Neighbours Summary | Class 12


Tim Winton’s “Neighbours” is a heartwarming tale that delves into the transformation of a young couple’s perception of their immigrant neighbours. Initially repulsed by the unfamiliar customs and activities of their Macedonian and Polish neighbours, the couple attempts to distance themselves. However, as time progresses, they find themselves drawn into the community, thanks to the kindness and assistance of their neighbours.

The story begins with the young couple feeling uneasy about their neighbours’ seemingly strange behaviors, such as the Macedonian family’s loud interactions and the Polish widower’s constant construction work. The young man’s decision to stay home while his wife works outside also raises eyebrows among their neighbours.

Despite their initial discomfort, the couple gradually starts to engage with their neighbours, especially as they receive help with their kitchen garden and henhouse. As the seasons change, so does their relationship with the community. They begin to appreciate the diversity and warmth of their neighbourhood.

When the young woman becomes pregnant, their neighbours shower them with support, gifts, and advice, highlighting the sense of unity and camaraderie within the neighbourhood. The birth of their baby brings everyone together in celebration, and it is during this joyous moment that the young man realizes his prejudices and breaks down in tears.

“Neighbours” beautifully illustrates how cultural differences can be bridged through genuine human connections and kindness. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and acceptance in fostering harmonious communities where people from diverse backgrounds can live together happily.

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