The Awakening Age Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


The Awakening Age

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. Who are the people ‘who travel the meridian line’?
Ans: The people ‘who travel the meridian line’ are Nigerians who grouped after the civil war which results in the separation of the country into two groups i.e. north and south.
b. What does the poet mean by ‘a new world’?
Ans: According to the poet, ‘a new world’ means a world full of happiness, hope, wealth, unity and knowledge.
c. How are people connected to each other?
Ans: People are connected to each other in the hope of attaining peace and harmony.
d. What can we gain after our perceptions are changed?
Ans: After our perceptions are changed, we can gain positive attitudes and behaviour among each other and help in acquiring peace, harmony and unity.
e. How are we benefited by new people?
Ans: We are benefited by new people by their thoughts and ideas which will be new for us and motivates us to go ahead. Their innovative thoughts and ideas help to awaken people from many sufferings and pains.
f. Describe the rhyme scheme of this sonnet.
Ans: The rhyme scheme is AA BB CC DD EE FF GG which is of seven separate couplets. This sonnet’s rhyme scheme is sonorous and provides a lovely rhythmic/musical tone which makes it more interesting.

Reference to the context

a. What does the poet mean by ‘the awakening age’?
Ans: According to the poet, ‘the awakening age’ means awakening the people from the poverty and darkness of life. The awakening age refers to the time after Nigeria’s civil war which divides the country into two parts i.e. north and south. Due to the separation, African people faced many difficulties and pains during the period. So, the poet wants to aware of the peace, prosperity and happiness among people.
b. Why, in your view, have these people ‘lived with poverty’s rage’?
Ans: In my view, these people have ‘lived with poverty rage’ because as a result of the civil war and the separation of the country, strong people came into the authority and started to torture and humiliate them which makes it very difficult to live in the community.
c. Why does the poet appeal for solidarity among the people?
Ans: The poet appeals for solidarity among the people because the poet wants to bring equality, freedom and harmony among the people and he thinks unity among the people helps to overcome their hurdles, difficulties and pains.
d. Does the poet present migration in a positive light? Why? Why not?
Ans: The poet presents migration in a positive light as it helps people to be motivated and explore their creativity. Migration helps people to move in a better platform and improve their conditions through awakening. The poet’s desire to be unified, honest, smart and creative in the new age of awakening where there will be freedom from difficulties. Migrants and their innovative ideas help to awaken people from different pains.
e. Nepal is also known for its economic as well as educational migrants. Have you noticed any change in the perceptions and behaviours of these migrants when they return home from abroad?
Ans: Nepal is also known for its economic as well as educational migrants. Many Nepalese go to foreign countries for further studies and find work. When they return to their home, we can see some changes in their behaviours and perceptions. When they move to foreign countries, they compete with many different types of people who have different levels of perceptions and their narrow minds will be wider and learn many skills. They explore many things and learn from around the world. These skills and exploration of the world help to gain the financial conditions of our country. Their skills and knowledge encourage them to increase their potential.
f. Relate the rhyme scheme of this sonnet to the kind of life idealized by the poet.
Ans: The rhyme scheme is AA BB CC DD EE FF GG which is of seven different couplets. Each couplet is melodious and musical tone.  From this rhyme scheme, the poet presents the idealized life of Nigerian people in a new world of the awakening age. All these rhyme schemes are used to present the way of living, hope, joy and opportunity of Nigerian people. The poet uses this rhyme scheme to present the idealized people’s lives.

Reference beyond the text

Write an essay on ‘The Impacts of Migration on Nepali Society’.
Ans: Migration, the pursuit of a better future and a happier life has become a significant phenomenon in Nepal. Many Nepalese individuals are compelled to migrate either within the country or abroad, seeking improved opportunities for themselves and their families. While some move to the plains of the Terai region for livelihood security, others venture to foreign countries for better prospects.
The impacts of migration are diverse, encompassing both positive and negative consequences. The influx of remittances from Nepalese working abroad positively impacts the country’s GDP and uplifts the financial conditions of families left behind. Additionally, migrants have the opportunity to embrace new cultures and traditions, enriching their experiences by connecting with different people in various places.
However, migration also presents challenges. In the places where people migrate, the sudden increase in population can strain resources, resulting in high demand and slow development. Conversely, the regions left behind experience a decrease in population, leading to less demand and sluggish progress. Emotional bonds with family members may weaken due to physical separation, and impulsive spending can become prevalent.
Despite these challenges, migration remains an important aspect of Nepal’s social fabric. To address the impacts effectively, it is crucial to strike a balance between fostering opportunities for growth and development while also supporting the well-being of families and communities affected by migration. With thoughtful planning and policies, Nepal can harness the positive impacts of migration while mitigating the negative ones, paving the way for a brighter future for all its citizens.

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