Smoking | Paragraph

Smoking is drawing tobacco smoke from cigarette, cigar or pipe into the mouth and often into the lungs and puffing it out. The term usually refers to cigarette smoking, the most common form of smoking. People have smoked tobacco for thousands of years. American Indians, for example, smoked tobacco in pipes during religious ceremonies long before white people went to the New World. In the 1500’s, many Europeans began smoking because they believed tobacco had medicinal benefits.
Today, people smoke chiefly for relaxation and pleasure, and to satisfy a craving for nicotine, a chemical substance in cigarette smoke.  In 1964, the United States surgeon general first officially warned of the health hazards of smoking. Since then, there have been numerous reports linking cigarette smoking to heart disease, lung disease; cancer of the lung, mouth and other health issues and other ailments. Cigar and pipe smoking have been lined to cancers of the mouth.

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