Knowledge and Wisdom Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


Knowledge and Wisdom

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. What are the factors that contribute to wisdom?
Ans: The factors that contribute to wisdom are:
    1. Sense of proportion
    2. emancipation
    3. comprehensiveness
    4. knowledge of human needs and understanding
    5. impartiality
b. What message does the writer try to convey with the example of technicians?
Ans: The writer tries to convey a message with the example of technicians to interpret the harm and danger with the example of technicians. He tries to explain that knowledge without wisdom harms the humanity and world. For example, scientists discover how to decrease infant death rates, which may cause overpopulation which leads to a shortage of food. Likewise, the knowledge of atomic theory may lead to the destruction of human life if it is misused.
c. Which leaders does Russell say were able to mix knowledge and wisdom soundly?
Ans: Russell says Queen Elizabeth I, Henry IV of France, and Abraham Lincoln were able to mix knowledge and wisdom soundly. Queen Elizabeth I and Henry IV remained free from the faults of their time. Abraham Lincoln conducted war without deviating from the path of wisdom.
d. Why is wisdom needed not only in public ways but in private life equally?
Ans: Wisdom is needed not only in public ways but in private life equally because it helps us to decide our goals and fulfill our objectives of our life. Without wisdom, we may not be able to choose or achieve our life’s goals.
e. What, according to Russell, is the true aim of education?
Ans: According to Russell. the true aim of education is to develop the wisdom which allows our knowledge use for positive and good purposes without hurting others. Education builds knowledge but if it helps in developing wisdom, then it is very useful in our life.
f. Can wisdom be taught? If so, how?
Ans: Wisdom can be taught through education, as exemplified in the parable of the Good Samaritan, which emphasizes loving both friends and foes. Hatred can be eradicated through the teaching of wisdom and broadening perspectives. Russell believes knowledge and wisdom should be integrated into education to foster a global mindset, encouraging people to see themselves as world citizens.
g. Why does the world need more wisdom in the future?
Ans: The world needs more wisdom in the future because without wisdom most people misuse knowledge and hampers life and society. Wisdom is the only thing that helps to use knowledge in a better way which is beneficial for all.

Reference to the context

a. According to Russel, “The pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom.” Justify this statement.
Ans: According to Russel, “The pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom”. Russel discusses knowledge and wisdom and how knowledge is harmful in the absence of wisdom. He wants to reflect on the importance of both knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is an essential aspect of knowledge. Knowledge only gives the output which is beneficial if it is combined with wisdom. Without wisdom, only knowledge is harmful to the humanity and world. It’s essential to acknowledge that wisdom is not solely a product of formal education or academic learning. Life experiences, challenges, and personal growth also play crucial roles in the development of wisdom. If we gained the knowledge and don’t know how to use it and misused it, then it is very much harmful. So, there should be a real practice of knowledge that makes perfect and doesn’t harm others. So, without wisdom, knowledge is very harmful.
b. What, according to Russell, is the essence of wisdom? And how can one acquire the very essence?
Ans: According to Russell, the essence of wisdom is free from the imprisonment of the emotional and physical world and moving ahead. It brings a delightful sense of ease to our hearts, gently easing worries about our physical well-being. Wisdom means using experience and mankind in the application of knowledge. It makes us decide the best options and apply the knowledge wisely. One should have proper knowledge and experience in achieving goals and purposes and should be a good listener and be patient with yourself while moving ahead. Embracing humility creates space for new knowledge and insights. The appropriate judgment should be made so broad and open mined should be needed. If one has the things mentioned above, then he/she can acquire the very essence.

Reference beyond the text

a. Why is wisdom necessary in education? Discuss.
Ans: Wisdom is necessary in education because it helps to gain practical experience in the real world. It develops the feeling of mankind. We get knowledge in education but not wisdom but if wisdom is added in education then one can know about the practical uses of that knowledge. It tells the proper use of things that we have learned. It makes our knowledge in the welfare and good use for the humanity and world. To achieve perfection, wisdom should be added to it. Through wisdom, we know how to overcome and handle negative things. If someone goes through the knowledge and wisdom side by side then he/she will be perfect and achieve their goals and ambitions. Education is not only giving knowledge and leaving it as it is, it should teach us how to use our knowledge in the perfect way for the betterment of our life and humankind. Knowledge without wisdom is very harmful to all and leads to a negative path and destruction. Every education and knowledge has practical examples and uses and that should be taught while giving education.
b. How can you become wise? Do you think what you are doing in college contributes to wisdom?
Ans: Wise means the proper and good judgment of knowledge and experience and acquiring these qualities is known as wisdom. We can become wise if we will be aware of personal restrictions and can properly judge our decisions for the betterment of our life. Using knowledge wisely, at the right time and place, brings forth its true beauty. It is very difficult to become wise and takes a long time. There should not be negative thoughts and build the habit of thinking about each and everything positively. One should learn from mistakes rather than going far from the mistakes. He/she should have the ability to overcome difficulties and be positive in every situation of life and should not be afraid of problems. He/she should be calm and solve the difficult situation.
Wisdom is gained from practical experiences. It helps to develop the feeling of mankind. Like in my college, I also contribute to wisdom. I always listen to my seniors and teachers and follow their advice. I have always been curious to find the solution to the problems that occur during my studies and move forward. I always search the practical examples that I learn from the classroom. I often seek help from my friends and also help them with their difficulties.

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