A Devoted Son Exercise: Questions and Answers | NEB Class 12 English


A Devoted Son

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. How did the morning papers bring ambiance of celebration in the Varma family?
Ans: The morning papers brought an ambiance of celebration in the Varma family because Rakesh, Varma’s son, secured the first position in the country for the Medical Examination.
b. How did the community celebrate Rakesh’s success?
Ans: The community celebrate Rakesh’s success by congratulating him and his family members and celebrated the day as a festival with sound and colors. They provided the gifts to Rakesh and served delicious foods.
c. Why was Rakesh’s success a special matter of discussion in the neighbourhood?
Ans: Rakesh’s success was a special matter of he was the first son in Varma’s family to receive first position in the Medical Examination in the country.
d. How does the author make fun with the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’?
Ans: The author makes fun with the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’ by introducing the opinions of Verma regarding his words. According to Verma, ‘America’ is called by only ignorant neighbours. He asks all his family members to say ‘the USA’. He prohibited his family members to say ‘America’.
e. How does the author characterize Rakesh’s wife?
Ans: The author characterizes Rakesh’s wife as a plump and uneducated girl and so old-fashioned, so placid and so complaisant bu she was too good-natured to even try and Rakesh leave home and set-up independently.
f. Describe how Rakesh rises in his career.
Ans: Rakesh, Verma’s Son, is the first son in his family to secured the first position in Medical Examination in the country. He completed his degree from USA where he had got scholarship.  After completing his degree, he came back to his country and started to practice as a doctor in the city hospital. Due to his sincerity and behavior, he was promoted as the Director of the Hospital. Later on, he left the hospital started his own clinic. He got success and become the richest doctor in the town.
g. How does the author describe Rakesh’s family background?
Ans: The author describes Rakesh’s family background in scanty condition. He was from the poor and uneducated family. His grandparents used to sell the vegetables and his father has worked hard in kerosene depot for forty years. His mother has spent doing housework. They have a small house at the end of the road.
h. What is the impact of Rakesh’s mother’s death on his father?
Ans: After the death of Rakesh’s mother, there had devastating effect on his family especially his father. His father was stricken with grief by the death of his wife as well as retirement. He starts complaining about all the things. He is been suffering from different diseases. Due to this act, his family members feel worried and even cried.
i. What did Rakesh do to make his father’s old age more comfortable?
Ans: Rakesh used to bring morning tea for his father in his favorite brass tumbler. He used to read out the morning news for his father. He took his father the evening air out in the garden, beautifully arranging the pillows. He banned various foodstuffs in order to take care of his father’s health. He provided his father a healthy food and comfortable lifestyle.
j. Why did the old man try to bribe his grandchildren?
Ans: The old man tried to bribe his grandchildren in order to get chance to eat sweet items like Jalebis, which was banned by his son for his health.
k. Are Mr. Varma’s complaints about his diets reasonable? How?
Ans: Mr. Varma’s complaints about his diets aren’t reasonable. His son, Rakesh, banned all the unhealthy food items. His son is very concerned about his health. Rakesh is a devoted and obedient son but as a doctor he always follows the healthy life for his father’s life and health.

