in our society. 


A. Write an essay on The Importance of Family.
Family is group of people ties with blood relation, runs with the form of marriage thus form various relationship like husband and wife, mother and father and brother and sister , creating a common culture in respect of their respective role as per the relationship they hold with each other. Then there is our extended family, grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins.The role of family is not limited up to giving birth. The family plays a vital role on social coordination and support in an individuals life. A child learn about his identification in the family. It is also known as a social institution consisting of reproduction and socialization. Family is known as first agency of socialization.
Our family is our first introduction to the world. it is also our first interaction with it. we learn the most basic and the most important social skills from our family. In Addition, we also fulfill our emotional needs through them. We are social animals that means it is not possible to lead solitary lives entirely for us. Today’s generation is modern generation which is tough and stressful. handling it becomes more easier if we have support of our family. children learn problem solving behavior from family and become fully functioning person. We can share our happiness and problems with our family so that the family can also be involved in our happiness and solving the problems in our problem or at our bad times. The culture of family existed and envolved, providing us with different types and categories since ancient time. We can learn about our culture, tradition and ancestry past from family. Children feel secure with family . We can get guidance from family in all situation. Family is such thing from where we get love unconditionally. Family is such thing, which stay with us in all situation, especially during hard situation or crises, when no one gives you support. It is true blessing to have positive family by your side because to become a successful person, first of all there should be supportive family. We all should also have deep respect and love towards each other in our family. Every second which is spent with family is worthy.
We should love and support our family. A children become complete man with a unique identity due to family. people living with families are happier and successful than the person living alone without family thus, we should support our family as our family support us on our bad times. Everyone should love their family.


Model Verbs

B. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
a. ‘How much was your parking ticket?’ ‘Fifty rupees.’ ‘Oh well, it could have been worse.
b. It might have got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes.
c. ‘Sorry I’m late. I got delayed at work.’ ‘You could have called. I was really worried about you.’
d. ‘I don’t think he meant to be rude.’ ‘He might have said sorry.’
e. ‘Whose signature is this?’ ‘I don’t know. It could be Manoj’s. That looks a bit like an M.’
f. I had it when I left the office so I must have lost it on the way to home.
g. You could think it’s funny, but I think it’s pathetic.
C. Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.
a. At the end of the course, you should be able to write a research paper on a specific topic.
b. If you want to earn a lot of money, you should work hard for smarter things.
c. You were not in your house yesterday, you might have gone to the market.
d. I’m quite busy tomorrow, I could not join you on morning walk.
e. When you were a small kid, you might be notorious.
f. My car is broken, I must phone the mechanic.
g. I’ve got a fast speed internet at home, I can play computer games comfortably.
h. Even though she didn’t study well, she could pass the exam.
i. There are plenty of newspapers in the library, you can pick one if you want.
j. What do you think you were doing, playing in the road? You may have an accident.
k. I have no time. I will talk to you about my business later.
l. You don’t look well. You should visit the doctor.

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