My Old Home Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


My Old Home

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions.
a. How does the narrator describe his feeling at the arrival of his old home?
Ans: The narrator is very excited and happy to arrive his old home and see his beloved old home but he expressed his depressed feelings because he didn’t see any development and any progress in his village area .
b. What were the three kinds of servants in China then? What does it indicate about contemporary Chinese society?
Ans: The three kinds of servants in China then were dailies, yearlongs and busy-monthers. Dailies are those who work in the daytime. Yearlongs are those who work the whole year long for one family. Busy-monthers are those who plough their own land but work for a specific family during the holidays or rents time.
It indicates the contemporary Chinese society had the slavery system and dividing the work on the basis of level.
c. What makes the narrator nostalgic? What did he do with Runtu in the teenage?
Ans: When the narrator’s mother asks him to meet Runtu, he becomes nostalgic. Runtu was the childhood friend of the narrator. He spent a lot of time with Runtu in the teensage. He used to play in sandy fields and doing various activities together.
d. How did Runtu hunt a Zha in his young age?
Ans: Zha was the creature which used to eat watermelons but Runtu wanted to protect the watermelons. So, Runtu hunted hunted a Zha in his young age by stabbing at it and attacked Zha with his knife using all his strength in young age.
e. How does the narrator make a humorous picture of Mrs. Yang?
Ans: The narrator makes a humorous picture of Mrs. Yang by comparing her face as a face of two compasses in a geometry box with think cheekbones and lips who is so talkative. She was known as “A Beancurd Beauty” in the past because of her.
f. According to the narrator, what were different factors that made Runtu a poor man throughout his life?
Ans: According to the narrator, the different factors that made Runtu a poor man throughout his life were poverty, big family, social responsibilities, discrimination, heavy taxes.
g. How does the narrator help Runtu before leaving the old home?
Ans: The narrator helps Runtu before leaving the old home by providing him the furniture items and necessary things of his old house. He provided him two long tables, an incense burner, some candlesticks and a set of scales of his old house.
h. How does the author differentiate two kinds of idols?
Ans: The author differentiated two kinds of idols by saying superstitious idol is a worshiping for while for something immediate but hope is not an idol that he wants something or somewhere.

Reference to the Context

a. While reading the friendship between the narrator and Runtu, Hindu readers remember the friendship between Krishna and Sudama. Which particular description reminds you of the mythological example?
Ans: We can relate the characters and friendship of the narrator and Runtu with Hindu mythological friendship between Krishna and Sudama. As we know that, Krishna was from the rich and royal family and Sudama was from poor family. Both of them spent their childhood with each other. As the Sudama came to Dwarka to meet his childhood friend Krishna, he bought a gift of grains of beaten rice for his friend, Krishna. After eating the grains, his poverty changed into extreme richness. There were unbelievable changes in Sudama’s life. Krishna helped his friend in need.
Likewise, in this story, Lu Xun is from rich family background and Runtu is from poor family background. They both enjoyed their childhood days together. Here, Lu Xun helped his friend Runtu. He gave Runtu two long tables, four chairs, an incense burner and candlesticks and one balance which is needed for Runtu. He gave all these things from his old house.
b. How does the story support the proposition that the relationships of childhood are innocent, impartial and disinterested?
Ans: The story supports the proposition that the relationships of childhood are innocent, impartial and disinterested. Here, in this story we find the friendship of Lu Xun and Runtu as pure, neutral and disinterested. As the relationship between them is master-servant relationship but they don’t discriminates each other and there is no socio-economic divisions. Their friendship were innocent though they were from different class. There is no concept of discrimination and here their childhood friendship refers to the children’s simplicity. It is so pure relationship where there are no any negative thoughts or aspects or boundaries. This phase of life is only dependent on the love, care, and enjoyment. In Childhood friendship, they enjoy each moment freely being innocent.
c. After reading the story, what inferences can you make about contemporary Chinese economic and social system?
Ans: After reading the story, we can make many inferences about contemporary Chinese economic and social system. The story portrays the complex relationships in the peasant community in China’s society at the time.
There was a trend of the slavery system. In China, there are three kinds of servants i.e. Yearlongs, Short timers and busy monthers. Slavery and social divided in China and discrimination and class differences was highly prevalent. People from different socio-economic backgrounds couldn’t connect or create the best or good friendship.
d. What does the story indicate about the geographical features of the narrator’s hometown?
Ans: The story indicates about the geographical features of the narrator’s hometown. The story starts with the descriptions of narrator’s hometown and his old house. The story has been set during the end of the Qin Dynasty. It was in the depth of winter when the story moves on.
The geographical features is very favorable and lovely. It is the story which describes the narrator’s hometown near the sea. There was greenery everywhere. The sandy bank of the sea was also green due to the cultivation of watermelons. The town used to be peaceful and pleasant. The narrator and his friend Runtu enjoyed their childhood days in this beautiful environment.

Reference beyond the text

a. Human beings are on the road from time immemorial, always migrating to new places. Write an essay on The Trend of Migration in Nepal in about 300 words.
The Trend of Migration in Nepal
Nepal is a South Asian country known for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse cultures, ancient temples and palaces, and as the home of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Migration has been a significant trend in Nepal for several decades. The factors for migration are social, economic and political. There are different reasons for migration in Nepal.
The main reason for the migration in Nepal is lack of employment opportunities in the country. The economic condition of Nepal is being back warded day by day and employment opportunities too. There is also the lack of infrastructure development and the lack of proper education. Another reason for it, there is the political instability in Nepal. Nepal has faced several political crisis over the years.
It has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, remittances from the migrants can uplift the economic status of the country. But on the negative side, there is loss of skilled and talent person for the development of the country. There is shortage of qualified professionals.
Therefore, the trend of migration in Nepal has been influenced by various factors such as the lack of employment opportunities, political instability, and the search for a better standard of living. It is necessary to the government for addressing the problems and solutions of migration and help to reduce the migration by creating job opportunities, better infrastructures and encourage people to stay in the country and contribute to its development.
b. Find one of your relatives or friends, who has migrated to a new place leaving his/her old home. Talk to him/her and prepare a report on what he/she felt while leaving the old home.
Ans: My friend, Hari, along with his family members, dad, mom and grandfather migrated from his village to Kathmandu city. Before going to Kathmandu, they sold their house and all the property of the village and bought a new house for living.
After migrating to city, they live in their own house. When I went to city, I met him and he told that he missed his early childhood days where he used to play with friends and enjoy everyday. In city, there is no place and friends who play with him and he feel lonely in city. He said that the best place to live a life is in Village rather than city because all the people here are busy in their life and don’t care each other. He always miss his childhood days and friends. He didn’t go his village for more than 5 years. Since, they sold all the properties of village, they don’t have any other reasons to go there. His family members also feel the same. They all also miss their hometown and their old house.

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