On Libraries Summary | Class 12


Oliver Sacks, renowned neurologist and avid reader, had a childhood steeped in literature and intellectual exploration. Growing up in a library filled with the works of Henrik Ibsen, Rudyard Kipling, Emily Dickinson, and other literary giants, Sacks developed a deep love for books and knowledge. His parents’ collection, ranging from poetry to medical texts, shaped his early years and fueled his curiosity.

The library was not just a place of books for Sacks but a sanctuary of learning and discovery. His mother’s love for literature and his father’s scholarly pursuits instilled in him a reverence for intellectual pursuits from a young age. He spent countless hours immersed in books, even forgetting meals in his pursuit of knowledge.

As he grew older, Sacks continued his intellectual journey in libraries across London and later in Oxford and New York City. From studying astronomy and chemistry to delving into the works of Theodore Hook and other historical figures, Sacks found solace and inspiration in libraries. His favorite among them was the library at Queen’s College, Oxford, where he delved into ancient texts and scientific writings.

However, Sacks also witnessed the changing landscape of libraries, with the advent of digital books and the decline of physical volumes. He lamented the loss of centuries’ worth of knowledge as libraries discarded books in favor of digital resources. To him, the tactile experience of reading a physical book and the thrill of discovering rare volumes were irreplaceable.

Through his experiences in libraries, Sacks cherished the intellectual freedom, community, and serendipity that these institutions offered. He viewed libraries not just as repositories of books but as gateways to the past, present, and future of human knowledge. In his essay “On Libraries,” Sacks celebrates the enduring value of libraries and the importance of preserving physical books as treasures of our collective heritage.

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