I Was My Own Route Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


I Was My Own Route

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. Why did the speaker try to be the way men wanted her to be?
Ans: The speaker tried to be the way men wanted her to be because she don’t want to be under control of men and she was a woman belonging to a patriarchal society. She was determined to fight against the prevailing male domination.
b. What do you understand by her feet ‘would not accept walking backwards’?
Ans: I understand by her feet ‘would not accept walking backwards’ is that she doesn’t accept males’ inferior concept of females and she likes to move forward like males with the concept of equality for the development.
c. Who are the old guards? Why did they grow desperate?
Ans: The old guards are those people who always be in the favour and supportive to the males’ concept and ideals. They grew desperate because Julia as advancing her steps to the liberation of the women race.
d. How did the speaker have ‘a feeling of intimate liberation’?
Ans: The speaker had ‘a feeling of intimate liberation’ by advancing steps forwards to a new route despite difficulties. Ultimately she made a separate route separating more and more in spite of pains from the old route made by males.
e. Why did the speaker’s desire to follow men warp in her?
Ans: The speaker’s desire to follow men warped in her because the society is followed by the patriarchal form and its rules and she desired to be freedom but she is forced to follow the traditional ways or concepts regarding male domination.

Reference to the context

a. What does the speaker mean when she says she was playing a game of hide and seek with her being’?
Ans: The speaker means when she says she was playing a game of hide and seek with her being is she wants to express her anger regarding to the patriarchal concepts pf male domination society. She wants to be in the society where there is freedom but she was forced to follow the masculine mentality. It also suggests that she required liberation in order to break free from the gender stereotype picture of females and pursue her own path. She was totally unknown about who is she and what she wanted to do. She avoid the rules and values set by male to females and be free from the rules and regulations.
b. Why, in your view, was her back ripped by the old guards as she was advancing forward?
Ans: In my view, her back was ripped by the old guards as she was advancing forward because the old guards stopped her in the name of the rules, norms, traditions and create different obstacles while she was moving forward in against following the rules set by men to women. The old guards were the people who follow the traditional way to run the society but she was from the modern society who believes in the equality of men and women. They tried to create many obstacles and hindrances while she was moving ahead.
c. What, according to the speaker, did it feel like to be free?
Ans: According to the speaker, to be free it felt like to get or obtain the dream and follow the own path without any obstacles created by the people who follow the traditional way and don’t allow women to follow own path and should be run with men. The speaker says the being free is like the bird who flies in the open sky without any hindrances. The each and every steps taken by women should be helped by the people like men. There should be the feeling of the equality of men and women and should run in race with equal resources.
d. Why does the speaker prefer the present to the past?
Ans: The speaker’s preference lies with the present rather than the past, as her previous circumstances were filled with misery. She endured the oppression of male dominance, and her family background was far from ideal, tragically losing a sibling to malnutrition. Living in the shadow of a society governed by male authority, her situation was bleak. However, in the present, she has transformed into an emblematic figure—a trailblazer and champion for women. She has paved the way for others, enabling women to stride freely on their own paths, embracing their unique identities. With a sense of pride, she rightfully deserves admiration and respect.
e. John Donne, in his poem “No Man is an Island”, says, “No man is an island entire of itself.” Would Burgos agree with Donne? Do you agree with Donne or Burgos?
Ans: In his poem “No Man is an Island,” John Donne emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity, stating that no one exists in isolation. By addressing the collective human race, Donne highlights the crucial role individuals play in the progress of society. The phrase “no man is an island” signifies the belief that humans struggle when cut off from others and require social connections to thrive. It underscores the idea that self-sufficiency is unattainable, and everyone relies on the support and companionship of others for their well-being. I wholeheartedly agree with Donne’s perspective and endorse his vision of societal equality in all aspects. While Donne touches upon gender equality, it is evident that Burgos is deeply angered and frustrated by the prevailing male-dominated culture. She vocalizes her discontent and rejection of restrictive male ideologies that impede women’s freedoms and opportunities in society. She emerges as a staunch feminist, advocating not only for women’s liberation but also challenging traditional masculine norms and beliefs. Regardless, I hold admiration for Donne as he advocates for the holistic development of society, promoting the progress of both men and women.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay on My Idea of Freedom.
Ans:  My Idea of Freedom
Freedom, a concept etched deep within the fabric of human existence, has always been a subject of fascination and contemplation. I think the meaning of freedom means to do the desired work or tasks without anybody’s or anything’s obstacles. The word  ‘freedom’ can be explained differently by different people according to their thought. It means to be free from anything whatever we want to do. This includes the freedom to voice one’s opinions, beliefs, and emotions without fear of suppression or repercussion.
The freedom of self-expression empowers individuals to share their creativity, diversity, and progress in society which helps to develop the self-confidence. It serves as a catalyst for critical thinking, intellectual discourse, and the exchange of ideas and the evolution of societies. The freedom to choose one’s path and relationships enables individuals to obtain the objective, fulfill their potential, and lead a life with positive thought. This freedom enables individuals to explore their spirituality, seek meaning and purpose. Freedom from discrimination ensures equal opportunities, social inclusion, and the realization of one’s potential irrespective of societal biases.
Therefore, my idea of freedom encompasses the multidimensional nature of this concept. It is the freedom to express oneself, make choices, believe in what one holds dear, be free from discrimination, and exercise independent thought.
b. Not all people, however, seem to agree with the kind of freedom upheld by Burgos in this poem. For example, William Faulkner, in his novel Requiem for a Nun, says, ‘“The past is never dead. It’s not even past. All of us labor in webs spun long before we were born, webs of heredity and environment, of desire and consequence, of history and eternity.” Do you agree with Faulkner? Why? Why not?
Ans: Not everyone shares Burgos’ notion of freedom as depicted in her poem, and William Faulkner, in his novel Requiem for a Nun, presents an alternative perspective. He asserts, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past. All of us are entangled in the webs woven long before our birth – webs of heritage, environment, desire, consequence, history, and eternity.”
Our future endeavors and experiences inevitably become part of history. We find ourselves caught amidst the interplay of history and karma, which commenced long before our existence, within the intricate webs we have spun since time immemorial. Our existence, akin to the forward march of time, moves along a linear trajectory, constantly enveloped by the past. As long as we continue to reflect upon past events and base our decisions on them, it remains impossible to assert that they are truly over. Whatever transpires becomes a part of our history, while the memories it creates linger in our minds, ensuring that the past never truly concludes. This implies a perpetual entanglement with the past until the moment of our demise.
One might assume from Julia Burgos’ poem “I Was My Own Route” that she aspires to break free from her past, likely due to its unpleasant nature. However, achieving such liberation is a challenging endeavor. Julia de Burgos’ fight for independence vehemently refutes the notion of a preexisting past. She seeks to distance herself from the presence of men in order to establish her own identity by disavowing the past and rejecting the existence of men. However, if males are disregarded, humanity’s existence would be jeopardized. Burgos is a radical feminist, driven by her anger towards male dominance over women. It is crucial for both genders to coexist for the sake of humanity’s survival. The past shapes our identity and influences every decision we make. Faulkner’s perspective on the past is grounded in realism, unlike Burgos’ portrayal in her poems. We cannot simply ignore our past, as it serves as a guiding force throughout our lives. Therefore, I concur with Faulkner over Burgos, as his perspectives and ideas align with reality and truth.

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