Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival Summary | Class 11


Vladimir Keilis-Borok, a distinguished Russian mathematical geophysicist and seismologist, penned the insightful essay “Scientific Research: A Beacon for Humanity’s Survival.” In this compelling piece, Keilis-Borok illuminates the profound impact of science on global progress and survival, transcending national boundaries for common good.

Keilis-Borok commences by extolling the virtues of a scientist’s vocation, highlighting the intrinsic motivation that propels scientists despite their comparatively modest earnings. He emphasizes that the allure of science lies not in material gains but in the exhilaration of discovery and the accolades that follow groundbreaking research. Despite financial constraints, scientists revel in the freedom, camaraderie, and independence afforded by their work.

The narrative then shifts to Keilis-Borok’s personal experience during the height of the Cold War in 1960. Amidst conducting seismic wave research in Moscow, he was unexpectedly summoned to Geneva by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences to discuss nuclear weapons issues. This pivotal moment underscored the critical role of scientists in fostering global peace and averting nuclear catastrophe, transcending political tensions for the greater good of humanity.

The Cold War era was fraught with peril, marked by the menacing specter of nuclear annihilation. Keilis-Borok vividly depicts the palpable fear and imminent threat faced by nations possessing vast nuclear arsenals. However, amidst this turmoil, a ray of hope emerged as major powers deliberated and agreed to halt new nuclear weapons tests, showcasing the pivotal role of science in safeguarding humanity.

As a seismologist with expertise in seismic wave analysis, Keilis-Borok’s knowledge proved invaluable in distinguishing between tremors caused by underground nuclear tests and natural earthquakes. His insights underscore the practicality and relevance of scientific knowledge in addressing real-world challenges and ensuring human survival.

Keilis-Borok contends that scientists are the linchpins of progress, driving innovation across various sectors from defence to entertainment. Their contributions, ranging from antibiotics to biotechnology, have profoundly impacted human lives and advancement.

The essay concludes with a poignant reflection on the perils facing civilization, including natural disasters and man-made crises. Keilis-Borok asserts that science stands as humanity’s unwavering guardian, offering solutions to complex problems and guiding us towards a safer and more sustainable future.

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