Soft Storm Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


Soft Storm

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. When does the speaker grow soft? Enlist the occasions when he grows soft.
Ans: The speaker grows soft when he hears the tumult, the sky blooms like crocuses, homeless children cried with hunger, the moon skids, etc.
b. What do you understand by ‘this seamless city’?
Ans: I understand ‘this seamless city’ as a place where there is no disturbance and a peaceful environment that is full of freedom for human desires.
c. Describe the poor children portrayed in the poem.
Ans: The poor children in Thamel are portrayed where they were crying due to hunger under the bat-bearing tree at Kesharmahal.
d. What do you understand by ‘the unwedded gardens of history’?
Ans: I understand ‘the unwedded gardens of history’ by the society where traditional cultures have been ignored which translated to a chaotic condition in the society.
e. Why was the forlorn child wailing?
Ans: The forlorn child was wailing because he found his mother and other relatives and loved ones missing in contemporary society.
f. What do you understand by ‘soft storm’?
Ans: I understand ‘soft storm’ as the lawless and chaotic environment of society. As ‘storm’ gives the sense of violence and the addition of soft with storm makes the chaotic times that the poet observes in the society.
g. Why does the speaker call our time ‘mad time’?
Ans: The speaker calls our time ‘mad time’ because the speaker finds many disturbances and destructions in society. People are trying to dominate each other. He sees corruption everywhere in society and social injustice among people. People are being mannerless and their activities are unlawful.
h. What does the speaker want to do in “hard times”?
Ans: The speaker wants to fade like a rainbow at ‘hard times’.

Reference to the context

a. The poet uses the word ‘soft’ with the words like ‘storm’ and ‘gale’, which generally refer to disorder and violence. What effect does the poet achieve through the use of such anomalous expressions?
Ans: Anomalous expressions are expressions that are syntactically correct but semantically meaningless. Here, the poet uses the word soft with storm and gale to express his feelings and internal disturbance. The expressions ‘soft storm’ and ‘softness rose like a gale’ are paradoxical and uncommon in nature. He expresses his troubled inner experience by connecting contradictory ideas. By this method, the poet gains many benefits like social, environmental, and psychological benefits.
b. What is the speaker’s attitude towards the time he describes in the poem?
Ans: The speaker’s attitude toward the time he describes in the poem is negative as he saw the environment where the strange things happen around him. Wherever he wants to move ahead, he encounters many disturbances. He experienced different unusual things and unlawful activities happening in society. Modern society is mannerless and gives the speaker inner disturbances. So, his attitude towards the time is not positive.
c. What is the speaker like? Is he a rebel? Why? Why not?
Ans: The speaker is rebellious in nature as he saw the strange things around him and society. Everywhere there is a crisis and people are suffering from different pains and difficulties. All the people are ignoring history and not treating well with each other. We can call him a rebel as he saw the people are forgetting humanity and he seems to go against the authority and violate norms.
d. Explain the stanza below in your own words:
I became soft
when I saw
a blood-stained shirt
speaking in the earth’s ears
with bruised human lips
in the far corner
under the moon
of history and dreams
playing hide and seek
in open museums
of human times.
Ans: The stanza is taken from the poem ‘Soft Storm’ by Abhi Subedi. Here, the speaker is expressing his feelings and internal disturbances during the nighttime. From these lines, the poet describes a man with a blood-stained shirt at night with bruised human lips who can’t speak because the powerful people make his voice lower. Here, the achievements are shown by the moon of history. When the moon appears in the sky, the moonlight falls into a place of historical importance. People seem quite indifferent towards the victims who go against the violence.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay, highlighting your dissatisfaction towards social, cultural, economic and political issues prevailing in Nepal at present.
Ans: It deeply saddens me to witness the social, cultural, economic, and political challenges prevailing in Nepal today. The mismanagement and misuse of development resources for personal gains are hindering the progress of our nation, instead of benefiting the entire country and its people.
Discrimination based on cultural norms and traditions is unjustly impacting the social development of marginalized communities, particularly the Dalits, who face financial hardships and fear speaking out against powerful figures. This backwardness in society poses a risk to the overall development and promising future of our nation. Additionally, the troubling trend of nepotism is preventing qualified individuals from progressing in life, leaving them stuck and unable to contribute fully to the nation’s growth.
The decline in the quality of our political system is a cause for concern, as some political parties prioritize their own interests over the brighter future of our country. This has led to a decrease in people’s security and an increase in various issues like human trafficking, discrimination, and gender inequality. As a result, the financial stability of our country is also facing challenges, pushing many into poverty and making it difficult for them to sustain a decent livelihood.
It is crucial for us to unite as a society and address these pressing issues with compassion and determination. By fostering a more inclusive, accountable, and forward-thinking approach, we can overcome these obstacles and pave the way for a better, more prosperous Nepal for all its citizens.
b. Suppose you are a rebel, who wants to change the society by eliminating malpractices and anomalies prevailing in the society. Draft a speech outlining your vision for change.
Ans: Respected guests, ladies, and gentlemen, and my beloved friends,
Today, as I stand before you, my heart weighs heavy with concern for the malpractices and anomalies that persist in our society. I am Ram Giri, and I believe that together, we can bring about positive change for the betterment of our health and lives.
In Nepal, we witness practices that demean the dignity and rights of our fellow citizens. Corruption, discrimination, racism, child labor, educational disparities, and superstitions still cast a shadow over our progress. These practices not only hinder our growth as a nation but also erode the very fabric of our society.
Despite living in the 21st century, the grip of traditional superstitions lingers, threatening the prosperity of our future generations. It is incumbent upon us to be vigilant and reject these societal ills. We must strive to create an environment that fosters enlightenment and progress.
We bear the responsibility to nurture a better world for the generations to come. By promoting positive attitudes and values, we can empower our children to stand against these challenges. Let us inspire a sense of duty towards our families, society, and nation.
To address these issues effectively, we must confront their root causes. Poverty and illiteracy lie at the heart of many problems. By providing targeted interventions and comprehensive support, we can pave the way for a fair and just society. Education must reach every corner of our country, empowering our people with knowledge and awareness. Employment opportunities and better facilities are vital for uplifting those struggling with unemployment.
As we work towards change, we call upon the government to implement strict rules and regulations. Transparent governance will be the cornerstone of our progress. Let us join hands, transcending our differences, and unite in this noble cause. Together, we can build a society where love, compassion, and justice prevail, creating a brighter future for all. Thank you.

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