Reference to the context

a. How did Varma couple make sacrifices for their son’s higher education?
Ans: Verma couple was from the illiterate and poor family background. The family condition was in miserable condition. They had done hard work and did many sacrifices for the Rakesh’s higher education and for bright future.
Mr. Varma’s father worked as the vegetable vendor. As his father can’t make much money so he can’t pursue the higher studies. But he worked hard as a kerosene dealer and Rakesh’s mother as the housework to pursue the higher education of his son, Rakesh. They sacrifices their life for Rakesh’s education in Higher Medical College to make them happy and successful in his life.
b. Mr. Varma suffers from diseases one after another after his wife’s death. Would he have enjoyed better health if she had not died before him? Give reasons.
Ans: Yes, he would have enjoyed better health if Rakesh’s mother had not died before him. He suffered from different diseases one after another after the death of his wife. He was quite good when his wife was alive. He was so happy and satisfied when his wife was alive before. But after the death of his wife, he seemed to be strange. His son, Rakesh, banned him from eating his favorite foods and sweets. He would be healthy now if his wife was alive.
c. Dr. Rakesh is divided between a doctor and a son. As a son, he loves his father and worries about his weakening health but as a doctor he is strict on his father’s diet and medicine. In your view, what else could Rakesh have done to make his father’s final years more comfortable?
Ans: As a son, he loves his father and worries about his weakening health but as a doctor he is strict on his father’s diet and medicine. He is a devoted son and always helps to make his father happy but due to health of the father he was worried about father’s health and life.
Rakesh could have done to make his father’s final years more comfortable. He should treat his father friendly rather than shouting at him. Mental support should be provided by him to his father. There should be changes within himself rather than his father as the changes in his father will lead the health issues of his father. He should understand the feelings of his father instead of being tensed for his father’s health.
d. What does the story say about the relationship between grandfather and grand children?
Ans: The story says about the relationship between grandfather and grand children. In this story, Mr. Varma, Rakesh father uses his grandchild to bring his necessary items. He pays them for bringing Jalebis for him because his son, Rakesh prohibited him to eat the unhealthy foods and sweets. From the story, we find the relationship between grandfather and grand children is tricky and innocent.
e. Do you call Rakesh a devoted son? Give reasons.
Ans: Yes, I call Rakesh a devoted son. The reason behind it are as follows:
    • He always and faithful and honest towards his family members especially towards his father.
    • He always takes blessing from his father on each and every occasion.
    • He banned all unhealthy foods in order to make his father’s health better.
    • He did his best to save his mother as a doctor.
    • He always take care of his father as son and as professional doctor.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay on The Parents’ Ambition for their Children in Nepali Society. You must give at least five examples.
Ans: Parents are the supports and ambition of their children in the Nepali society. They sacrifices their life for their children. They are always worried about the future of their children though they may be in any situation. They are always concerned towards their children and their better future life.
Nepali parents always pray for the bright careers of their children. They always show the love and affection towards their children. They always take the first priority for the all round development of the children in each and every activities and help their children to face each and every difficulties situations. Any five examples of it are as follows:
    • Nepali parents always teach their children a good behavior and polite nature towards others.
    • They always move their children forward in each and every situations for the path of success.
    • Nepali parent sacrifices their life for the prosperity and quality education of their children.
    • They always wish to make them a successful person in the life.
    • They always fulfill their each and every desires.
b. Medicines replace our diets in the old age. What can be done to make old age less dependent on medicine?
Ans: Nowadays, people used to prefer medicines rather than following healthy lifestyle. Mainly at the old age, medicines replace our diets. Diets are not been followed in the old age as the important phase of following diet is in old age because a lot of problems and diseases suffered in this age group. As medicines can cure one disease but it may react and create another problems or diseases in the health.
So, the following things can be done to make old age less dependent on medicine:
    • Eat healthy foods and meals and avoiding unhealthy foodstuffs.
    • Doing physical exercises as much they can do it.
    • Following the healthy lifestyle.
    • Mental stress should be neglected and do yoga or others for mental exercise
    • Sufficient intake of nutritious foods and priority should be given on regular physical activity
c. Write an essay on “Care of Elderly Citizens” in about 300 words.
Ans: Elderly people are those people who are physically old and who have crossed the middle age. They can’t do the desired works due to the physical condition. In those phase, love, affection and proper care should be provided to them. They suffer from different diseases and varieties of health-risks and health-problems are seen. Most of them complain about different things. They may be seen depressed sometimes. So, they should be given proper care. They have many expectations in their life from every people.
Elderly people must be respected and provided with proper care. Every people have the responsibilities towards elderly citizens. Elderly citizens have been treated well for their lifelong contributions to us. Out support and care provide them with a hope to live further. But Nowadays people aren’t understanding the importance of elderly people and sending them to the old age home. They prefer to live their life independently without living with their parents rather than living with all the family members. They can’t fulfill the basic needs and desires of their parents.
Elderly citizens should be given first priority but the situation is opposite. This may lead to different problems. So, they should be given proper care by their family members. Proper diets and healthy lifestyle should be followed by them which should be explained by us. The priority should also be given to elderly citizens.

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