Every Morning I Wake Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


Every Morning I Wake

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. When does the speaker pray to the Lord?
Ans: The speaker prays to the Lord in the morning and evening time.
b. What does the speaker pray for?
Ans: The speaker prays for the blessings not only for his benefit but for the well-being of entire creature living under milk-wood.
c. Who are the ‘poor creatures’? Why does the speaker call them ‘poor creatures’?
Ans: The ‘poor creatures’ in particular are the individuals that live beneath milk-wood as well as humanity as a whole. The speakers calls them ‘poor creatures’ because they are comprised of bone and flesh and are born to die.
d. What does Milk Wood sound like? A type of wood or a place? Why?
Ans: Milk Wood sound likes a location because it is not a type of wood, a grammatical article such as ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ must have been used. There is no need for an article in the case of a single proper noun that refers to a single location.
e. Why do the inhabitants of Milk Wood bow to the setting sun ‘but just for now’?
Ans: The inhabitants of Milk Wood bow to the setting sun ‘but just for now’ for saying the farewell for the time being. They hope to see the next morning sunshine. They wish to live another day with God’s grace and the warmth of the Sun.

Reference to the context

a. Discuss “Every Morning When I Wake” as a prayer to the God.
Ans: The poem by Dylan Thomas, ‘Every Morning When I Wake’ is a poignant prayer poem. The speaker’s heartfelt plea to God emphasizes their desire for divine care and blessings for all creatures, human and animal alike. In this beautiful expression of devotion, the speaker seeks guidance and showers of love upon the needy. It serves as a reminder of the power of prayer to foster compassion and interconnectedness in our lives.
b. Why does the speaker make a prayer to the God, but not to a king, a billionaire or a scientist?
Ans: The speaker makes a prayer to the God, but not to a king, a billionaire or a scientist because the god is the creator and destroyer of the world. But a king, a billionaire or a scientist are not the creator of the world, actually they are the creations of the God. Each and every actions in the world is in the control of the God not in the hand of doctor, billionaire or a scientist. They all are temporary in this world but the God is immortal and permanent. The speaker knows very well about all the differences between God and other living beings or creatures. So the speaker prays to the God and believes more in god than other creatures.
c. How does the poet highlight the magnificence of the God?
Ans: The poet highlight the magnificence of the God in the poem ‘Every Morning I Wake’. The speaker say that the God is the creator and destroyer of the world and entire universe. According to the speaker, God create us and help us to guide in the right path. From the poem, the speaker wants to tell that the every morning is created by the God and the sun which gives the sunshine and make the environment greenery and beautiful by the God. God is immoral but the creatures of the universe is temporary. The blessings of God makes our day and life wonderful and beautiful.
d. How does the rhyme scheme of the poem reinforce its message?
Ans: The rhyme scheme of the poem reinforces its message regarding the almighty Lord and his magnificence. The rhyme scheme in the poem has stressed much on those words which have a connection to the speaker’s prayers to God. It is a prayer poem in which the speaker prays to the God to have mercy on all creatures. The rhymes sounds are used in the poem to express an innocent appeal to God. Such rhymes make the poem lyrical and sounds enjoyable while reading or listening to the poem.

Reference beyond the text

a. Does the God exist? Give your opinion.
Ans: Yes, the God exist because we all know that the God is the creator and destroyer of the entire universe. All the daily happenings in the world or universe are done by the God. Each and every actions are created and done by the God. We all know that the each and every things need energy to run like the mobile charge is run by the electrical energy. Likewise, the beings are run by the energy which is can’t be seen but only feel and that energy is created by the God. Air is same way like the God. The ethereal nature of air renders it invisible to the eye, yet it delicately caresses our senses with the gentle touch of its soothing breeze.
Aside from our give sensory organs, we have a sixth sense that allows us to reach God. Unlike our five senses, it is a perceptual power. People that use their sixth sense believe in God’s existence. Unexpected and miraculous events are evidence of god’s existence. The tremendous changes in nature every time make people believe in the existence of a superpower on this planet. All these daily routines are conducted by the God which tells that the God exists.
b. In his Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors (1768), Voltaire says, “Even if the God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” Write an essay highlighting the importance of the God in the society.
Ans: God, revered as the supreme being, embodies the pinnacle of existence and ultimate truth in diverse religious and spiritual traditions. The profound significance of God in society becomes apparent through the profound statement attributed to Voltaire: “Even if God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” This observation encapsulates the intrinsic role that God plays in human lives, inspiring faith, guiding morality, fostering community, and instilling hope.
All the creatures are the creations of the God and the every actions are in control of the God. Though human beings or others haven’t seen the God but can feel the energy the God by the actions of the daily life. All the creatures are connected with almighty god through reading as well as understanding various religious books. The importance of God in society is also too high. Many societies are dependent upon the concept of God. All the people in societies have deep faith in God. They all follows the rituals and religions of God.
God represents everything good in our civilization, while evil represents the bad and the favour is always for the good i.e. God. So, in each societies there is always favour in God which leads the society in the good civilization. People in society can learn how to be kind, loving and caring and live happily with each other. The unwanted activities are not done in the name of god or for the Gods. So, people can know the importance of doing the well-things for the each other and develop the well manner and behaviour  .
God should be followed by each and every society for the welfare of the humanity. God teaches us in each and every step of our life and motivates and helps us to move on the right path of life.

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