Sharing Tradition Summary | Class 11


In “Sharing Tradition,” Frank LaPena presents a compelling case for the preservation of cultural heritage through oral tradition. Highlighting the invaluable role of both elders and the youth, LaPena underscores the importance of transmitting cultural values, norms, and traditions from one generation to the next. This essay explores the essence of oral tradition, not just as a mode of communication, but as a crucial educational tool that connects the past with the future, ensuring the continuity of our cultural identity.

LaPena addresses the challenges facing oral tradition in the modern era, including the void left by the passing of elders, the distractions posed by technology, and changes in the educational system. Despite these obstacles, he advocates for the resilience of oral tradition, emphasizing its role in fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of one’s heritage among the younger generation.

Ultimately, “Sharing Tradition” is a call to action for the preservation of cultural legacies through active engagement and the passing down of knowledge. LaPena articulates a vision where oral tradition serves as a bridge between generations, immortalizing the wisdom of elders and enriching the lives of those yet to come. This essay serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to safeguard our cultural heritage, ensuring its survival for future generations.

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